Converting decimal seconds to string
Like many others out there, I often have a need to convert a decimal seconds value to its canonical equivalent as a string. Which this can be done using standard SQL I prefer to wrap the required conversion functions inside a function as follows.
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION SS2HMS (p_seconds IN NUMBER, p_hr IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT ':', p_min IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT ':', p_sec IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT '') RETURN VARCHAR2 AS BEGIN RETURN to_char(trunc(p_seconds/3600), 'FM999999990') || p_hr || to_char(trunc(mod(p_seconds,3600)/60),'FM00') || p_min || to_char( mod(p_seconds,60), 'FM00') || p_sec; END SS2HMS;
Which can be called as follows:
select SS2HMS(13413.308) as HMS from dual union all select SS2HMS(13413.308,'h','m','s') as HMS from dual;
3:43:33 |
3h43m33s |
I hope this is of help to someone.