Creating a Grid of Geographic Tiles
Over the years I have made available functions that generate the tiles of a grid given user input.
These have been made available in Oracle, PostGIS and SQL Server Spatial (geometry).
Here are the type signatures of these functions:
Oracle Object
CREATE TYPE T_Grid AS OBJECT ( gcol number, -- Column Reference grow number, -- Row Reference geom mdsys.sdo_geometry -- SDO_GEOMETRY coded as Optimized Rectangle. ); CREATE OBJECT T_GEOMETRY.... Member Function ST_Tile(p_Tile_X In number, p_Tile_Y In Number, p_grid_type in varchar2 Default 'TILE', p_option in varchar2 default 'TOUCH', p_unit in varchar2 default null) Return T_Grids Pipelined,
Oracle Package
CREATE TYPE t_grid AS OBJECT ( gcol number, grow number, geom mdsys.sdo_geometry ); CREATE PACKAGE TESSELATE ..... TYPE t_GridSet IS TABLE OF &&defaultSchema..T_Grid; Function RegularGridXY(p_xmin in number, p_ymin in number, p_xmax in number, p_ymax in number, p_TileSizeX in number, p_TileSizeY in number, p_srid in pls_integer, p_point in pls_integer Default 0) return TESSELATE.t_GridSet pipelined; Function RegularGrid( p_LL In MDSYS.SDO_Point_Type, p_UR In MDSYS.SDO_Point_Type, p_TileSize In MDSYS.SDO_Point_Type, p_srid In Number Default Null, p_point in pls_integer default 0) Return TESSELATE.t_GridSet Pipelined; Function RegularGridPoint(p_LL In MDSYS.SDO_POINT_TYPE, p_UR In MDSYS.SDO_POINT_TYPE, p_TileSize In MDSYS.SDO_POINT_TYPE, p_srid In Number Default Null ) Return TESSELATE.t_GridSet Pipelined; -- Version that uses a 2003/3003 Optimized Rectangle geometry defining the required extent (eg from SDO_AGGR_UNION) -- p_point = 1 means add SDO_POINT to SDO_GEOMETRY; = 0 means don't! Function RegularGrid( p_geometry In MDSYS.SDO_Geometry, p_TileSize In MDSYS.SDO_Point_Type, p_point in pls_integer Default 0) Return TESSELATE.t_GridSet Pipelined; Function RegularGrid( p_geometry In MDSYS.SDO_Geometry, p_divisor In Number, p_point in pls_integer := 0) Return TESSELATE.t_GridSet Pipelined;
CREATE TYPE spdba.T_Grid AS ( gcol int4, grow int4, geom geometry ); CREATE FUNCTION spdba.ST_GridGeometry( p_geometry geometry, p_TileSizeX numeric, p_TileSizeY numeric, p_rotateX numeric, p_rotateY numeric, p_rotateAngle numeric, p_point boolean -- Return point rather than polygon ) Returns SETOF spdba.T_Grid IMMUTABLE CREATE FUNCTION spdba.ST_GridFromXY( p_xmin numeric, p_ymin numeric, p_xmax numeric, p_ymax numeric, p_TileSizeX numeric, p_TileSizeY numeric, p_rotateX numeric, p_rotateY numeric, p_rotateAngle numeric, p_srid int4, p_point boolean -- Return point rather than polygon ) Returns SETOF spdba.T_Grid IMMUTABLE CREATE FUNCTION spdba.ST_GridFromPoint( p_geometry geometry, p_TileSizeX numeric, p_TileSizeY numeric, p_NumTilesX integer, p_NumTilesY integer, p_rotateX numeric, p_rotateY numeric, p_rotateAngle numeric, p_point boolean -- Return point rather than polygon ) Returns SETOF spdba.T_Grid IMMUTABLE
SQL Server Geometry
CREATE FUNCTION [spdba].[STTileByNumGrids] ( @p_geometry geometry, @p_NumGridsX integer, @p_NumGridsY integer, @p_rPoint geometry, -- Point(rx,ry) @p_rAngle float ) Returns @table table ( col Int, row Int, geom geometry ) CREATE FUNCTION [spdba].[STTileGeom] ( @p_geometry geometry, @p_TileX float, @p_TileY float, @p_rx float, @p_ry float, @p_rangle float ) returns @table table Int, row Int, geom geometry ) CREATE FUNCTION [spdba].[STTileGeomByPoint] ( @p_point geometry, @p_numTileX integer, @p_numTileY integer, @p_TileX float, @p_TileY float, @p_rAngle float ) returns @table table ( col Int, row Int, geom geometry )
A customer has the requirement to generation grids over archaeological and construction sites which are small in nature.
The work crosses country boundaries and national grids so that the solution has to be in in the geographic space as a common denominator.
The only way they present the grids is via Google Maps using Leaflet (EPSG 4326).
SQL Server Geography
All of the above tiling functions operate in projected space. Generating a grid in Oracle Spatial or PostGIS can be done by creating the tiles in projected space then transforming the result into geographic space via SDO_CS.TRANFORM (Oracle) or ST_Transform (PostGIS).
This option is not available in SQL Server Spatial due to the lack of a native/built-in projection engine.
Thus generation must be done in geographic/geodetic space.
This is now possible via a new function which I have added to the SQL Server functions (which is available via a donation on this website).
This function generates tiles in geographic (ellipsoidal) space.
Here is its function declaration:
CREATE FUNCTION [spdba].[STTileGeogByPoint] ( @p_point geography, @p_numTileX integer, @p_numTileY integer, @p_TileX float, @p_TileY float, @p_rAngle float ) returns @table table ( col Int, row Int, geom geography )
The function depends on another function called [cogo].[STDirectVincenty] which, using an ellipsoidal earth model, computes a destination point given a start point, and initial bearing, and a distance. The calculations use the direct solution of geodesics on the ellipsoid devised by Thaddeus Vincenty.
CREATE FUNCTION [cogo].[STDirectVincenty] ( @p_point geography, @p_startBearing float, @p_distance float ) Returns geography
STDirectVincenty is SRID aware. It uses @p_point.STSrid) to query and extract the SRID’s ellipsoid parameters from sys.spatial_reference_systems.
select col,row, geom.STAsText() as tileGeom from [dbo].[STTileGeogByPoint] ( geography::Point(55.634269978244,12.051864414446,4326), 2,2, 10.0, 15.0, 22.5 ) as t; GO col row tileGeom 0 0 POLYGON ((12.052084452911 55.634218419749, 12.052304491086 55.634166861254, 12.052365253079 55.634249843067, 12.052145214983 55.634301401561, 12.052084452911 55.634218419749)) 0 1 POLYGON ((12.052145214983 55.634301401561, 12.052365253624 55.634249843067, 12.052426015745 55.634332824878, 12.052205977184 55.634384383372, 12.052145214983 55.634301401561)) 1 0 POLYGON ((12.052304490797 55.63416686086, 12.052524528684 55.634115302364, 12.052585290597 55.634198284177, 12.05236525279 55.634249842672, 12.052304490797 55.63416686086)) 1 1 POLYGON ((12.05236525279 55.634249842672, 12.052585291142 55.634198284177, 12.052646053184 55.63428126599, 12.052426014912 55.634332824484, 12.05236525279 55.634249842672))
Increasing the number of tiles from 2,2 to 10,10 delivers the following (laid over OpenStreetMap)
The following SQL demonstrates that the generated geographic tiles sides are indeed correct even when rotated.
select ROUND(v.length,3) as Side_length, v.geom.STAsText() as tileGeom from [dbo].[STTileGeogByPoint] ( geography::Point(55.634269978244,12.051864414446,4326), 1,1, 10.0,15.0, 22.5) as t cross apply [dbo].[STVectorize] ( [dbo].[STToGeometry] (t.geom,4326) ) as v; GO SideLength tileGeom 15 LINESTRING (12.052084452911 55.634218419749, 12.052304491086 55.634166861254) 10 LINESTRING (12.052304491086 55.634166861254, 12.052365253079 55.634249843067) 15 LINESTRING (12.052365253079 55.634249843067, 12.052145214983 55.634301401561) 10 LINESTRING (12.052145214983 55.634301401561, 12.052084452911 55.634218419749)
This function can be accessed by making a donation and downloading the SQL Server Spatial package of TSQL functions.