STLine2Cogo: Converting LineStrings to COGO XML

I have just written a useful function for my new package of TSQL functions for SQL Server Spatial called STLine2Cogo which converts (exports) a (Multi)LineString into a set of instructions (bearing, distances etc) that can be shared with other COGO functions.

The function’s documentation can be seen at this STLine2Cogo

Here are some examples:

 -- Write 2D with DMS string bearings
 SELECT [cogo].[STLine2Cogo] (
           geometry::STGeomFromText('LINESTRING (10 10, 8.163 17.034, 158.755 35.432, 157.565 25.108)',0),
 <Cogo srid="0">
       <MoveTo>POINT (10 10)</MoveTo>
       <DegMinSec> 345°21'48.75"</DegMinSec>
       <DegMinSec>  83° 2'4.652"</DegMinSec>
       <DegMinSec> 186°34'30.73"</DegMinSec>
 -- Write decimal degrees bearings and maintain 3D.
 SELECT [cogo].[STLine2Cogo] (
           geometry::STGeomFromText('LINESTRING (10 10 -1, 8.163 17.034 0, 158.755 35.432 2, 157.565 25.108 5)',0),
 <Cogo srid="0">
       <MoveTo>POINT (10 10 -1)</MoveTo>

The following code converts the shown LineString to a table of COGO values.

 SELECT [cogo].[STLine2COGO](geometry::STGeomFromText('LINESTRING (382.875 -422.76, 381.038 -415.726, 531.63 -397.328, 530.44 -407.652, 543.796 -406.729, 542.673 -415.759, 603.73 -415.063, 603.693 -403.377, 614.665 -404.601, 612.239 -376.561, 617.793 -375.878)',28356),
                             NULL,NULL,NULL) AS t

The result is:

 <Cogo srid="28356">
       <MoveTo>POINT (382.875 -422.76)</MoveTo>

A final test it to convert a line to Cogo and then create the line from that Cogo.
They should be the same:

 WITH line AS (
   SELECT geometry::STGeomFromText('LINESTRING (10 10 -1, 8.163 17.034 0, 158.755 35.432 2, 157.565 25.108 5)',0) AS line
 SELECT a.line.STEquals(
         [cogo].[STCogo2Line] (
           [cogo].[STLine2Cogo] (a.line,CHAR(176),CHAR(39), '"'),
           3, 2
         )) AS isEquals
   FROM line AS a

I hope this is of interest to someone.