Selecting all SDO_GTYPE values for all tables/sdo_geometry columns in a schema
A question was asked on the Oracle Technology Network Spatial forum:
I am trying to select sdo_gtype from all tables in schema, i mean to execute same sql statement given below for entire schema.
SELECT a.geometry.sdo_gtype FROM centerline a;
Any help on the usage of dynamic sql in PLSQL to execute select statement for all tables in the schema.
Here is a handy piece of anonymous PL/SQL for finding the sdo_gtype values for all sdo_geometry columns of data in any table/object in a schema.
SET serveroutput ON SIZE unlimited DECLARE v_sql varchar2(4000); v_gtype varchar2(40); v_gtype_count NUMBER; c_gtypes sys_refcursor; BEGIN FOR rec IN (SELECT TABLE_NAME, column_name FROM user_tab_columns WHERE data_type = 'SDO_GEOMETRY' ORDER BY TABLE_NAME, column_name) loop BEGIN v_sql := 'SELECT a.' || rec.column_name || '.sdo_gtype gtype, count(*) as gtype_count ' || ' FROM ' || rec.TABLE_NAME || ' a ' || ' WHERE a.' || rec.column_name || ' is not null ' || ' GROUP BY a.' || rec.column_name || '.sdo_gtype'; OPEN c_gtypes FOR v_sql; FETCH c_gtypes INTO v_gtype, v_gtype_count; IF ( c_gtypes%NOTFOUND ) THEN dbms_output.put_line(rec.TABLE_NAME || '.' || rec.column_name ||' has no data.'); ELSE LOOP dbms_output.put_line(rec.TABLE_NAME || '.' || rec.column_name ||' = ' || (CASE WHEN v_gtype IS NULL THEN 'NULL' ELSE to_char(v_gtype) END) || ' Count(' || v_gtype_count || ')'); FETCH c_gtypes INTO v_gtype, v_gtype_count; EXIT WHEN c_gtypes%NOTFOUND; END LOOP; END IF; CLOSE c_gtypes; exception WHEN others THEN dbms_output.put_line('Query (' || v_sql || ') threw error (' || SQLCODE ||')'); END; END loop; END; / -- Results anonymous block completed GEODPOINT2D.GEOM = 2001 COUNT(500) GEODPOINT3D.GEOM = 3001 COUNT(500) GEODPOLY2D.GEOM = 2003 COUNT(1) GUTDATA.GEOM = 2001 COUNT(1000) HAS_METADATA.GEOM = 2001 COUNT(500) HAS_METADATA3D.GEOM = 3001 COUNT(500) LOCALLINE2D.GEOM = 2002 COUNT(2) LOCALPOINT2D.GEOM = 2001 COUNT(1) LOCALPOLY2D.GEOM = 2007 COUNT(1) LOCALPOLY2D.GEOM = 2003 COUNT(1) LRS_ROUTES.ROUTE_GEOMETRY = 3302 COUNT(4) MARK_A.GEOM = 2001 COUNT(25) MARK_EMPTY.GEOM has no DATA. MARK_L.GEOM = 3001 COUNT(4) NO_METADATA.GEOM = 2001 COUNT(500) ORACLE_TEST_GEOMETRIES.GEOMETRY = 2005 COUNT(4) ORACLE_TEST_GEOMETRIES.GEOMETRY = NULL COUNT(1) ORACLE_TEST_GEOMETRIES.GEOMETRY = 2112 COUNT(1) ORACLE_TEST_GEOMETRIES.GEOMETRY = 2001 COUNT(3) ORACLE_TEST_GEOMETRIES.GEOMETRY = 2006 COUNT(8) ORACLE_TEST_GEOMETRIES.GEOMETRY = 4002 COUNT(1) ORACLE_TEST_GEOMETRIES.GEOMETRY = 2007 COUNT(8) ORACLE_TEST_GEOMETRIES.GEOMETRY = 3002 COUNT(1) ORACLE_TEST_GEOMETRIES.GEOMETRY = 3302 COUNT(1) ORACLE_TEST_GEOMETRIES.GEOMETRY = 2003 COUNT(17) ORACLE_TEST_GEOMETRIES.GEOMETRY = 2004 COUNT(2) ORACLE_TEST_GEOMETRIES.GEOMETRY = 2002 COUNT(18) ORIENTED_POINT.GEOM = 3001 COUNT(1533) PROJ41014POLY2D.GEOM = 2003 COUNT(2) PROJ41914POLY2D.GEOM = 2003 COUNT(1) PROJCIRCLE2D.GEOM = 2003 COUNT(500) PROJCOMPOUND2D.GEOM = 2004 COUNT(3) PROJLINE2D.GEOM = 2002 COUNT(5) PROJLINE3D.GEOM = 3002 COUNT(2) PROJMULTILINE2D.GEOM = 2006 COUNT(500) PROJMULTIPOINT2D.GEOM = 2005 COUNT(9) PROJMULTIPOINT3D.GEOM = 3005 COUNT(1) PROJMULTIPOLY2D.GEOM = 2007 COUNT(500) PROJPOINT2D.GEOM = 2001 COUNT(500) PROJPOINT3D.GEOM = 3001 COUNT(500) PROJPOLY2D.GEOM = 2003 COUNT(8) PROJPOLY3D.GEOM = 3003 COUNT(2) TOOLSPOLY2D.CENTROID = 2001 COUNT(1) TOOLSPOLY2D.GEOM = 2003 COUNT(2) V_GEODPOINT2D.GEOM = 2001 COUNT(500) V_GEODPOLY2D.GEOM = 2003 COUNT(1)
I hope this helps someone out there.