Functions to Convert Native PostgreSQL geometric types to PostGIS
A previous article outlined how to convert the native PostgreSQL geometric types to PostGIS.
This article publishes a set of functions that wrap the methods developed in the previous post.
PostGIS Functions
1. Point
CREATE FUNCTION spdba.ST_Point(pGeom point, pSrid integer) RETURNS geometry LANGUAGE 'sql' IMMUTABLE PARALLEL UNSAFE AS $BODY$ SELECT ST_Point(pGeom[1],pGeom[0],pSrid) $BODY$ select ST_AsEWKT(spdba.ST_Point('(147.5,-43.1)'::point,4326)) as geom; geom SRID=4326;POINT(-43.1 147.5)
2. lseg
CREATE FUNCTION spdba.ST_Line(pGeom lseg, pSrid integer) RETURNS geometry LANGUAGE 'sql' IMMUTABLE PARALLEL UNSAFE AS $BODY$ select ST_MakeLine( ARRAY[ ST_Point((pGeom[0])[1],(pGeom[0])[0],pSrid), ST_Point((pGeom[1])[1],(pGeom[1])[0],pSrid) ] ) $BODY$ select ST_AsEWKT(spdba.ST_Line('(-43.1,147.1),(-43.2,147.2)'::lseg,4326)) as geom; geom SRID=4326;LINESTRING(147.1 -43.1,147.2 -43.2)
3. Box
CREATE FUNCTION spdba.ST_Polygon(pGeom box, pSrid integer) RETURNS geometry LANGUAGE 'sql' IMMUTABLE PARALLEL UNSAFE AS $BODY$ SELECT ST_MakeBox2D( ST_Point((pGeom[0])[1],(pGeom[0])[0],pSrid), ST_Point((pGeom[1])[1],(pGeom[1])[0],pSrid)) as geom $BODY$ select ST_AsEWKT(spdba.ST_Polygon('(-43.1,147.1),(-43.2,147.2)'::box,4226)) as geom; geom POLYGON((147.1 -43.2,147.1 -43.1,147.2 -43.1,147.2 -43.2,147.1 -43.2))
4. Path
CREATE FUNCTION spdba.ST_Line(pGeom path, pSrid integer) RETURNS geometry LANGUAGE 'sql' IMMUTABLE PARALLEL UNSAFE AS $BODY$ SELECT ST_GeomFromEWKT(replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(pGeom::text,'),(',')('),',',' '),'((','SRID=' || pSRID || ';LINESTRING('),'))',')'),')(',',')) as geom $BODY$ select ST_AsEWKT(spdba.ST_Line('(147.1,-43.2),(147.2,-43.2),(147.2,-43.1),(147.1,-43.1),(147.1,-43.2)'::path,4326)) as geom; geom SRID=4326;LINESTRING(147.1 -43.2,147.2 -43.2,147.2 -43.1,147.1 -43.1,147.1 -43.2)
5. Polygon
CREATE FUNCTION spdba.ST_Polygon(pGeom polygon, pSrid integer) RETURNS geometry LANGUAGE 'sql' IMMUTABLE PARALLEL UNSAFE AS $BODY$ SELECT case isClosed(pGeom::path) when true then ST_GeomFromEWKT(replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(pGeom::text,'),(',')('),',',' '),'((','SRID=' || pSrid || ';POLYGON(('),')(',','),'))',','||replace((firstCoord)[1],',',' ')||'))')) when false then ST_GeomFromEWKT(replace(replace(replace(replace(pGeom::text,'),(',')('),',',' '),'((','SRID=' || pSrid || ';POLYGON(('),')(',',')) end as egeom FROM REGEXP_MATCHES(pGeom::text,'[0-9][\-0-9.,]*') as firstCoord $BODY$ select 'Closed' as isClosed, ST_AsEWKT(spdba.ST_Polygon('(147.1,-43.2),(147.2,-43.2),(147.2,-43.1),(147.1,-43.1),(147.1,-43.2)'::polygon,4326)) as geom union all select 'unClosed' as isClosed, ST_AsEWKT(spdba.ST_Polygon('(147.1,-43.2),(147.2,-43.2),(147.2,-43.1),(147.1,-43.1)'::polygon,4326)) as geom isClosed geom Closed SRID=4326;POLYGON((147.1 -43.2,147.2 -43.2,147.2 -43.1,147.1 -43.1,147.1 -43.2,147.1 -43.2)) unClosed SRID=4326;POLYGON((147.1 -43.2,147.2 -43.2,147.2 -43.1,147.1 -43.1,147.1 -43.2))
6. Circle
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION spdba.ST_Polygon(pGeom circle, iSegments integer, pSrid integer, iRound integer) RETURNS geometry LANGUAGE 'sql' IMMUTABLE PARALLEL UNSAFE AS $BODY$ with parameters as ( select CAST(2.0 as float) * PI() / iSegments::float as dDeltaTheta, f.elem[1]::float as dCentreX, f.elem[2]::float as dCentreY, f.elem[3]::float as dRadius from (select string_to_array(replace(replace(replace(pGeom::text,'<(',''),')',''),'>',''),',') as elem) as f ) select ST_AsText( ST_GeomFromEWKT( 'SRID=' || pSrid || ';POLYGON((' || STRING_AGG(ST_X(point)::text || ' ' || ST_Y(point)::text,',' order by iSeg) || '))' ) ) as geom from ( -- First point select 0 as iSeg, ST_Point(p.dCentreX + p.dRadius,p.dCentreY,pSrid) as point from parameters as p union all -- Calculated points select iSeg, ST_Point(ROUND(CAST(p.dCentreX + p.dRadius * COS(p.dDeltaTheta * iSeg::float) as numeric),iRound), ROUND(CAST(p.dCentreY + p.dRadius * SIN(p.dDeltaTheta * iSeg::float) as numeric),iRound), pSrid) as point from parameters as p, generate_series(1,iSegments,1) as iSeg ) as f $BODY$ select ST_AsEWKT(spdba.ST_Polygon('<(100,200),10>'::circle, 8, 0, 3)) as geom union all select ST_AsEWKT(spdba.ST_Polygon('<(100,100),100>'::circle, 8, 0, 3)) as geom; geom POLYGON((110 200,107.071 207.071,100 210,92.929 207.071,90 200,92.929 192.929,100 190,107.071 192.929,110 200)) POLYGON((200 100,170.711 170.711,100 200,29.289 170.711,0 100,29.289 29.289,100 0,170.711 29.289,200 100))
I hope this is of use to someone out there.
These functions are shipped via the package of PostGIS functions available via the SPDBA shop.