Computing Cardinal Directions to nearby geometries
I was asked the other day if I could help derive the direction from a selected land parcel to its neighbouring parcels (request slightly modified):
Below is a screenshot showing an example of what I mean. I need to get the directions of parcel no (12) , it should give me (15) as north, (14) as south, (1,8) as west.
I have chosen to implement the direction from one point to another in a generic function that can accept and process geodetic (long/lat) data and planar data. The function does not determine if a supplied SDO_GEOMETRY p_start_point’s sdo_srid is geodetic or not (this can, however, be done easily), rather it exposes a parameter called p_projected which the user must set to 1 (or any positive number) if the SDO_SRID is planar and 0 if geodetic (eg 8307). Failure to set the right value will generate strange results.
In addition, the created function computes a bearing from p_start_point to p_end_point and then turns this into one of 16 cardinal directions based on the compass rose. If you only need the 4 main points, modify the function accordingly.
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION CardinalDirection(p_start_point IN sdo_geometry, p_end_point IN sdo_geometry, p_tolerance IN NUMBER DEFAULT 0.05, p_projected IN INTEGER DEFAULT 1) RETURN varchar2 deterministic AS c_PI CONSTANT NUMBER := acos(-1); v_bearing NUMBER; v_tilt NUMBER; v_vertex1 mdsys.vertex_type; v_vertex2 mdsys.vertex_type; FUNCTION ST_Azimuth(p_dE1 IN NUMBER, p_dN1 IN NUMBER, p_dE2 IN NUMBER, p_dN2 IN NUMBER) RETURN NUMBER IS dBearing NUMBER; dEast NUMBER; dNorth NUMBER; BEGIN IF (p_dE1 IS NULL OR p_dN1 IS NULL OR p_dE2 IS NULL OR p_dE2 IS NULL ) THEN RETURN NULL; END IF; IF ( (p_dE1 = p_dE2) AND (p_dN1 = p_dN2) ) THEN RETURN NULL; END IF; dEast := p_dE2 - p_dE1; dNorth := p_dN2 - p_dN1; IF ( dEast = 0 ) THEN dBearing := CASE WHEN ( dNorth < 0 ) THEN c_PI ELSE 0 END; ELSE dBearing := -aTan(dNorth / dEast) + c_PI / 2; END IF; RETURN CASE WHEN ( dEast < 0 ) THEN dBearing + c_PI ELSE dBearing END; END ST_Azimuth; BEGIN IF (p_start_point IS NULL OR p_end_point IS NULL) THEN RETURN NULL; END IF; -- If Geodetic.... IF (NVL(ABS(p_projected),1) = 0 ) THEN SDO_UTIL.BEARING_TILT_FOR_POINTS( p_start_point, p_end_point, p_tolerance,v_bearing,v_tilt); ELSE v_vertex1 := sdo_util.getVertices(p_start_point)(1); v_vertex2 := sdo_util.getVertices(p_end_point)(1); v_bearing := ST_Azimuth(v_vertex1.X, v_vertex1.Y, v_vertex2.X, v_vertex2.Y); END IF; v_bearing := round(v_bearing * (180.0 / acos(-1)),2); RETURN CASE WHEN v_bearing IS NULL THEN 'NULL' WHEN /* Cardinal Point 0 */ v_bearing BETWEEN 348.75 AND 0.0 OR v_bearing BETWEEN 0.0 AND 11.25 THEN 'N' WHEN /* Cardinal Point 22.5 */ v_bearing BETWEEN 11.25 AND 33.75 THEN 'NNE' WHEN /* Cardinal Point 45 */ v_bearing BETWEEN 33.75 AND 56.25 THEN 'NE' WHEN /* Cardinal Point 67.5 */ v_bearing BETWEEN 56.25 AND 78.75 THEN 'ENE' WHEN /* Cardinal Point 90 */ v_bearing BETWEEN 78.75 AND 101.25 THEN 'E' WHEN /* Cardinal Point 112.5 */ v_bearing BETWEEN 101.25 AND 123.75 THEN 'ESE' WHEN /* Cardinal Point 135 */ v_bearing BETWEEN 123.75 AND 146.25 THEN 'SE' WHEN /* Cardinal Point 157.5 */ v_bearing BETWEEN 146.25 AND 168.75 THEN 'SSE' WHEN /* Cardinal Point 180 */ v_bearing BETWEEN 168.75 AND 191.25 THEN 'S' WHEN /* Cardinal Point 202.5 */ v_bearing BETWEEN 191.25 AND 213.75 THEN 'SSW' WHEN /* Cardinal Point 225 */ v_bearing BETWEEN 213.75 AND 236.25 THEN 'SW' WHEN /* Cardinal Point 247.5 */ v_bearing BETWEEN 236.25 AND 258.75 THEN 'WSW' WHEN /* Cardinal Point 270 */ v_bearing BETWEEN 258.75 AND 281.25 THEN 'W' WHEN /* Cardinal Point 292.5 */ v_bearing BETWEEN 281.25 AND 303.75 THEN 'WNW' WHEN /* Cardinal Point 315 */ v_bearing BETWEEN 303.75 AND 326.25 THEN 'NW' WHEN /* Cardinal Point 337.5 */ v_bearing BETWEEN 326.25 AND 348.75 THEN 'NNW' ELSE to_char(v_bearing) END; END CardinalDirection; / SHOW errors
To use the function, we can execute the following.
DROP TABLE ADJOINING_PARCELS; CREATE TABLE ADJOINING_PARCELS ( objectid INTEGER, shape sdo_geometry); INSERT INTO ADJOINING_PARCELS (OBJECTID,SHAPE) VALUES (1,SDO_GEOMETRY(2003,82362,NULL,SDO_ELEM_INFO_ARRAY(1,1003,1),SDO_ORDINATE_ARRAY(359154.918,2892270.678,359132.697,2892276.612,359129.913,2892266.19,359125.472,2892249.561,359147.693,2892243.626,359153.37,2892264.881,359154.918,2892270.678))); INSERT INTO ADJOINING_PARCELS (OBJECTID,SHAPE) VALUES (4,SDO_GEOMETRY(2003,82362,NULL,SDO_ELEM_INFO_ARRAY(1,1003,1),SDO_ORDINATE_ARRAY(359170.4,2892328.646,359148.179,2892334.581,359145.869,2892325.931,359140.438,2892305.596,359162.659,2892299.662,359164.723,2892307.391,359170.4,2892328.646))); INSERT INTO ADJOINING_PARCELS (OBJECTID,SHAPE) VALUES (8,SDO_GEOMETRY(2003,82362,NULL,SDO_ELEM_INFO_ARRAY(1,1003,1),SDO_ORDINATE_ARRAY(359162.659,2892299.662,359140.438,2892305.596,359132.697,2892276.612,359154.918,2892270.678,359159.047,2892286.136,359162.659,2892299.662))); INSERT INTO ADJOINING_PARCELS (OBJECTID,SHAPE) VALUES (10,SDO_GEOMETRY(2003,82362,NULL,SDO_ELEM_INFO_ARRAY(1,1003,1),SDO_ORDINATE_ARRAY(359200.35,2892320.647,359170.4,2892328.646,359164.723,2892307.391,359194.674,2892299.392,359200.35,2892320.647))); INSERT INTO ADJOINING_PARCELS (OBJECTID,SHAPE) VALUES (12,SDO_GEOMETRY(2003,82362,NULL,SDO_ELEM_INFO_ARRAY(1,1003,1),SDO_ORDINATE_ARRAY(359188.997,2892278.137,359159.047,2892286.136,359154.918,2892270.678,359153.37,2892264.881,359183.32,2892256.882,359185.647,2892265.593,359188.997,2892278.137))); INSERT INTO ADJOINING_PARCELS (OBJECTID,SHAPE) VALUES (14,SDO_GEOMETRY(2003,82362,NULL,SDO_ELEM_INFO_ARRAY(1,1003,1),SDO_ORDINATE_ARRAY(359183.32,2892256.882,359153.37,2892264.881,359147.693,2892243.626,359158.297,2892240.794,359167.326,2892238.382,359177.643,2892235.627,359180.063,2892244.687,359183.32,2892256.882))); INSERT INTO ADJOINING_PARCELS (OBJECTID,SHAPE) VALUES (15,SDO_GEOMETRY(2003,82362,NULL,SDO_ELEM_INFO_ARRAY(1,1003,1),SDO_ORDINATE_ARRAY(359194.674,2892299.392,359164.723,2892307.391,359162.659,2892299.662,359159.047,2892286.136,359188.997,2892278.137,359193.687,2892295.698,359194.674,2892299.392))); commit; DELETE FROM user_sdo_geom_metadata WHERE TABLE_NAME = 'ADJOINING_PARCELS'; commit; INSERT INTO USER_SDO_GEOM_METADATA (TABLE_NAME,COLUMN_NAME,DIMINFO,SRID) VALUES ('ADJOINING_PARCELS','SHAPE',MDSYS.SDO_DIM_ARRAY(MDSYS.SDO_DIM_ELEMENT('X',358925.345,359200.351,1),MDSYS.SDO_DIM_ELEMENT('Y',2892235.627,2892414.914,1)),82362); commit; CREATE INDEX ADJOINING_PARCELS_SHAPE ON ADJOINING_PARCELS(SHAPE) IndexType IS mdsys.spatial_index Parameters('sdo_indx_dims=2,layer_gtype=POLYGON'); -- Test SELECT p1.objectid, p2.objectid, CardinalDirection( sdo_geom.sdo_centroid(p1.shape,0.05), sdo_geom.sdo_centroid(p2.shape,0.05), 0.05, 1 /* Projected */) AS cardnlDirn, sdo_geom.sdo_centroid(p2.shape,0.05) target FROM ADJOINING_PARCELS p1, ADJOINING_PARCELS p2 WHERE p1.objectid = 12 AND sdo_anyinteract(p2.shape,p1.shape) = 'TRUE' AND p2.objectid <> p1.objectid AND sdo_geom.sdo_intersection(p1.shape,p2.shape,0.005).sdo_gtype <> 2001; -- Results -- OBJECTID OBJECTID CARDNLDIRN -------- -------- ---------- 12 1 WSW 12 8 NW 12 14 SSW 12 15 NNE
This results in the following visually.
I hope this is useful to someone, because my interlocutor thought so:
Thank you very much the code is working as I accepted and much more . God bless you that you are publishing your knowledge to others , you are the man!