GeoRaptor: Importing a Shapefile into a table
Select View -> GeoRaptor -> Shapefile Loader to open the loader menu.
Add the shapefile to load by clicking the Add button in the Shapefile panel.
This will open a dialog box to navigate to the shapefile to load.
Multiple shapefiles with the same data structure can be added to the list.
To remove a shapefile from the list select it and click the Remove button.
Once a shapefile is added sections of the menu will be automatically populated.
The Target panel contains the following parameters:
Connection: Specify the SQL Developer database connection to load the shapefile to.
Feature Identifier Column: The column containing unique values which features can be identified. This can be set by selecting from the drop down list of fields.
SRID: The spatial reference ID of the dataset. Select SRID button will open the SRID Selection Menu from which the SRID can be selected from a list.
Geometry Column: The name of the geometry field to be created in the database.
The Processing Options panel contains the following parameters:
Commit: The number of rows to process before database commit.
Decimal Places: Coordinate precision imported data.
Create Metadata? Check to specify if to create Metadata after the data is loaded.
Create Spatial Index? Check to specify to create the Spatial Index after the data is loaded.
The Table and Column Properties panel contains the following parameters:
Table Name: Specify the name database table to be created and the data loaded into.
No Logging: Check to specify if logging (error messages) is to take place when loading the data.
DBF Column: Name of the column of the input shapefile.
Oracle Column: The corresponding Oracle column name to create, this is editable.
Data Type: Oracle data type to create, this is editable.
Load?: Check to specify if loading data from the column into the database.
The SQL panel contains the following elements:
SQL: The SQL generated to create the table for the data to be loaded into.
Edit: Check to specify the SQL can be edited. Once ticked, you can click on the CREATE TABLE statement and modify it.
Once all the parameters have been specified click the Load button to load the data, or Exit to exit the menu without loading the data.