ST_Scale for MySQL Spatial
A version of my Scale function for SQL Server Spatial and Oracle Spatial is available for MySQL.
Function Declaration
DELIMITER $$ CREATE FUNCTION `ST_Scale` ( p_geometry geometry, p_xFactor DOUBLE, p_yFactor DOUBLE, p_round INT ) RETURNS geometry BEGIN -- Processing RETURN geometry; END; DELIMITER ;
Function Testing
-- Point SELECT ST_AsText(ST_Scale(ST_PointFromText('POINT(0 1)',0), 5.0, 3.1, 2)) AS scaledGeom; # scaledGeom 'POINT(0 3.1)' -- Linestring SELECT ST_AsText(ST_Scale(ST_GeomFromText('LINESTRING(0.1 0.2,1.4 45.2)',0),-5.0,3.2, 3)) AS scaledGeom; # scaledGeom 'LINESTRING(-0.5 0.32,-7 4.48)' -- Polygon SELECT ST_AsText(ST_Scale(ST_GeomFromText('POLYGON((0 0,10 0,10 10,0 10,0 0))',0),-5.0,30.1, 3)) AS scaledGeom; # scaledGeom 'POLYGON((-0 0,-50 301,-50 301,-0 0,-0 0))'
If you think this is of use to you, make a donation and I will release the code to you along with any other MySQL functions I have created.