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STLocateBetweenElevations — Computes and returns elements that intersect the specified Z range.
Function Specification
Function [$(lrsowner)].[STLocateBetweenElevations] ( @p_linestring geometry, @p_start_z Float, @p_end_z Float = null, @p_round_xy int = 3, @p_round_zm int = 2 ) Returns geometry
Is implementation of PostGIS:
geometry ST_LocateBetweenElevations(geometry geom_mline, float8 elevation_start, float8 elevation_end);
Processes the supplied (3D, 3DM) (multi)linestring returning the elements that intersect the specified range of elevations inclusively.
May return points and/or linestrings in the appropriate geometry type.
Where a new xy position is to be computed, the value is rounded using @p_round_xm.
Computes M values if exist on @p_linestring and rounds the values based on @p_round_zm.
Does not currently support Linestrings with CircularString elements (2012+).
@p_linestring (geometry) - Linestring geometry with Z ordinates (could have M ordinates). @p_start_z (float) - Start Elevation. @p_end_z (float) - End Elevation. @p_round_xy (int) - Decimal degrees of precision to which calculated XY ordinates are rounded. @p_round_zm (int) - Decimal degrees of precision to which calculated ZM ordinates are rounded.
This function computes and extracts the geometry of the appropriate type.
-- PostGIS 1 select [$(lrsowner)].[STLocateBetweenElevations]( geometry::STGeomFromText('LINESTRING(1 2 3, 4 5 6)',0), 2,4, 3,2 ).AsTextZM() as geomZ; geomz LINESTRING (1 2 3, 2 3 4) -- PostGIS 2 select [$(lrsowner)].[STLocateBetweenElevations]( geometry::STGeomFromText('LINESTRING(1 2 6, 4 5 -1, 7 8 9)',0), 6,9, 3,2 ).AsTextZM() as geomZ; geomz GEOMETRYCOLLECTION (POINT (1 2 6), LINESTRING (6.1 7.1 6, 7 8 9)) -- PostGIS 3 SELECT d.geom.AsTextZM() as geomWKT FROM (SELECT [$(lrsowner)].[STLocateBetweenElevations]( geometry::STGeomFromText('LINESTRING(1 2 6, 4 5 -1, 7 8 9)',0), 6,9, 3,2 ) As the_geom ) As foo cross apply [$(owner)].[STExtract](foo.the_geom,default) as d; geomWKT POINT (1 2 6) LINESTRING (6.1 7.1 6, 7 8 9)
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