National Broadband Network, Spatial Data & Processing

As a spatial practitioner familiar with many aspects of spatial data capture and processing, I have been watching the responses to the opportunity that the National Broadband Network (NBN) offers the people of Australia and its federal, state, local and private spatial practitioners. One hears very little from NBN Co about what it is doingRead More

Selecting all SDO_GTYPE values for all tables/sdo_geometry columns in a schema

A question was asked on the Oracle Technology Network Spatial forum: I am trying to select sdo_gtype from all tables in schema, i mean to execute same sql statement given below for entire schema. Any help on the usage of dynamic sql in PLSQL to execute select statement for all tables in the schema. HereRead More

Usefulness of Spatial Metadata as a Foundation for an Australian and other uses

Disclaimer What follows is a personal opinion based on experience. While many statements appear critical of the people who create and administer spatial metadata in Australia and overseas that is not my intention: we all do what we can do given time, staff constraints and education and training background. Some assertions may appear to beRead More

How to apply spatial constraints to PostGIS tables

This article was written before TypeMod was introduced eg Geometry(Polygon,28355) As I have pointed out in other blog articles, spatial data quality should not engender either/or solutions when building business applications. That is, if I can only create points for parcel centroids that fall within land parcels, then I don’t just build the rule inRead More

To Constrain or Not to Constrain: There should be NO Question

In my consulting travels I, like many other database-loving specialists, find databases with little (a Primary Key, perhaps) or no constraints being applied to the data model managed by a relational database (which may be Oracle, SQL Server, PostgreSQL, MySQL etc). I finalised a report for a Government Department here in Australia recently where thisRead More