COGO: TSQL Function For Creating a Point from Point, Bearing and Distance
Sometimes the definition of an object can be as a bearing and distance from a known point. This often happens in unbiased statistical sampling, or when creating polygons describing land titles from coordinate geometry (COGO) measurements.
Here is a version of the STPointFromBearingAndDistance PL/SQL function I wrote for Oracle Spatial many years ago for SQL Server.
Note that I have a schema call cogo in which I create functions like this. You can use anything you like.
CREATE FUNCTION [cogo].[STPointFromBearingAndDistance] ( @p_dStartE Float, @p_dStartN Float, @p_dBearing Float, @p_dDistance Float, @p_round_xy int = 3, @p_srid int = 0 ) RETURNS geometry AS /****f* COGO/STPointFromBearingAndDistance (2008) * NAME * STPointFromBearingAndDistance -- Returns a projected point given starting point, a bearing in Degrees, and a distance (geometry SRID units). * SYNOPSIS * Function STPointFromBearingAndDistance ( * @p_dStartE float, * @p_dStartN float, * @p_dBearing float, * @p_dDistance float * @p_round_xy int = 3, * @p_srid int = 0 * ) * Returns float * DESCRIPTION * Function that computes a new point given a starting coordinate, a whole circle bearing and a distance (SRID Units). * Returned point's XY ordinates are rounded to @p_round_xy decimal digits of precision. * @p_SRID is the SRID of the supplied start point. * INPUTS * @p_dStartE (float) - Easting of starting point. * @p_dStartN (float) - Northing of starting point. * @p_dBearing (float) - Whole circle bearing between 0 and 360 degrees. * @p_dDistance (float) - Distance in SRID units from starting point to required point. * @p_round_xy (int) - XY ordinates decimal digitis of precision. * @p_srid (int) - SRID associated with @p_dStartE/p_dStartN. * RESULT * point (geometry) - Point * EXAMPLE * SELECT [cogo].[STPointFromBearingAndDistance] (0,0,45,100,3,0).STAsText() as endPoint; * GO * * endPoint * POINT (70.711 70.711) * AUTHOR * Simon Greener * HISTORY * Simon Greener - December 2011 - Original TSQL Coding for SQL Server. * COPYRIGHT * (c) 2008-2018 by TheSpatialDBAdvisor/Simon Greener ******/ Begin Declare @dBearing Float, @dAngle1 Float, @dAngle1Rad Float, @dDeltaN Float, @dDeltaE Float, @dEndE Float, @dEndN Float, @v_round_xy int = ISNULL(@p_round_xy,3), @v_srid int = ISNULL(@p_srid ,0); BEGIN IF ( @p_dStartE IS NULL OR @p_dStartN IS NULL OR @p_dBearing IS NULL OR @p_dDistance IS NULL ) RETURN NULL; SET @dBearing = ABS(@p_dBearing); -- First calculate dDeltaE and dDeltaN IF ( @dBearing < CAST(90.0 as float) ) BEGIN SET @dAngle1 = CAST(90.0 as float) - @dBearing; SET @dAngle1Rad = @dAngle1 * PI() / CAST(180.0 as float) SET @dDeltaE = Cos(@dAngle1Rad) * @p_dDistance; SET @dDeltaN = Sin(@dAngle1Rad) * @p_dDistance; -- Calculate the easting and northing of the end point SET @dEndE = @p_dStartE + @dDeltaE; SET @dEndN = @p_dStartN + @dDeltaN; RETURN geometry::Point(ROUND(@dEndE,@v_round_xy),ROUND(@dEndN,@v_round_xy), @v_srid); END; IF ( @dBearing < CAST(180.0 as float) ) BEGIN SET @dAngle1 = @dBearing - CAST(90.0 AS float); SET @dAngle1Rad = @dAngle1 * PI() / CAST(180.0 AS float); SET @dDeltaE = Cos(@dAngle1Rad) * @p_dDistance; SET @dDeltaN = Sin(@dAngle1Rad) * @p_dDistance * -1; -- Calculate the easting and northing of the end point SET @dEndE = @p_dStartE + @dDeltaE; SET @dEndN = @p_dStartN + @dDeltaN; RETURN geometry::Point(ROUND(@dEndE,@v_round_xy),ROUND(@dEndN,@v_round_xy), @v_srid); END; IF ( @dBearing < CAST(270.0 AS float) ) BEGIN SET @dAngle1 = CAST(270.0 AS float) - @dBearing; SET @dAngle1Rad = @dAngle1 * PI() / CAST(180.0 AS float); SET @dDeltaE = Cos(@dAngle1Rad) * @p_dDistance * -1; SET @dDeltaN = Sin(@dAngle1Rad) * @p_dDistance * -1; -- Calculate the easting and northing of the end point SET @dEndE = @p_dStartE + @dDeltaE; SET @dEndN = @p_dStartN + @dDeltaN; RETURN geometry::Point(ROUND(@dEndE,@v_round_xy),ROUND(@dEndN,@v_round_xy), @v_srid); END; IF ( @dBearing <= CAST(360.0 AS float) ) BEGIN SET @dAngle1 = @dBearing - CAST(270.0 AS float); SET @dAngle1Rad = @dAngle1 * PI() / CAST(180.0 as float); SET @dDeltaE = Cos(@dAngle1Rad) * @p_dDistance * -1; SET @dDeltaN = Sin(@dAngle1Rad) * @p_dDistance; -- Calculate the easting and northing of the end point SET @dEndE = @p_dStartE + @dDeltaE; SET @dEndN = @p_dStartN + @dDeltaN; RETURN geometry::Point(ROUND(@dEndE,@v_round_xy),ROUND(@dEndN,@v_round_xy), @v_srid); End; Return null; END; END; GO
Here is an example of how to generate the geometry::Point object at the end of a bearing of 45 degrees and distance of 100 meters from ( 0,0 ) .
select cogo.STPointFromBearingAndDistance(0,0,45,100,3,0).STAsText() as NewPoint;
NewPoint |
POINT (70.711 70.711) |
Or more visually:
DECLARE @XY Float = SQRT(POWER(100,2)/2); select geometry::STGeomFromText('POINT(0 0)',0).STBuffer(10) as geom union all select geometry::STGeomFromText('LINESTRING(0 0,' + STR(@XY,10,5) + ' ' + STR(@XY,10,5) + ')',0) as geom union all select cogo.STPointFromBearingAndDistance(0,0,45,100,3,0).STBuffer(10) as geom;
I hope this is helpful to someone.