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External Tables and SDO_Geometry data.
I have blogged before on using an external table to load LiDAR data from a CSV file.
Today I am going to show how to load Open GeoSpatial Consortium Well Known Text (WKT) spatial data into Oracle.
-- First let's generate some data to put in a text file. -- Note that I have chosen to use the @ symbol to separate fields because the WKT already uses a comma -- Additionally, I have enclosed the text field LABEL in double quotes -- Select A.Id || '@"' || A.Label || '"@' || A.Angledegrees || '@'|| A.Geom.Get_Wkt() From projmultiline2d a; -- These records are saved to a text file called "LINES.CSV" -- Here are some sample records -- -- 413@"E369"@138.5@MULTILINESTRING ((353939.49 5408647.49, 356176.87 5407976.99), (362085.52 5405637.39, 361539.69 5408568.96)) -- 414@"J318"@251.3@MULTILINESTRING ((362731.43 5408178.05, 360601.03 5407188.5), (361788.72 5409654.04, 354179.78 5409014.27)) -- 415@"V485"@309.8@MULTILINESTRING ((358775.23 5407751.35, 359482.97 5409145.58), (362924.05 5406099.8, 359476.0 5405402.33)) -- 416@"I929"@56.7@MULTILINESTRING ((354898.32 5405632.43, 361058.09 5407528.99), (358365.02 5407617.08, 356320.21 5408776.58)) -- 417@"J775"@267.3@MULTILINESTRING ((358452.34 5407176.96, 359657.75 5407859.83), (354193.59 5407366.76, 355039.55 5407778.69)) -- 418@"B859"@338.5@Multilinestring ((359542.46 5407820.07, 355220.92 5409103.78), (357681.52 5406066.72, 355039.44 5408211.56)) -- 419@"N420"@298.7@Multilinestring ((359909.51 5405734.05, 355086.05 5409832.58), (354228.93 5408457.61, 357882.47 5407889.09)) -- Now let's define a directory so the External Table can find this data -- Create Directory Ext_Temp_Dir As 'c:\temp'; -- We can check it exists as follows -- Select * From All_Directories Where directory_name = 'EXT_TEMP_DIR'; OWNER DIRECTORY_NAME DIRECTORY_PATH ----- -------------- ------------- SYS EXT_TEMP_DIR c:\temp -- Now Create an External Table over the data in lines.csv -- CREATE TABLE LINES_EXT ( ID NUMBER(*,0), LABEL VARCHAR2(20 BYTE), ANGLEDEGREES Number, GEOMWKT VARCHAR2(4000) /* This could be CLOB */ ) ORGANIZATION EXTERNAL (Type Oracle_Loader DEFAULT DIRECTORY ext_temp_dir ACCESS PARAMETERS (Records Delimited By Newline Fields Terminated By '@' OPTIONALLY ENCLOSED BY '"' ) LOCATION ('lines.csv') ); -- We can now view/process the external data using straight SQL -- Select Id,Label,Angledegrees,Sdo_Geometry(Geomwkt,Null) As Geom From Lines_Ext; -- Now convert the GEOMWKT column into a real SDO_GEOMETRY in an internal table -- Create Table Lines As Select Id,Label,Angledegrees,Sdo_Geometry(Geomwkt,Null) As Geom From Lines_Ext; -- Now we can spatially index it -- Insert Into User_Sdo_Geom_Metadata (Table_Name,Column_Name,Diminfo,Srid) Values('LINES','GEOM',Mdsys.Sdo_Dim_Array(Mdsys.Sdo_Dim_Element('X',353885.69,5404973.19,0.05),Mdsys.Sdo_Dim_Element('Y',363874.6,5409972.56,0.05)),Null); commit; Create Index Lines_Geom_Spix On Lines(Geom) Indextype Is Mdsys.Spatial_Index Parameters('sdo_indx_dims=2, layer_gtype=multiline');
To clean up:
Drop Table Lines_Ext; Drop Table Lines; Delete From User_Sdo_Geom_Metadata Where Table_Name = 'LINES'; Commit;
This method can be used for any WKT data not just mutli-linestrings. It is a very nice alternative to trying to convert shapefiles or other binary files.
Note that external text files could also be compressed.
I hope this helps someone.
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