Compute Location from known Lat/Long point using delta easting and northing in miles
Over on the Oracle Spatial Forum at the Technology Network, Wojciech asked the following question:
My problem looks that way:
lets say we have a point:
8307, -- SDO_SRID SDO_ORDINATE_ARRAY ( -77, -- Longitude 39 -- Latitude )
I want to get a location of a point 50 miles east and 30 miles north from the point presented here.
Do you know how to achieve this?
There is a function in the SDO_UTIL package – SDO_UTIL.POINT_AT_BEARING -that allows you to create a new point at a bearing and distance from a known point, but there is no function that allows one to compute a new point from an existing point using a delta distance in x and y.
Obviously for projected data one can do this via Pythagoras on the X and Y ordinates but for geographic/geodetic there is no method available to do this accurately. You have to write it yourself.
Which is what this blog article is all about.
Now, the function presented will only generate an approximate location for the new point but it may suffice for some.
The approach requires us to convert miles into decimal degrees in both longitude and latitude at the actual location of the known point. Why? Because the length subtended by a degree of longitude changes as you move from the Equator to the Pole. And at any one point on the globe that length in longitude is different from that in latitude.
So, how can I compute this value. The following method takes the starting point and creates two points a whole number of degrees of longitude and latitude away from it (in the case below 0.1 degrees). Then, Oracle’s sdo_geom.sdo_distance method is used to find out how many miles each of these decimal degree values subtends.
WITH longLat AS ( SELECT sdo_geometry(2001,8307,sdo_point_type(-77.0 ,39.0,NULL),NULL,NULL) AS pt1, sdo_geometry(2001,8307,sdo_point_type(-77.0+unit,39.0,NULL),NULL,NULL) AS pt2, sdo_geometry(2001,8307,sdo_point_type(-77.0 ,39.0+unit,NULL),NULL,NULL) AS pt3 FROM (SELECT 0.1 AS unit FROM dual) ) SELECT sdo_geom.sdo_distance(l.pt1,l.pt2,0.005,'unit=MILE') AS unitLongMiles, sdo_geom.sdo_distance(l.pt1,l.pt3,0.005,'unit=MILE') AS unitLatMiles FROM longLat l; -- Results UNITLONGMILES UNITLATMILES ---------------- ---------------- 5.38271491729028 6.89824146515357
OK, now that we know the distances in miles we can compute the number of degrees of longitude and latitude covered by the required delta of 50 miles east and 30 miles north from that point.
WITH longLat AS ( SELECT sdo_geometry(2001,8307,sdo_point_type(-77.0 ,39.0,NULL),NULL,NULL) AS pt1, sdo_geometry(2001,8307,sdo_point_type(-77.0+unit,39.0,NULL),NULL,NULL) AS pt2, sdo_geometry(2001,8307,sdo_point_type(-77.0 ,39.0+unit,NULL),NULL,NULL) AS pt3, 50.0 AS eastMile, 30.0 AS northMile, unit FROM (SELECT 0.1 AS unit FROM dual) ) SELECT round(sdo_geom.sdo_distance(l.pt1,l.pt2,0.005,'unit=MILE'),9) AS unitLongMiles, round(sdo_geom.sdo_distance(l.pt1,l.pt3,0.005,'unit=MILE'),9) AS unitLatMiles, round(l.eastMile /sdo_geom.sdo_distance(l.pt1,l.pt2,0.005,'unit=MILE') * l.unit,9) AS eastDeltaInDegrees, round(l.northMile/sdo_geom.sdo_distance(l.pt1,l.pt3,0.005,'unit=MILE') * l.unit,9) AS northDeltaInDegrees FROM longLat l; -- Results UNITLONGMILES UNITLATMILES EASTDELTAINDEGREES NORTHDELTAINDEGREES ------------- ------------ ------------------ ------------------- 5.382714917 6.898241465 0.928899278 0.434893446
We can compute the new point via the following SQL:
WITH longLat AS ( SELECT sdo_geometry(2001,8307,sdo_point_type(-77.0 ,39.0,NULL),NULL,NULL) AS pt1, sdo_geometry(2001,8307,sdo_point_type(-77.0+unit,39.0,NULL),NULL,NULL) AS pt2, sdo_geometry(2001,8307,sdo_point_type(-77.0 ,39.0+unit,NULL),NULL,NULL) AS pt3, 50.0 AS eastMile, 30.0 AS northMile, unit FROM (SELECT 0.1 AS unit FROM dual) ) SELECT f.pt1,f.pt2, ROUND(sdo_geom.sdo_distance(f.pt1,f.pt2,0.005,'unit=MILE'),3) AS dist, ROUND(SQRT(50.0*50.0+30.0*30.0),3) AS roughDistCheck FROM (SELECT b.pt1, sdo_geometry(2001,8307, sdo_point_type(ROUND(b.pt1.sdo_point.x+b.longDelta,8), ROUND(b.pt1.sdo_point.y+b.latDelta,8),NULL), NULL,NULL) AS pt2 FROM (SELECT round(l.eastMile/sdo_geom.sdo_distance(l.pt1, l.pt2,0.005,'unit=MILE')*l.unit,9) AS longDelta, round(l.northMile/sdo_geom.sdo_distance(l.pt1,l.pt3,0.005,'unit=MILE')*l.unit,9) AS latDelta, l.pt1 FROM longLat l ) b ) f; -- Results PT1 PT2 DIST ROUGHDISTCHECK ------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ -------------- SDO_GEOMETRY(2001,8307,SDO_POINT_TYPE(-77,39,NULL),NULL,NULL) SDO_GEOMETRY(2001,8307,SDO_POINT_TYPE(-76.07110072,39.43489345,NULL),NULL,NULL) 58.178 58.31
Now, let’s put this all together into a function.
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION pointFromDelta(p_geometry IN mdsys.sdo_geometry, p_delta_x IN NUMBER, p_delta_y IN NUMBER, p_unit_deg IN NUMBER, p_units IN varchar2 := NULL, p_tolerance IN NUMBER := 0.05, p_round_factor IN pls_integer := 9) RETURN sdo_geometry deterministic AS v_pt mdsys.sdo_geometry := p_geometry; v_ptX mdsys.sdo_geometry; v_ptY mdsys.sdo_geometry; v_round_factor NUMBER := NVL(p_round_factor,9); v_units varchar2(100) := CASE WHEN p_units IS NOT NULL THEN CASE WHEN INSTR(UPPER(p_units),'UNIT=')=0 THEN 'UNIT=' || UPPER(p_units) ELSE p_units END END; BEGIN IF (p_geometry IS NULL OR p_geometry.sdo_point IS NULL OR p_unit_deg IS NULL) THEN RETURN p_geometry; END IF; v_pt := NEW mdsys.sdo_geometry(p_geometry.sdo_gtype, p_geometry.sdo_srid, sdo_point_type(p_geometry.sdo_point.x, p_geometry.sdo_point.y, NULL), NULL,NULL); v_ptX := NEW mdsys.sdo_geometry(p_geometry.sdo_gtype, p_geometry.sdo_srid, sdo_point_type(p_geometry.sdo_point.x+p_unit_deg, p_geometry.sdo_point.y, NULL), NULL,NULL); v_ptY := NEW mdsys.sdo_geometry(p_geometry.sdo_gtype, p_geometry.sdo_srid, sdo_point_type(p_geometry.sdo_point.x, p_geometry.sdo_point.y+p_unit_deg, NULL), NULL,NULL); RETURN CASE WHEN v_units IS NULL THEN sdo_geometry(2001, p_geometry.sdo_srid, sdo_point_type(ROUND(v_pt.sdo_point.x+(p_delta_x/sdo_geom.sdo_distance(v_pt,v_ptX,p_tolerance)*p_unit_deg),v_round_factor), ROUND(v_pt.sdo_point.y+(p_delta_y/sdo_geom.sdo_distance(v_pt,v_ptY,p_tolerance)*p_unit_deg),v_round_factor), NULL), NULL,NULL) ELSE sdo_geometry(2001, p_geometry.sdo_srid, sdo_point_type(ROUND(v_pt.sdo_point.x+(p_delta_x/sdo_geom.sdo_distance(v_pt,v_ptX,p_tolerance,v_units)*p_unit_deg),v_round_factor), ROUND(v_pt.sdo_point.y+(p_delta_y/sdo_geom.sdo_distance(v_pt,v_ptY,p_tolerance,v_units)*p_unit_deg),v_round_factor), NULL), NULL,NULL) END; END pointFromDelta; / FUNCTION pointFromDelta compiled SHOW errors No Errors.
Testing this we get:
WITH pt AS ( SELECT sdo_geometry(2001,8307,sdo_point_type(-77,39,NULL),NULL,NULL) AS pt, 0.1 AS unit FROM dual ) SELECT, pointFromDelta(,50.0,30.0,p.unit,'UNIT=MILE',0.05,9), ROUND(sdo_geom.sdo_distance(, pointFromDelta(,50.0,30.0,p.unit,'UNIT=MILE',0.05,9), 0.005,'unit=MILE'),4) AS dist, ROUND(SQRT(50.0*50.0+30.0*30.0),4) AS roughDistCheck FROM pt p; -- Results PT POINTFROMDELTA(P.PT,50.0,30.0,0.1,'UNIT=MILE',0.05,9) DIST ROUGHDISTCHECK ------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ -------------- SDO_GEOMETRY(2001,8307,SDO_POINT_TYPE(-77,39,NULL),NULL,NULL) SDO_GEOMETRY(2001,8307,SDO_POINT_TYPE(-76.071100722,39.434893446,NULL),NULL,NULL) 58.178 58.3095
Don’t forget that the ROUGHDISTCHECK is just a Pythagoras of the delta east and north on a flat plane. This approach isn’t all that accurate.
Alternate method using SDO_UTIL POINT_AT_BEARING
There is an alternate approach that writing this article reminded me was possible. And that is to use the SDO_UTIL.POINT_AT_BEARING function as follows:
WITH longLat AS ( SELECT sdo_geometry(2001,8307,sdo_point_type(-77.0,39.0,NULL),NULL,NULL) AS pt1, 50.0 AS eastMile, 30.0 AS northMile, unit FROM (SELECT 0.1 AS unit FROM dual) ) SELECT f.pt2, ROUND(sdo_geom.sdo_distance(f.pt1,f.pt2,0.005,'unit=MILE'),3) AS dist FROM (SELECT l.pt1, SDO_UTIL.POINT_AT_BEARING( SDO_UTIL.POINT_AT_BEARING(l.pt1, DECODE(SIGN(l.eastMile),1.570796326794895,0,-1.570796326794895), codesys.geom.Convert_Unit( 'MILE',l.eastMile, 'Meter')), DECODE(SIGN(l.northMile),3.14159265358979,0,-3.14159265358979), codesys.geom.Convert_Unit('MILE',l.northMile, 'Meter')) AS pt2 FROM longLat l ) f; -- Results PT2 DIST -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ SDO_GEOMETRY(2001,8307,NULL,SDO_ELEM_INFO_ARRAY(1,1,1),SDO_ORDINATE_ARRAY(-77.9288670026001,38.5613888205277)) 58.571
That is, go either 90 degrees to the East for +Eastings and 0 degrees to the North for +northings (or -90/270 for -Eastings and 180 degrees south for -northings).
Note that the distance difference between the two methods is 58.178 for my method and 58.571 for the method using the Oracle function. Knowing that a distance in longitude changes by latitude this may be affecting the second method as the conversion routine from Miles to Meters (SDO_UTIL.POINT_AT_BEARING requires distances in Meters) will not take this into account.
Something could be done using spherical or spheroidal math, but you would have to approach me directly to see if I would be interested coding something.
Anyway, I hope this is of help to someone.