TSQL String Tokenizer Function for SQL Server
NOTE: If your database is 2016 or newer, you can use the new STRING_SPLIT function. See an example at the end of this post.
String tokenizer for SQL Server 2008.
We often have need of string tokenizers in applications. I had need of one in some TSQL development I am did for a customer. I had previously written one for Oracle so I decided to re-write it for SQL Server 2008 (I believe it should work in 2005).
The main limitations with the conversion are the lack of a hierarchical “CONNECT BY LEVEL” clause and the lack of a LEAD() function for SQL Server’s limited implementation of analytics. Also, the function is dependent on my generate_series() function as described in this article.
Still, with a little perseverance I came up with the following working implementation.
USE [GISDB] -- You need to change this if you use this function. GO -- Create Tokenizer Function -- CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[Tokenizer] ( @p_string VarChar(MAX), @p_separators VarChar(254) ) Returns @tokens TABLE ( id int, token varchar(MAX), separator varchar(MAX) ) As /****f* TOOLS/Tokenizer (2008) * NAME * Tokenizer - Splits any string into tokens and separators. * SYNOPSIS * Function Tokenizer ( * @p_string varchar(max), * @p_separators varchar(254) * ) * Returns @tokens TABLE * ( * id int, * token varchar(MAX), * separator varchar(MAX) * ) * EXAMPLE * SELECT t.id, t.token, t.separator * FROM [dbo].[TOKENIZER]('LINESTRING(0 0,1 1)',' ,()') as t * GO * id token separator * -- ---------- --------- * 1 LINESTRING ( * 2 0 NULL * 3 0 , * 4 1 NULL * 5 1 ) * DESCRIPTION * Supplied a string and a list of separators this function returns resultant tokens as a table collection. * Function returns both the token and the separator. * Returned table collection contains a unique identifier to ensure tokens and separators are always correctly ordered. * INPUTS * @p_string (varchar max) - Any non-null string. * @p_separators (varchar 254) - List of separators eg '(),' * RESULT * Table (Array) of Integers * id (int) - Unique identifier for each row starting with first token/separator found. * token (varchar MAX) - Token between separators * separator (varchar MAX) - Separator between tokens. * AUTHOR * Simon Greener * HISTORY * Pawel Barut, http://pbarut.blogspot.com/2007/03/yet-another-tokenizer-in-oracle.html * Simon Greener - Aug 2008 - Converted to SQL Server 2008 * Simon Greener - Aug 2012 - Added extra return variables. * Simon Greener - June 2020 - Converted to Inline Table-Valued Function from Multi-Statement Table-Valued Function * COPYRIGHT * (c) 2008-2020 by TheSpatialDBAdvisor/Simon Greener ******/ BEGIN WITH MyCTE AS ( SELECT c.beg, c.sep, ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY c.beg ASC) as rid FROM (SELECT b.beg, c.sep FROM (SELECT a.beg FROM (SELECT c.IntValue as beg FROM [dbo].[generate_series](1,DATALENGTH(@p_string),1) c ) a ) b, (SELECT SUBSTRING(@p_separators,d.IntValue,1) as sep FROM [dbo].[generate_series](1,DATALENGTH(@p_separators),1) d ) c WHERE CHARINDEX(c.sep,SUBSTRING(@p_string,b.beg,1)) > 0 UNION ALL SELECT 0 as beg, CAST(NULL AS varchar) as sep ) c ) INSERT INTO @tokens SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY a.rid ASC) as Id, CASE WHEN DATALENGTH(a.token) = 0 THEN NULL ELSE a.token END as token, a.separator FROM (SELECT d.rid, SUBSTRING(@p_string, (d.beg + 1), (d.end_p - d.beg - 1) ) token, d.separator FROM (SELECT BASE.rid, BASE.beg, LEAD.beg end_p, LEAD.sep separator FROM MyCTE BASE LEFT JOIN MyCTE LEAD ON BASE.rid = LEAD.rid-1 ) d WHERE d.end_p IS NOT NULL ) as a; RETURN; END; GO
Here are my, simple, tests.
SELECT distinct t.token FROM dbo.Tokenizer('LineString:MultiLineString:MultiPoint:MultiPolygon:Point:Point:LineString:Polygon:Polygon',':') as t;
token |
LineString |
MultiLineString |
MultiPoint |
MultiPolygon |
Point |
Polygon |
SELECT t.token FROM dbo.tokenizer('The rain in spain, stays mainly on the plain.!',' ,.!') t;
token |
Then |
rain |
in |
spain |
stays |
mainly |
on |
the |
plain |
Now, if you want to collect them back into a single string, here’s an example of what you can do.
SELECT (STUFF((SELECT DISTINCT ':' + a.gtype FROM (SELECT distinct t.token as gtype FROM dbo.Tokenizer('LineString:MultiLineString:MultiPoint:MultiPolygon:Point:Point:LineString:Polygon:Polygon',':') as t ) a ORDER BY ':' + a.gtype FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE, ROOT).value('root[1]','nvarchar(max)'),1,1,'') ) as GeometryTypes;
GeometryTypes |
LineString:MultiLineString:MultiPoint:MultiPolygon:Point:Polygon |
Upgraded Version for SQL Server 2012 and aboce
SQL Server 2012 and above provide the LAG/LEAD analytic functions that were missing from 2008. The above 2008 Tokenizer function can be re-written as follows.
-- Connect to database holding generate_series -- USE [GISDB] -- Change to your database GO -- Drop function if exists -- IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM dbo.sysobjects WHERE id = object_id (N'[dbo].[Tokenizer]') AND OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsTableFunction') = 1) DROP FUNCTION [dbo].[Tokenizer] GO -- -- Now let's create it -- CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[Tokenizer] ( @p_string VarChar(MAX), @p_separators VarChar(254) ) Returns @tokens TABLE ( id int, token varchar(MAX), separator varchar(MAX) ) As /****f* TOOLS/Tokenizer (2012) * NAME * Tokenizer - Splits any string into tokens and separators. * SYNOPSIS * Function Tokenizer ( * @p_string varchar(max), * @p_separators varchar(254) * ) * Returns @tokens TABLE * ( * id int, * token varchar(MAX), * separator varchar(MAX) * ) * EXAMPLE * * SELECT t.id, t.token, t.separator * FROM [dbo].[TOKENIZER]('LINESTRING(0 0,1 1)',' ,()') as t * GO * id token separator * -- ---------- --------- * 1 LINESTRING ( * 2 0 NULL * 3 0 , * 4 1 NULL * 5 1 ) * * DESCRIPTION * Supplied a string and a list of separators this function returns resultant tokens as a table collection. * Function returns both the token and the separator. * Returned table collection contains a unique identifier to ensure tokens and separators are always correctly ordered. * INPUTS * @p_string (varchar max) - Any non-null string. * @p_separators (varchar 254) - List of separators eg '(),' * RESULT * Table (Array) of Integers * id (int) - Unique identifier for each row starting with first token/separator found. * token (varchar MAX) - Token between separators * separator (varchar MAX) - Separator between tokens. * AUTHOR * Simon Greener * HISTORY * Simon Greener - Aug 2012 - Converted to SQL Server 2012 (Uses new Lag/Lead function and returns separators) * COPYRIGHT * (c) 2008-2020 by TheSpatialDBAdvisor/Simon Greener ******/ BEGIN WITH MyCTE AS ( SELECT c.beg, c.sep, ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY c.beg ASC) as rid FROM (SELECT b.beg, c.sep FROM (SELECT a.beg FROM (SELECT c.IntValue as beg FROM [dbo].[generate_series](1,DATALENGTH(@p_string),1) c ) a ) b, (SELECT SUBSTRING(@p_separators,d.IntValue,1) as sep FROM [dbo].[generate_series](1,DATALENGTH(@p_separators),1) d ) c WHERE CHARINDEX(c.sep,SUBSTRING(@p_string,b.beg,1)) > 0 UNION ALL SELECT 0 as beg, @p_string as sep ) c ) INSERT INTO @tokens SELECT Row_Number() OVER (ORDER BY a.rid ASC) as id, Case When DATALENGTH(a.token) = 0 Then null Else a.token End as token, a.separator FROM (SELECT d.rid, SubString(@p_string, (d.beg + 1), (Lead(d.beg,1) OVER (ORDER BY d.rid ASC) - d.beg - 1) ) as token, Lead(d.sep,1) OVER (ORDER BY d.rid asc) as separator FROM MyCTE d ) as a WHERE DATALENGTH(a.token) <> 0 or DATALENGTH(a.separator) <> 0; RETURN; END; GO
select distinct t.token from dbo.Tokenizer('LineString:MultiLineString:MultiPoint:MultiPolygon:Point:Point:LineString:Polygon:Polygon',':') as t;
token |
LineString |
MultiLineString |
MultiPoint |
MultiPolygon |
Point |
Polygon |
The classic “Rain in Spain…”.
SELECT t.* FROM dbo.tokenizer('The rain in spain, stays mainly on the plain.!',' ,.!') t;
id | token | separator |
1 | The | {SPACE} |
2 | rain | {SPACE} |
3 | in | {SPACE} |
4 | spain | , |
5 | NULL | {SPACE} |
6 | stays | {SPACE} |
7 | mainly | {SPACE} |
8 | on | {SPACE} |
9 | the | {SPACE} |
10 | plain | . |
11 | NULL | ! |
Now, let’s process a POLYGON WKT.
SELECT t.id, t.token, t.separator FROM dbo.tokenizer('POLYGON((2300 400, 2300 700, 2800 1100, 2300 1100, 1800 1100, 2300 400), (2300 1000, 2400 900, 2200 900, 2300 1000))',' ,()') as t;
id | token | separator |
1 | POLYGON | ( |
2 | NULL | ( |
3 | 2300 | {SPACE} |
4 | 400 | , |
5 | NULL | {SPACE} |
6 | 2300 | {SPACE} |
7 | 700 | , |
8 | NULL | {SPACE} |
9 | 2800 | {SPACE} |
10 | 1100 | , |
11 | NULL | {SPACE} |
12 | 2300 | {SPACE} |
13 | 1100 | , |
14 | NULL | {SPACE} |
15 | 1800 | {SPACE} |
16 | 1100 | , |
17 | NULL | {SPACE} |
18 | 2300 | {SPACE} |
19 | 400 | ) |
20 | NULL | , |
21 | NULL | {SPACE} |
22 | NULL | ( |
23 | 2300 | {SPACE} |
24 | 1000 | , |
25 | NULL | {SPACE} |
26 | 2400 | {SPACE} |
27 | NULL | {SPACE} |
28 | 900 | , |
29 | NULL | {SPACE} |
30 | 2200 | {SPACE} |
31 | 900 | , |
32 | NULL | {SPACE} |
33 | 2300 | {SPACE} |
34 | 1000 | ) |
35 | NULL | ) |
This time don’t include the space as a separator.
SELECT t.id, t.token, t.separator FROM dbo.tokenizer('POLYGON((2300 400, 2300 700, 2800 1100, 2300 1100, 1800 1100, 2300 400), (2300 1000, 2400 900, 2200 900, 2300 1000))',',()') as t;
id | token | separator |
1 | POLYGON | ( |
2 | NULL | ( |
3 | 2300 400 | , |
4 | 2300 700 | , |
5 | 2800 1100 | , |
6 | 2300 1100 | , |
7 | 1800 1100 | , |
8 | 2300 400 | ) |
9 | NULL | , |
10 | {SPACE} | ( |
11 | 2300 1000 | , |
12 | 2400 900 | , |
13 | 2200 900 | , |
14 | 2300 1000 | ) |
15 | NULL | ) |
The STRING_SPLIT function released for SQL Server 2016 can be used instead of my Tokenizer function. The main difference is that the STRING_SPLT function returns only the tokens (or an additional ordinal identifier field) whereas the Tokenizer functions return a token id (ordinal), the token, and the separator between the tokens.
select distinct t.value from STRING_SPLIT('LineString:MultiLineString:MultiPoint:MultiPolygon:Point:Point:LineString:Polygon:Polygon',':') as t; -- Result -- value LineString MultiLineString MultiPoint MultiPolygon Point Polygon -- Now return the ordinal value as an id. -- select t.ordinal as id, t.value as token from STRING_SPLIT('LineString:MultiLineString:MultiPoint:MultiPolygon:Point:Point:LineString:Polygon:Polygon',':',1) as t; -- Result -- id token 1 LineString 2 MultiLineString 3 MultiPoint 4 MultiPolygon 5 Point 6 Point 7 LineString 8 Polygon 9 Polygon
I hope that someone out there finds this post useful.