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STMBR2Geometry/STMBR2Geography functions
Oracle has a polygon geometry type (non-standard) called an optimized rectangle. To define one all one has to do is supply it with the lower-left and upper-right coordinates. This is a much easier thing to do than having to supply 5 coordinates in anti-clockwise order.
PostGIS also has a bunch of bounding box functions that also are useful for when working with rectangular polygons or minimum bounding rectangles (MBRs).
I have been playing around a lot, recently, with grid generation in SQL Server 2008 (more on this in another post). And, in doing so, I decided to code some functions that would return SQL Server 2008 geometry and geography polygon objects given the lower-left and upper-right coordinates of a minimum bounding rectangle.
Here they are.
USE [GISDB] -- Change this to your database GO -- Function that operates on Geography data type. CREATE Function [dbo].[STMBR2Geography] ( @p_minx float, @p_miny float, @p_maxx float, @p_maxy float, @p_srid Int ) returns geography As Begin Return geography::STGeomFromText('POLYGON((' + CONVERT(varchar(100), CAST(@p_minx as DECIMAL(24,12))) + ' ' + CONVERT(varchar(100), CAST(@p_miny as DECIMAL(24,12))) + ',' + CONVERT(varchar(100), CAST(@p_maxx as DECIMAL(24,12))) + ' ' + CONVERT(varchar(100), CAST(@p_miny as DECIMAL(24,12))) + ',' + CONVERT(varchar(100), CAST(@p_maxx as DECIMAL(24,12))) + ' ' + CONVERT(varchar(100), CAST(@p_maxy as DECIMAL(24,12))) + ',' + CONVERT(varchar(100), CAST(@p_minx as DECIMAL(24,12))) + ' ' + CONVERT(varchar(100), CAST(@p_maxy as DECIMAL(24,12))) + ',' + CONVERT(varchar(100), CAST(@p_minx as DECIMAL(24,12))) + ' ' + CONVERT(varchar(100), CAST(@p_miny as DECIMAL(24,12))) + '))', @p_srid); End; GO -- Same function but for Geometry type CREATE Function [dbo].[STMBR2Geometry]( @p_minx float, @p_miny float, @p_maxx float, @p_maxy float, @p_srid Int ) returns geometry As Begin Return geometry::STGeomFromText('POLYGON((' + CONVERT(varchar(100), CAST(@p_minx as DECIMAL(24,12))) + ' ' + CONVERT(varchar(100), CAST(@p_miny as DECIMAL(24,12))) + ',' + CONVERT(varchar(100), CAST(@p_maxx as DECIMAL(24,12))) + ' ' + CONVERT(varchar(100), CAST(@p_miny as DECIMAL(24,12))) + ',' + CONVERT(varchar(100), CAST(@p_maxx as DECIMAL(24,12))) + ' ' + CONVERT(varchar(100), CAST(@p_maxy as DECIMAL(24,12))) + ',' + CONVERT(varchar(100), CAST(@p_minx as DECIMAL(24,12))) + ' ' + CONVERT(varchar(100), CAST(@p_maxy as DECIMAL(24,12))) + ',' + CONVERT(varchar(100), CAST(@p_minx as DECIMAL(24,12))) + ' ' + CONVERT(varchar(100), CAST(@p_miny as DECIMAL(24,12))) + '))', @p_srid); End; GO
Testing is pretty easy.
-- First, let's create a simple polygon geometry -- select dbo.STMBR2Geometry(0,0,100,100,0).STAsText() as geomWKT;
geomWKT |
POLYGON ((0 0, 100 0, 100 100, 0 100, 0 0)) |
-- Now, let's create a polygon with a hole -- select dbo.STMBR2Geometry(0,0,100,100,0).STDifference(dbo.STMBR2Geometry(40,40,60,60,0)).STAsText() as geomWKT;
geomWKT |
POLYGON ((0 0, 100 0, 100 100, 0 100, 0 0), (40 40, 40 60, 60 60, 60 40, 40 40)) |
-- Now let's create a multipolygon with a hole -- select dbo.STMBR2Geometry(0,0,100,100,0).STDifference(dbo.STMBR2Geometry(40,40,60,60,0)).STUnion(dbo.STMBR2Geometry(200,200,400,400,0)).STAsText() as geomWKT;
geomWKT |
MULTIPOLYGON (((200 200, 400 200, 400 400, 200 400, 200 200)), ((0 0, 100 0, 100 100, 0 100, 0 0), (40 40, 40 60, 60 60, 60 40, 40 40))) |
-- Finally, let's create a polygon with a hole using the STMBR2Geography function -- select dbo.STMBR2Geography (147,-44,148,-43,4326) .STDifference(dbo.STMBR2Geography (147.4,-43.6,147.6,-43.2,4326)).STAsText() as geogWKT;
geogWKT |
POLYGON ((147 -44, 148 -44, 148 -43, 147 -43, 147 -44), (147.40000000596046 -43.599999994039536, 147.40000000596046 -43.200000002980232, 147.59999999403954 -43.200000002980232, 147.59999999403954 -43.599999994039536, 147.40000000596046 -43.599999994039536)) |
I hope someone finds these functions useful.
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