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generate_series for SQL Server 2008
A few years ago I wrote an article about implementing the PostgreSQL function, generate_series, in Oracle. This function is really useful for when trying to write SQL/Functions that can be implemented across one or more databases with reasonable ease.
Here is the function implemented in SQL Server 2008:
-- Connect to database holding generate_series -- USE [GISDB] -- Change to your database GO -- Drop function if exists -- IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM dbo.sysobjects WHERE id = object_id (N'[dbo].[generate_series]') AND OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsTableFunction') = 1) DROP FUNCTION [dbo].[generate_series] GO -- -- Now let's create it -- CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[generate_series] ( @p_start INT, @p_end INT, @p_step INT=1 ) RETURNS @Integers TABLE ( [IntValue] INT ) AS BEGIN DECLARE @v_i INT, @v_step INT, @v_terminating_value INT; BEGIN SET @v_i = CASE WHEN @p_start IS NULL THEN 1 ELSE @p_start END; SET @v_step = CASE WHEN @p_step IS NULL OR @p_step = 0 THEN 1 ELSE @p_step END; SET @v_terminating_value = @p_start + CONVERT(INT,ABS(@p_start-@p_end) / ABS(@v_step) ) * @v_step; -- Check for impossible combinations IF NOT ( ( @p_start > @p_end AND SIGN(@p_step) = 1 ) OR ( @p_start < @p_end AND SIGN(@p_step) = -1 )) BEGIN -- Generate values WHILE ( 1 = 1 ) BEGIN INSERT INTO @Integers ( [IntValue] ) VALUES ( @v_i ) IF ( @v_i = @v_terminating_value ) BREAK SET @v_i = @v_i + @v_step; END; END; END; RETURN END GO
Now, let’s test this function.
-- Simple increment by 1 SELECT g.IntValue as generate_series FROM generate_series(2,4,1) g; -- Results generate_series 2 3 4 -- Increment using Default value (1) SELECT g.IntValue as generate_series FROM generate_series(1,5,DEFAULT) g; -- Results generate_series 1 2 3 4 5 -- Increase in steps of 10 SELECT g.IntValue as generate_series FROM [generate_series] ( 100, 200, 10 ) g; -- Results generate_series 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 -- Negative decrement SELECT g.IntValue as generate_series FROM generate_series(5,1,-2) g; -- Results generate_series 5 3 1 -- Invalid test SELECT g.IntValue as generate_series FROM generate_series(4,3,1) g; -- Results generate_series -- Increment negative numbers SELECT g.IntValue as generate_series FROM generate_series(-4,-1,1) g; -- Results generate_series -4 -3 -2 -1 -- generate some dates SELECT convert(varchar(20),GETDATE() + sa.IntValue,112) as dates FROM generate_series(0,14,7) sa; -- Results dates 20120410 20120417 20120424 -- Create some points SELECT, geometry::Point(f.x,f.y,0 /* SRID */ ).STAsText() as geom FROM ( SELECT sa.IntValue as id, ROUND(10000 * RAND(CHECKSUM(NEWID())) + 353880,2) as x, ROUND(5000 * RAND(CHECKSUM(NEWID())) + 5404973,2) as y FROM dbo.generate_series(1,25,1) sa ) f order by 1 asc; -- Results id geom 1 POINT (363011.9 5406135.94) 2 POINT (361741 5408272.44) 3 POINT (363844.43 5408793.59) 4 POINT (356034.42 5405077.86) 5 POINT (360968.83 5408948.45) 6 POINT (363247.97 5408120.85) 7 POINT (363265.25 5409078.93) 8 POINT (355839.57 5405431.12) 9 POINT (358031.78 5408748.88) 10 POINT (362166.17 5408519.15) 11 POINT (357931.48 5405419.99) 12 POINT (362586.12 5404990.02) 13 POINT (359782.46 5405622.41) 14 POINT (354394.21 5406409.27) 15 POINT (355763.87 5406505.26) 16 POINT (357572.38 5407954.41) 17 POINT (356033.02 5408066.5) 18 POINT (360874.83 5407605.39) 19 POINT (360484.8 5406577.3) 20 POINT (359978.63 5404987.73) 21 POINT (363641.33 5407022.35) 22 POINT (357245.02 5407018.61) 23 POINT (355047.11 5407032.75) 24 POINT (357383.37 5405070.77) 25 POINT (356912.68 5408711.83) -- Extract Points from a geometry SELECT sa.IntValue as pointN, a.geom.STPointN(sa.IntValue).STX as x, a.geom.STPointN(sa.IntValue).STY as y FROM (select geometry::STGeomFromText('LINESTRING(0 0,1 0,1 1,2 1,2 2)',0) as geom) a cross apply dbo.generate_series(1,a.geom.STNumPoints(),1) sa; -- Results pointN x y 1 0 0 2 1 0 3 1 1 4 2 1 5 2 2
I hope this function is useful to someone.
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