Functions to Convert Native PostgreSQL geometric types to PostGIS
A set of functions that enable the conversion of the native PostgreSQL geometric types to PostGIS geometry objects.
A set of functions that enable the conversion of the native PostgreSQL geometric types to PostGIS geometry objects.
Introduction I comes as a surprise to some that PostgreSQL has it own native geometric type system. The geometric types are documented here but the list includes: point – Point on a plane – (x,y) lseg – Finite line segment – ((x1,y1),(x2,y2)) box – Rectangular box – ((x1,y1),(x2,y2)) path – Closed path (similar to polygon)Read More
This articles logically steps through all the functions in a complete package of Linear Referencing functions that I have written for TSQL. The article both demonstrates the power of SQL Server Spatial but what can be done with TSQL.
The lack of an array datatype in TSQL can be overcome for geometry processing by use of a GeometryCollection as a data type and a set of methods to manipulate it.
This article demonstrates the power of database-based spatial processing. The business requirement is to determine, dynamically, the side of a land parcel that faces the street (could be single 2 point straight line to something more complex), and then determine the clockface direction from either ends of the frontage or the middle, to a object in the roads reserve (eg telecommunications pit).
SQL Server Spatial, unlike spatial database type systems such as PostGIS, does not provide coordinate editing functions: STAddPoint STUpdatePoint STDeletePoint These functions are not a part of either the SQL or OGC standards. In fact neither provide an API for the SQL editing of geometry objects. If one wishes to do so, one must programRead More
SQL Server Spatial, unlike spatial database type systems such as PostGIS, does not provide coordinate editing functions: STAddPoint STUpdatePoint STDeletePoint These functions are not a part of either the SQL or OGC standards. In fact neither provide an API for the SQL editing of geometry objects. If one wishes to do so, one must programRead More
SQL Server Spatial, unlike spatial database type systems such as PostGIS, does not provide coordinate editing functions: STAddPoint STUpdatePoint STDeletePoint These functions are not a part of either the SQL or OGC standards. In fact neither provide an API for the SQL editing of geometry objects. If one wishes to do so, one must programRead More
SQL Server Spatial, unlike spatial database type systems such as PostGIS, does not provide coordinate editing functions: STAddPoint STUpdatePoint STDeletePoint These functions are not a part of either the SQL or OGC standards. In fact neither provide an API for the SQL editing of geometry objects. If one wishes to do so, one must programRead More
SQL Server Spatial, unlike spatial database type systems such as PostGIS, does not provide coordinate editing functions: STAddPoint STUpdatePoint STDeletePoint These functions are not a part of either the SQL or OGC standards. In fact neither provide an API for the SQL editing of geometry objects. If one wishes to do so, one must programRead More