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How to calculate cumulative length of a linestring, or the truck tonnage that accumulates across a set of roads
Sometimes one needs to be able to calculate the cumulative length of a linestring. That is, the contribution of each vertex-to-vertex segment of a linestring to its total length. We will demonstrate this with Oracle and SQL Server.
A different but related problem is to compute the cumulative value of a quantity using one or more linestrings. For example, compute the total tonnage that trucks carry over a common set of roads over a time interval eg a year. We will demonstrate with SQL Server Spatial.
Oracle – Cumulative Length (1)
With Oracle we demonstrate how to compute cumulative length via two different methods.
The first uses ordinary Locator functionality as follows:
SELECT segment_id, segment_length, SUM(segment_length) OVER (PARTITION BY 1 ORDER BY segment_id) AS cumulative_length FROM (SELECT segment_id, sdo_geom.sdo_distance( sdo_geometry(2001,8307,sdo_point_type(f.x1,f.y1,NULL),NULL,NULL), sdo_geometry(2001,8307,sdo_point_type(f.x2,f.y2,NULL),NULL,NULL),0.05) AS segment_length FROM (SELECT AS segment_id, v.x AS x1,v.y AS y1, lead(v.x,1) OVER (ORDER BY AS x2, lead(v.y,1) OVER (ORDER BY AS y2 FROM TABLE(sdo_util.getvertices( SDO_GEOMETRY(2002,8307,NULL, SDO_ELEM_INFO_ARRAY(1,2,1), SDO_ORDINATE_ARRAY(2.543362, 49.019445, 2.543362, 49.01940, 2.543037, 49.01935)))) v ) f WHERE f.x2 IS NOT NULL AND f.y2 IS NOT NULL ) g; -- Results -- SEGMENT_ID SEGMENT_LENGTH CUMULATIVE_LENGTH ---------- -------------- ----------------- 1 5.00479112866628 5.00479112866628 2 24.4133261026822 29.41811723134848
Oracle – Cumulative Length (2)
Another method is to use my ST_Vectorize function as follows:
SELECT segment_id, segment_length, SUM(segment_length) OVER (partition BY 1 ORDER BY segment_id) AS cumulative_length FROM (SELECT AS segment_id, sdo_geom.sdo_length(v.AsSdoGeometry(8307),0.005) AS segment_length FROM TABLE(LINEAR.ST_Vectorize( SDO_GEOMETRY(2002,8307,NULL, SDO_ELEM_INFO_ARRAY(1,2,1), SDO_ORDINATE_ARRAY(2.543362, 49.019445, 2.543362, 49.01940, 2.543037, 49.01935)))) v ); -- Results -- SEGMENT_ID SEGMENT_LENGTH CUMULATIVE_LENGTH ---------- ---------------- ----------------- 1 5.00479112866628 5.00479112866628 2 24.4133261026822 29.41811723134848
Oracle – Cumulative Length (3)
And finally, one can use SDO_LRS to populate the Measure attribute with length values as follows (hat tip to Jörn-Uwe Müller):
SELECT id as segment_id, z - lag(z) OVER (ORDER BY id) as segment_length, z as cumulative_length FROM (SELECT SDO_GEOMETRY(2002,8307,NULL,SDO_ELEM_INFO_ARRAY(1,2,1),SDO_ORDINATE_ARRAY(2.543362, 49.019445,2.543362, 49.01940,2.543037, 49.01935)) line FROM dual), sdo_util.getvertices(SDO_LRS.CONVERT_TO_LRS_GEOM(line)); -- Results -- SEGMENT_ID SEGMENT_LENGTH CUMULATIVE_LENGTH ---------- -------------- ----------------- 1 0 2 5.00479113 5.00479113 3 24.4133261 29.4181172
SQL Server – Cumulative Length (1)
This SQL Server Spatial calculation only uses native database methods (except the generate_series TSQL function available with the package of TSQL functions available from the Shop on this website).
Note that the calculations are done using a geography object.
WITH data AS ( SELECT geography::STGeomFromText('LINESTRING(2.543362 49.019445,2.543362 49.01940, 2.543037 49.01935)',4326) as geom ) SELECT f.segment_id, f.segment_length, SUM(f.segment_length) OVER (PARTITION BY 1 ORDER BY f.segment_id) AS cumulative_length, SUM(f.segment_length) OVER (PARTITION BY 1 ORDER BY f.segment_id) / f.total_length * 100.0 AS cumulative_percentage FROM (SELECT gs.IntValue AS segment_id, a.geom.STPointN(gs.IntValue).STDistance(a.geom.STPointN(gs.IntValue+1)) as segment_length, a.geom.STLength() as total_length FROM data as a CROSS APPLY [dbo].[generate_series](1,a.geom.STNumPoints()-1,1) as gs ) f ORDER BY cumulative_length; GO -- Results segment_id segment_length cumulative_length cumulative_percentage 1 5.00445514271847 5.00445514271847 17.011690661358 2 24.413286117332 29.4177412600505 100
SQL Server – Cumulative Length (2)
This method uses the STSegmentize function which is one of the TSQL functions available from the shop at this website. This function segments the supplied linestring returning each segment and other metadata such as segment length and cumulative length.
With data as ( select 1 as gid, geometry::STGeomFromText('LINESTRING(-1 0, 0 1, 0 2, -1 3, -1 4, 0 5, 0 8, -1 9)',0) as geom ) SELECT, s.cumulative_length, s.cumulative_length / a.geom.STLength() * 100.0 as cumulative_percentage, s.segment FROM data as a cross apply [dbo].[STSegmentize](a.geom,'ALL',null,null,null,null,3,3,3) as s; GO -- Results id cumulative_length cumulative_percentage segment 1 1.4142135623731 13.2704598304932 0x000000000114000000000000F0BF00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000F03F 2 2.41421356237309 22.6540919660986 0x0000000001140000000000000000000000000000F03F00000000000000000000000000000040 3 3.82842712474619 35.9245517965918 0x00000000011400000000000000000000000000000040000000000000F0BF0000000000000840 4 4.82842712474619 45.3081839321973 0x000000000114000000000000F0BF0000000000000840000000000000F0BF0000000000001040 5 6.24264068711928 58.5786437626905 0x000000000114000000000000F0BF000000000000104000000000000000000000000000001440 6 9.24264068711928 86.7295401695068 0x0000000001140000000000000000000000000000144000000000000000000000000000002040 7 10.6568542494924 100 0x00000000011400000000000000000000000000002040000000000000F0BF0000000000002240
SQL Server – Cumulative Length (3)
This method uses the STAddMeasure function which is one of the TSQL functions available from the shop at this website. This function creates a measure value for each vertex based on the length of the line. The STDumpPoints returns return each point and other metadata such as the Measure (M) which is used to compute segment and cumulative length.
use devdb go With data as ( select 1 as gid, [lrs].[STAddMeasure](geometry::STGeomFromText('LINESTRING(-1 0, 0 1, 0 2, -1 3, -1 4, 0 5, 0 8, -1 9)',0),null,null,3,3) as geom ) SELECT s.uid, s.m - (lag(s.m,1) over (order by s.uid)) as segment_length, s.m as cumulative_length, s.m / a.geom.STLength() * 100.0 as cumulative_percentage FROM data as a cross apply [dbo].[STDumpPoints](a.geom) as s; -- Results -- uid segment_length cumulative_length cumulative_percentage 1 NULL 0 0 2 1.414 1.414 13.2684558397461 3 1 2.414 22.6520879753515 4 1.414 3.828 35.9205438150976 5 1 4.828 45.304175950703 6 1.415 6.243 58.5820154225847 7 3 9.243 86.732911829401 8 1.414 10.657 100.001367669147
SQL Server Spatial – Cumulative Tonnage
Trucks carry goods over shared roads. The total tonnage that is carried over any one road can be computed by recording the individual routes each truck drives (eg create Directions in Google Maps), collect all the routes together (including the tonnages carried for each route), break all the linestring routes into their fundamental segments (a 2 vertex, from-to, linestring) and SUM the tonnage as shown in the following SQL. The SQL uses the [dbo].[STVectorize] function that is shipped with the TSQL function available for download from the Shop on this site.
WITH data as ( select 1 as gid,50 as tonnes, geometry::STGeomFromText('LINESTRING(-1 0, 0 1, 0 2, -1 3, -1 4, 0 5, 0 8, -1 9)',0) as geom union all select 2 as gid,200 as tonnes, geometry::STGeomFromText('LINESTRING(0 0, 0 1, 0 2, 0 3, 0 5, 0 8, 0 9)',0) as geom union all select 3 as gid,300 as tonnes, geometry::STGeomFromText('LINESTRING(-1 0,0 1, 0 2, 1 3, 1 4, 0 5, 0 7, 1 8)',0) as geom ) SELECT dbo.STMakeLineXY(,,f.ex,f.ey,0,2).STAsText() as geom, sum(f.tonnes) as sum_tonnage, count(*) share_count FROM (SELECT a.tonnes,,, v.ex,v.ey FROM data as a CROSS APPLY [dbo].[STVectorize](a.geom) v ) f GROUP BY,,f.ex,f.ey ORDER BY,; GO
NOTE: The truck route linestrings have to be defined on the same/common road network as all other routes. If the routes are GPS track logs, substantial spatial processing/editing will need to be carried out on them before running the above SQL.
geom | sum_tonnage | share_count |
LINESTRING (-1 0, 0 1) | 350 | 2 |
LINESTRING (-1 3, -1 4) | 50 | 1 |
LINESTRING (-1 4, 0 5) | 50 | 1 |
LINESTRING (0 0, 0 1) | 200 | 1 |
LINESTRING (0 1, 0 2) | 550 | 3 |
LINESTRING (0 2, -1 3) | 50 | 1 |
LINESTRING (0 2, 0 3) | 200 | 1 |
LINESTRING (0 2, 1 3) | 300 | 1 |
LINESTRING (0 3, 0 5) | 200 | 1 |
LINESTRING (0 5, 0 7) | 300 | 1 |
LINESTRING (0 5, 0 8) | 250 | 2 |
LINESTRING (0 7, 1 8) | 300 | 1 |
LINESTRING (0 8, -1 9) | 50 | 1 |
LINESTRING (0 8, 0 9) | 200 | 1 |
LINESTRING (1 3, 1 4) | 300 | 1 |
LINESTRING (1 4, 0 5) | 300 | 1 |
I hope this is of help to someone.
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