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Using Oracle’s ST_GEOMETRY type hierarchy with SDO_GEOMETRY: ST_PointN and ST_NumPoints
Oracle Spatial has, for many versions, made available an implementation of the OpenGIS SFS type hierarchy.
Today I will show how to use this type hierarchy do extract points from an SDO_GEOMETRY.
The first example extracts the first and last point from a linestring constructed from Well Known Text.
WITH DATA AS ( SELECT TREAT(ST_Geometry.FROM_WKT('LINESTRING(0 0,1 1)',28355) AS ST_Curve) AS line FROM dual ) SELECT a.line.ST_GeometryType() AS geometry_type, a.line.ST_PointN(1).GET_WKT() AS first_point, a.line.ST_PointN(a.line.ST_NumPoints()).GET_WKT() AS last_point FROM DATA A; GEOMETRY_TYPE FIRST_POINT LAST_POINT ------------- --------------- --------------- ST_LINESTRING POINT (0.0 0.0) POINT (1.0 1.0)
The second example finds the first and last point from an SDO_GEOMETRYconstructed from that type.
WITH DATA AS ( SELECT mdsys.ST_CURVE( SDO_GEOMETRY(2002,28355,NULL,SDO_ELEM_INFO_ARRAY(1,2,1),SDO_ORDINATE_ARRAY(0,0,1,1,2,2)) ) AS line FROM dual ) SELECT a.line.ST_GeometryType() AS geometry_type, a.line.ST_PointN(1).GET_WKT() AS first_point, a.line.ST_PointN(a.line.ST_NumPoints()).GET_WKT() AS last_point FROM DATA a; GEOMETRY_TYPE FIRST_POINT LAST_POINT ------------- --------------- --------------- ST_LINESTRING POINT (0.0 0.0) POINT (2.0 2.0)
The last example shows how to extract the first and last point from the exterior ring of a polygon.
WITH DATA AS ( SELECT TREAT( mdsys.ST_Polygon.FROM_WKT( 'POLYGON((0 0,1 0,1 1,0 1,0 0))',28355 ) AS ST_POLYGON) AS poly FROM dual ) SELECT a.poly.ST_GeometryType() AS geometry_type, treat(a.poly.ST_ExteriorRing() AS ST_Curve).ST_PointN(1).GET_WKT() AS first_point, treat(a.poly.ST_ExteriorRing() AS ST_Curve).ST_PointN(a.poly.ST_ExteriorRing().ST_NumPoints()).GET_WKT() AS last_point FROM DATA A; GEOMETRY_TYPE FIRST_POINT LAST_POINT ------------- --------------- --------------- ST_POLYGON POINT (0.0 0.0) POINT (0.0 0.0)
Oracle’s ST_GEOMETRY is a true type hierarchy. TREAT is an Oracle function that casts an object to another related type. One cannot cast/TREAT an ST_LINESTRING to a ST_POLYGON as ST_LINESTRING does not inherit from ST_POLYGON.
I hope this is of use to someone.
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