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Extracting geometry types from geometry/geography objects in SQL Server 2008
I have pointed out in another blog that the result of an STIntersection() between two polygon objects could result in an object that is not a polygon or multipolygon.
SELECT geometry::STGeomFromText('POLYGON((100 0,400 0,400 300,100 300,100 0))',0).STIntersection( geometry::STGeomFromText('POLYGON((-175 0,100 0,0 75,100 75,100 200,200 325,200 525,-175 525,-175 0))',0)).STAsText() AS INTERSECTION;
Intersection |
GEOMETRYCOLLECTION (POLYGON ((100 200, 180 300, 100 300, 100 200)), LINESTRING (100 200, 100 75), POINT (100 0)) |
Note, the the result is a geometry collection object, composed of a line (1,2,1), a point (5,1,1) and a polygon with a single outer shell.
But if we wanted to write the resultant geometry to a table that contains only polygons, we would need to implement a function that will allow us to extract only the polygons from the resultant collection.
What I have done is write an ExtractGeom function that will allow a user to extract any geometry type from a geometry collection. The function will also allow a user to extract single geometry types (eg POINT) from their multi-geometry (eg MULTIPOINT) equivalents.
Here is the function.
USE [GISDB] -- change this to your database GO -- Create function CREATE FUNCTION dbo.ExtractGeom( @p_geom geometry, @p_geometryType VARCHAR(1000) ) RETURNS @geoms TABLE ( geom geometry ) AS BEGIN DECLARE @v_requiredType VARCHAR(1000) = UPPER(@p_geometryType), @v_GeometryType VARCHAR(1000), @geomn INT; BEGIN -- Test parameters IF ( @p_geom IS NULL ) RETURN; IF ( ( @v_requiredType IS NULL ) OR ( @v_requiredType NOT IN ('POINT','MULTIPOINT','LINESTRING','MULTILINESTRI NG','POLYGON','MULTIPOLYGON' ) ) ) BEGIN -- PRINT '@v_requiredType (' + @v_requiredType + ') is not one of POINT,MULTIPOINT,LINESTRING,MULTILINESTRING,POLYGON,MULTIPOLYGON.'; RETURN; END; -- If both geometry types are same, we can just return the geometry -- SET @v_GeometryType = UPPER(@p_geom.STGeometryType()); IF ( @v_requiredType = @v_GeometryType ) BEGIN INSERT INTO @Geoms ( [geom] ) VALUES ( @p_geom ); RETURN; END; -- Are we wanting a single geometry type from a multi geometry? -- IF ( ( CHARINDEX('MULTI',@v_geometryType) <> 0 ) AND ( CHARINDEX(@v_requiredType,@v_geometryType) <> 0 ) ) BEGIN SET @geomn = 1; WHILE ( @geomn <= @p_geom.STNumGeometries() ) BEGIN INSERT INTO @geoms ( [geom] ) VALUES ( @p_geom.STGeometryN(@geomn) ); SET @geomn = @geomn + 1; END; RETURN; END; -- We only process collections -- IF ( @v_GeometryType <> UPPER('GeometryCollection') ) BEGIN -- PRINT '@p_geometry'' type (' + @v_geometryType + ') is not a GeometryCollection.'; RETURN; END; -- Do Processing -- SET @geomn = 1; WHILE ( @geomn <= @p_geom.STNumGeometries() ) BEGIN SET @v_geometryType = UPPER(@p_geom.STGeometryN(@geomn).STGeometryType()); IF ( @v_GeometryType = UPPER(@v_requiredType) ) BEGIN INSERT INTO @Geoms ( [geom] ) VALUES ( @p_geom.STGeometryN(@geomn) ); END; SET @geomn = @geomn + 1; END; RETURN; END; END GO
Testing it with the above intersection geometry gives us.
SELECT e.geom.STAsText() AS IntersectionGeom FROM dbo.ExtractGeom( geometry::STGeomFromText('POLYGON((100 0,400 0,400 300,100 300,100 0))',0).STIntersection( geometry::STGeomFromText('POLYGON((-175 0,100 0,0 75,100 75,100 200,200 325,200 525,-175 525,-175 0))',0)), 'POLYGON') AS e;
IntersectionGeom |
POLYGON (( 100 200, 180 300, 100 300, 100 200 )) |
As expected.
Now some more tests.
WITH testCollection AS ( SELECT geometry::STGeomFromText('GEOMETRYCOLLECTION ( POLYGON ((0 0, 100 0, 100 100, 0 100, 0 0)), POINT (2 3), MULTIPOINT ((1 1), (2 2), (3 3)), LINESTRING (2 3, 3 4), MULTILINESTRING ((2 3, 3 4), (1 1, 2 2)), POINT (4 5), MULTIPOINT ((1 1), (2 2)), POLYGON ((326000 5455000, 327000 5455000, 326500 5456000, 326000 5455000)), MULTIPOLYGON (((200 200, 400 200, 400 400, 200 400, 200 200)), ((0 0, 100 0, 100 100, 0 100, 0 0))))',0) AS geom ) SELECT 'POINT' AS extractType, e.geom.STAsText() AS geomWKT FROM testCollection a CROSS apply dbo.ExtractGeom(a.geom,'POINT') AS e UNION ALL SELECT 'LINESTRING' AS extractType, e.geom.STAsText() AS geomWKT FROM testCollection a CROSS apply dbo.ExtractGeom(a.geom,'LINESTRING') AS e UNION ALL SELECT 'POLYGON' AS extractType, e.geom.STAsText() AS geomWKT FROM testCollection a CROSS apply dbo.ExtractGeom(a.geom,'POLYGON') AS e UNION ALL SELECT 'MULTIPOINT' AS extractType, e.geom.STAsText() AS geomWKT FROM testCollection a CROSS apply dbo.ExtractGeom(a.geom,'MULTIPOINT') AS e UNION ALL SELECT 'MULTILINESTRING' AS extractType, e.geom.STAsText() AS geomWKT FROM testCollection a CROSS apply dbo.ExtractGeom(a.geom,'MULTILINESTRING') AS e UNION ALL SELECT 'MULTIPOLYGON' AS extractType, e.geom.STAsText() AS geomWKT FROM testCollection a CROSS apply dbo.ExtractGeom(a.geom,'MULTIPOLYGON') AS e;
extractType | geomWKT |
POINT | POINT (2 3) |
POINT | POINT (4 5) |
POLYGON | POLYGON ((0 0, 100 0, 100 100, 0 100, 0 0)) |
POLYGON | POLYGON ((326000 5455000, 327000 5455000, 326500 5456000, 326000 5455000)) |
MULTIPOINT | MULTIPOINT ((1 1), (2 2), (3 3)) |
MULTIPOINT | MULTIPOINT ((1 1), (2 2)) |
MULTILINESTRING | MULTILINESTRING ((2 3, 3 4), (1 1, 2 2)) |
MULTIPOLYGON | MULTIPOLYGON (((200 200, 400 200, 400 400, 200 400, 200 200)), ((0 0, 100 0, 100 100, 0 100, 0 0))) |
Let’s now extract single objects from their multi equivalients.
-- Now extra singles from multis... -- SELECT 'POINT' AS extractType,e.geom.STAsText() AS geomWKT FROM dbo.ExtractGeom(geometry::STGeomFromText('MULTIPOINT((1 1),(2 2),(3 3))',0),'POINT') AS e UNION ALL SELECT 'LINESTRING' AS extractType,e.geom.STAsText() AS geomWKT FROM dbo.ExtractGeom(geometry::STGeomFromText('MULTILINESTRING((2 3 4,3 4 5),(1 1,2 2))',0),'LINESTRING') AS e UNION ALL SELECT 'POLYGON' AS extractType,e.geom.STAsText() AS geomWKT FROM dbo.ExtractGeom(geometry::STGeomFromText('MULTIPOLYGON (((200 200, 400 200, 400 400, 200 400, 200 200)), ((0 0, 100 0, 100 100, 0 100, 0 0), (40 40, 40 60, 60 60, 60 40, 40 40)))',0),'POLYGON') AS e;
extractType | geomWKT |
POINT | POINT (1 1) |
POINT | POINT (2 2) |
POINT | POINT (3 3) |
POLYGON | POLYGON ((200 200, 400 200, 400 400, 200 400, 200 200)) |
POLYGON | POLYGON ((0 0, 100 0, 100 100, 0 100, 0 0), (40 40, 40 60, 60 60, 60 40, 40 40)) |
Sometimes, having a set of “wrapper” functions is rather useful. Here are a bunch over the top of our ExtractGeom function.
CREATE FUNCTION dbo.ExtractPolyGeom( @p_polygon geometry ) RETURNS @geoms TABLE ( geom geometry ) AS BEGIN INSERT INTO @geoms SELECT a.geom FROM dbo.ExtractGeom(@p_polygon,'POLYGON') AS a; RETURN; END GO -- Linestring CREATE FUNCTION dbo.ExtractLineGeom( @p_linestring geometry ) RETURNS @geoms TABLE ( geom geometry ) AS BEGIN INSERT INTO @geoms SELECT a.geom FROM dbo.ExtractGeom(@p_linestring,'LINESTRING') AS a; RETURN; END GO -- Point CREATE FUNCTION dbo.ExtractPointGeom( @p_point geometry ) RETURNS @geoms TABLE ( geom geometry ) AS BEGIN INSERT INTO @geoms SELECT a.geom FROM dbo.ExtractGeom(@p_POINT,'POINT') AS a; RETURN; END GO -- MultiPolyon CREATE FUNCTION dbo.ExtractMPolyGeom( @p_multipolygon geometry ) RETURNS @geoms TABLE ( geom geometry ) AS BEGIN INSERT INTO @geoms SELECT a.geom FROM dbo.ExtractGeom(@p_multipolygon,'MULTIPOLYGON') AS a; RETURN; END GO -- MultiLinestring CREATE FUNCTION dbo.ExtractMLineGeom( @p_multilinestring geometry ) RETURNS @geoms TABLE ( geom geometry ) AS BEGIN INSERT INTO @geoms SELECT a.geom FROM dbo.ExtractGeom(@p_multilinestring,'MULTILINESTRING') AS a; RETURN; END GO -- MultiPoint CREATE FUNCTION dbo.ExtractMPointGeom( @p_multipoint geometry ) RETURNS @geoms TABLE ( geom geometry ) AS BEGIN INSERT INTO @geoms SELECT a.geom FROM dbo.ExtractGeom(@p_multipoint,'MULTIPOINT') AS a; RETURN; END GO
Now, let’s test each of these functions.
-- Test Wrappers -- WITH testCollection AS ( SELECT geometry::STGeomFromText('GEOMETRYCOLLECTION ( POLYGON ((0 0, 100 0, 100 100, 0 100, 0 0)), POINT (2 3), MULTIPOINT ((1 1), (2 2), (3 3)), LINESTRING (2 3, 3 4), MULTILINESTRING ((2 3, 3 4), (1 1, 2 2)), POINT (4 5), MULTIPOINT ((1 1), (2 2)), POLYGON ((326000 5455000, 327000 5455000, 326500 5456000, 326000 5455000)), MULTIPOLYGON (((200 200, 400 200, 400 400, 200 400, 200 200)), ((0 0, 100 0, 100 100, 0 100, 0 0))))',0) AS geom ) SELECT 'ExtractPointGeom' AS func, e.geom.STAsText() AS geomWKT FROM testCollection a CROSS apply dbo.ExtractPointGeom(a.geom) AS e UNION ALL SELECT 'ExtractLineGeom' AS func, e.geom.STAsText() AS geomWKT FROM testCollection a CROSS apply dbo.ExtractLineGeom(a.geom) AS e UNION ALL SELECT 'ExtractPolyGeom' AS func, e.geom.STAsText() AS geomWKT FROM testCollection a CROSS apply dbo.ExtractPolyGeom(a.geom) AS e UNION ALL SELECT 'ExtractMPointGeom' AS func, e.geom.STAsText() AS geomWKT FROM testCollection a CROSS apply dbo.ExtractMPointGeom(a.geom) AS e UNION ALL SELECT 'ExtractMLineGeom' AS func, e.geom.STAsText() AS geomWKT FROM testCollection a CROSS apply dbo.ExtractMLineGeom(a.geom) AS e UNION ALL SELECT 'ExtractMPolyGeom' AS func, e.geom.STAsText() AS geomWKT FROM testCollection a CROSS apply dbo.ExtractMPolyGeom(a.geom) AS e;
func | geomWKT |
ExtractPointGeom | POINT (2 3) |
ExtractPointGeom | POINT (4 5) |
ExtractLineGeom | LINESTRING (2 3, 3 4) |
ExtractPolyGeom | POLYGON ((0 0, 100 0, 100 100, 0 100, 0 0)) |
ExtractPolyGeom | POLYGON ((326000 5455000, 327000 5455000, 326500 5456000, 326000 5455000)) |
ExtractMPointGeom | MULTIPOINT ((1 1), (2 2), (3 3)) |
ExtractMPointGeom | MULTIPOINT ((1 1), (2 2)) |
ExtractMLineGeom | MULTILINESTRING ((2 3, 3 4), (1 1, 2 2)) |
ExtractMPolyGeom | MULTIPOLYGON (((200 200, 400 200, 400 400, 200 400, 200 200)), ((0 0, 100 0, 100 100, 0 100, 0 0))) |
Singles from Multis
Here is how we can use one of these wrapper functions to extract a single geometry type from its multi-geometry.
-- One single from multi -- SELECT e.geom.STAsText() AS linestrings FROM dbo.ExtractLineGeom(geometry::STGeomFromText('MULTILINESTRING((2 3 4,3 4 5),(1 1,2 2))',0)) AS e;
linestrings |
LINESTRING (2 3, 3 4) |
LINESTRING (1 1, 2 2) |
This function is for the geometry object type but we can use it for geography objects via use of the toGeometry/toGeography functions.
SELECT e.geom.STAsText() AS geogWKT FROM dbo.ExtractGeom( dbo.toGeometry(geography::STGeomFromText('MULTILINESTRING((148.0 -44.0, 148.0 -43.0, 147.0 -43.0),(147.0 -44.0, 148.0 -44.0), (147.4 -43.6, 147.2 -43.6, 147.2 -43.2, 147.4 -43.2, 147.4 -43.6))',4326), 0), 'LINESTRING') AS e;
geogWKT |
LINESTRING (148 -44, 148 -43, 147 -43) |
LINESTRING (147 -44, 148 -44) |
LINESTRING (147.4 -43.6, 147.2 -43.6, 147.2 -43.2, 147.4 -43.2, 147.4 -43.6) |
I hope these functions are useful to someone.
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