Implementing Point-based Costs in pgRouting
Implementing Point-based Costs in pgRouting
pgRouting is a great tool but it does have certain limitations.
One limitation is that one cannot have costs at specific nodes.
All costs have to be edge based.
Discussion on Node/Edge Costs in pgModeler
For example, suppose a network has a stop valve between two pipes. Normally the stop value is open (no cost to traverse) but when it is closed pgRouting should not be able to create a network trace that crosses the closed value.
Since pgRouting does not have the ability to create costs via points, and needs all costs to be expressed on edges, a method is needed to enable such a cost to be added to the network in order to affect any network tracing pgRouting may execute.
Here is my method for doing this.
(All scripts are available via a link at the end of the article.)
1. Create and Load a table containing network edges described by linestrings.
-- Create and load table. -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS CASCADE; CREATE TABLE ( id integer NOT NULL, material character varying(5), diameter double precision, zone_name double precision, pipeclass character varying(20), measured_length double precision, geom public.geometry(MultiLineString,28356) ); INSERT INTO (geom , id , material, diameter, zone_name, pipeclass) VALUES ('0105000020C46E000001000000010200000002000000BB490C824B461E41AE47E1CA2C815A4177BE9F1A4C461E41E17A149E2C815A41', 1, 'DI', 300, 29, 'UNK'); ... etc ... -- Set costs based on line length -- UPDATE SET measured_length = ST_Length(geom); -- Create spatial index -- CREATE INDEX network_geom_geom_idx ON USING GIST (geom); -- Add networking columns ALTER TABLE ADD COLUMN source integer, ADD COLUMN target integer, ADD COLUMN cost double precision DEFAULT 1, ADD COLUMN reverse_cost double precision DEFAULT 1; vacuum analyze verbose; -- 3563 live rows
2. Create Stop Valves.
Now that the network table is created, a set of stop valves can be created.
The stop valves are created where a pipe crosses from one zone (region) to another. Zones group the pipes into management areas.
Where two connected pipes have different non-null zones, a valve will be created at the point at which they touch.
-- Create table to hold stop valves. -- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS public.network_stops; CREATE TABLE public.network_stops ( id serial, zones varchar(100), node_point geometry(Point,28356) ); -- Find connected pipes with different zone_names and insert them into the network_stops table. -- INSERT INTO public.network_stops (zones,node_point) SELECT REPLACE(REPLACE(zones,',(null)',''),'(null),',''), node_point FROM (SELECT node_point, string_agg(distinct COALESCE(CAST(f.zone_name as varchar(100)),'(null)'),',') as zones FROM (SELECT zone_name, ST_SnapToGrid(ST_StartPoint(ST_GeometryN(geom,1)),0.001) as node_point FROM AS a UNION ALL SELECT zone_name, ST_SnapToGrid(ST_EndPoint(ST_GeometryN(geom,1)),0.001) as node_point FROM AS b ) as f GROUP By node_point ) as g WHERE zones <> '(null)' AND zones LIKE '%,%'; ALTER TABLE public.network_stops ADD CONSTRAINT network_stops_pk PRIMARY KEY (id); CREATE INDEX network_stops_node_sx ON public.network_stops USING GIST (node_point); ALTER TABLE public.network_stops CLUSTER ON network_stops_node_sx; vacuum analyze verbose public.network_stops; -- 28 live rows
3. Add new short stop lines
At each stop add the short lines that fill the gaps left when the original input lines are shortened.
WITH data AS ( -- Find all network lines entering/leaving a network stop SELECT, ST_GeometryN(wp.geom,1) as line, ns.node_point as point FROM public.network_stops as ns INNER JOIN as wp ON ST_DWithin(wp.geom,ns.node_point,0.01) ) , ShortLines as ( -- Shorten existing lines, and create short lines to fill gap. SELECT id, shortened_line, short_line FROM (SELECT id, shortened_line, CASE WHEN startEndType = 'START' THEN ST_MakeLine(point,ST_StartPoint(shortened_line)) ELSE ST_MakeLine(ST_EndPoint(shortened_line),point) END as short_line FROM (SELECT id, point, CASE WHEN ST_Equals(ST_StartPoint(line),point) THEN 'START' ELSE 'END' END as startEndType, ST_GeometryN( CASE WHEN ST_Equals(ST_StartPoint(line),point) THEN spdba.ST_Reduce(line,0.05,'START',3,2) ELSE spdba.ST_Reduce(line,0.05,'END',3,2) END, 1 ) as shortened_line FROM data as a ) as f ) as g WHERE ROUND(ST_LENGTH(short_line)::numeric,3) < 0.055 ) -- Insert short_lines representing network stops along with original attributes. -- Note, initially, their costs are set to -1 ("thou shalt not pass") -- INSERT INTO ( source, target, cost, reverse_cost, material, diameter, pipeclass, zone_name, measured_length, geom ) SELECT nw.source,, -1 as cost, -1 as reverse_cost, nw.material, nw.diameter, nw.pipeclass, nw.zone_name, ROUND(ST_Length(a.short_line)::numeric,3) as measured_length ST_Multi(a.short_line) FROM ShortLines as a inner join as nw on ( =;
4. Shorten original lines
Finally, update the network to shorten the original lines entering/leaving network stop point.
WITH data AS ( -- Find all network lines entering/leaving a network stop SELECT, ST_GeometryN(wp.geom,1) as line, ns.node_point as point FROM public.network_stops as ns INNER JOIN as wp ON ST_DWithin(wp.geom,ns.node_point,0.01) ) , ShortLines as ( -- Shorten existing lines, and create short lines to fill gap. SELECT id, shortened_line, short_line FROM (SELECT id, shortened_line, CASE WHEN startEndType = 'START' THEN ST_MakeLine(point,ST_StartPoint(shortened_line)) ELSE ST_MakeLine(ST_EndPoint(shortened_line),point) END as short_line FROM (SELECT id, point, CASE WHEN ST_Equals(ST_StartPoint(line),point) THEN 'START' ELSE 'END' END as startEndType, ST_GeometryN( CASE WHEN ST_Equals(ST_StartPoint(line),point) THEN spdba.ST_Reduce(line,0.05,'START',3,2) ELSE spdba.ST_Reduce(line,0.05,'END',3,2) END, 1 ) as shortened_line FROM data as a ) as f ) as g WHERE ROUND(ST_LENGTH(short_line)::numeric,3) < 0.055 ) -- Now update existing lines with their shortened equivalent UPDATE SET geom = ST_Multi(ShortLines.shortened_line) FROM (SELECT distinct id, shortened_line FROM ShortLines as s) as ShortLines WHERE =; -- 56 Lines Updated
An example of a network stop and its new linestrings can be seen here.
5. Routing Examples.
5.1. Create routing network
-- First update public.topology to ensure it is fit for use for pgRouting -- select pgr_createTopology('',0.001,'geom','id','source','target',rows_where:='true',clean:=false); /* NOTICE: PROCESSING: NOTICE: pgr_createTopology('', 0.001, 'geom', 'id', 'source', 'target', rows_where := 'true', clean := f) NOTICE: Performing checks, please wait ..... NOTICE: Creating Topology, Please wait... NOTICE: 1000 edges processed NOTICE: 2000 edges processed NOTICE: 3000 edges processed NOTICE: -------------> TOPOLOGY CREATED FOR 3619 edges NOTICE: Rows with NULL geometry or NULL id: 0 NOTICE: Vertices table for table is: public.network_vertices_pgr NOTICE: ---------------------------------------------- Successfully run. Total query runtime: 5 secs 432 msec. 1 rows affected. */ -- Conduct necessary analysis -- select pgr_analyzegraph('', 0.001,the_geom:='geom',id:='id',source:='source',target:='target',rows_where:='true'); /* NOTICE: PROCESSING: NOTICE: pgr_analyzeGraph('',0.001,'geom','id','source','target','true') NOTICE: Performing checks, please wait ... NOTICE: Analyzing for dead ends. Please wait... NOTICE: Analyzing for gaps. Please wait... NOTICE: Analyzing for isolated edges. Please wait... NOTICE: Analyzing for ring geometries. Please wait... NOTICE: Analyzing for intersections. Please wait... NOTICE: ANALYSIS RESULTS FOR SELECTED EDGES: NOTICE: Isolated segments: 2 NOTICE: Dead ends: 342 NOTICE: Potential gaps found near dead ends: 0 NOTICE: Intersections detected: 24 NOTICE: Ring geometries: 0 Successfully run. Total query runtime: 1 secs 519 msec. 1 rows affected. */
5.2 Conduct a Trace With All Stops Open
Firstly we will execute a network trace without any restriction at the network stops
The cost/reverse_code for the ordinary lines was set when creating
-- Set "open" cost for stops -- update set cost = 1.1, reverse_cost = 1.1 where cost = -1; -- Now run test between two points (see public.network_vertices_pgr) -- SELECT ST_AsEWKT(ST_Union(wp.geom)) as geom FROM pgr_dijkstra(edges_sql:='SELECT id, source, target, cost, reverse_cost FROM', start_vid:=(select id FROM public.network_vertices_pgr as a WHERE ST_DWithin(a.the_geom,'SRID=28356;POINT(498341.9 6948542.7)'::geometry,0.1)), end_vid:=(select id FROM public.network_vertices_pgr as a WHERE ST_DWithin(a.the_geom,'SRID=28356;POINT(498560.5 6948744.7)'::geometry,0.1)), directed:=false ) as f INNER JOIN as wp ON ( = f.edge);
Visualising the result produces the following:
5.3 Conduct a Trace With Stop 27 Closed
We now set Stop to closed and then re-run the network trace.
-- Identify stop, find its in/out short lines, then update their costs -- WITH data AS ( SELECT, ns.node_point as point FROM public.network_stops as ns INNER JOIN as nw ON ST_DWithin(nw.geom,ns.node_point,0.01) WHERE = (select id FROM public.network_vertices_pgr as a WHERE ST_DWithin(a.the_geom,'SRID=28356;POINT(498341.9 6948542.7)'::geometry,0.1)) AND nw.cost = 1.1 ) UPDATE SET cost = -1, reverse_cost = -1 FROM data as d WHERE = AND cost = 1.1; -- Re-run test -- SELECT ST_AsEWKT(ST_Union(wp.geom)) as geom FROM pgr_dijkstra(edges_sql:='SELECT id, source, target, cost, reverse_cost FROM', start_vid:=(select id FROM public.network_vertices_pgr as a WHERE ST_DWithin(a.the_geom,'SRID=28356;POINT(498341.9 6948542.7)'::geometry,0.1)), end_vid:=(select id FROM public.network_vertices_pgr as a WHERE ST_DWithin(a.the_geom,'SRID=28356;POINT(498560.5 6948744.7)'::geometry,0.1)), directed:=false ) as f INNER JOIN as wp ON ( = f.edge);
The result looks like this.
6. Conclusion
While ugly, this approach can allow pgRouting to respect point objects with costs.
There may already be a better way to implement point costs, but this is how I did it.
It may or may not help someone out there.