STGeometryTypes: Extracting all geometry type string values from a complex geometry
Ever need to extract a textual description of all geometry types that appear in a single geometry/geography in SQL Server 2008 including all sub-elements?
Recently I had cause to do so and created the following function that implements this need.
USE [GISDB] -- Change this to your database GO -- -- Extracts all geometry type keywords from a geometry (and its sub-elements) CREATE FUNCTION [$(owner)].[STGeometryTypes]( @p_geometry geometry ) Returns varchar(MAX) As Begin Declare @v_return varchar(MAX); Begin If ( @p_geometry is NULL ) return NULL; SELECT @v_return = SUBSTRING(a.token,2,LEN(a.token)) FROM (SELECT (STUFF((SELECT ',' + a.token FROM (select t.token from [$(owner)].[Tokenizer](@p_geometry.AsTextZM(),' ,)(') as t ) as a WHERE a.token is not null AND a.token not like '%[0-9]%' FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE, ROOT ).value('root[1]','nvarchar(max)'),1,1,'''') ) AS token ) as a; RETURN @v_return; End; End GO
Now let’s test it against a selection of all possible geometry types
-- Simple geometry select dbo.[STGeometryTypes](geometry::STGeomFromText('POINT(0 1 2)',0)) as gtypes; go gtypes POINT -- Single CurvePolygon with one interior ring select [$(owner)].[STGeometryTypes](geometry::STGeomFromText('CURVEPOLYGON(CIRCULARSTRING(0 5, 5 0, 0 -5, -5 0, 0 5), (-2 2, 2 2, 2 -2, -2 -2, -2 2))',0)) as gtypes; GO gtypes CURVEPOLYGON,CIRCULARSTRING -- GeometryCollection select [$(owner)].[STGeometryTypes]( geometry::STGeomFromText( 'GEOMETRYCOLLECTION( LINESTRING(0 0,20 0,20 20,0 20,0 0), CURVEPOLYGON( COMPOUNDCURVE( (0 -23.43778, 0 23.43778), CIRCULARSTRING(0 23.43778, -45 23.43778, -90 23.43778), (-90 23.43778, -90 -23.43778), CIRCULARSTRING(-90 -23.43778, -45 -23.43778, 0 -23.43778))), COMPOUNDCURVE( CIRCULARSTRING(-90 -23.43778, -45 -23.43778, 0 -23.43778), (0 -23.43778, 0 23.43778)))',0)) as gTypes; GO gTypes GEOMETRYCOLLECTION,LINESTRING,CURVEPOLYGON,COMPOUNDCURVE,CIRCULARSTRING,CIRCULARSTRING,COMPOUNDCURVE,CIRCULARSTRING
I hope this function is useful to someone.