ST_Move This is a MySQL function which moves a geometry the supplied delta X and delta Y.
Function Specification.
Function ST_Move ( p_geometry geometry, p_dX double, p_dY double, p_round_xy int ) Returns geometry
ST_Move is a function that moves the supplied geometry’s ordinates the supplied x and y deltas.
The computed ordinates of the new geometry are rounded to p_round_xy number of decimal digits of precision.
p_geometry (geometry) - supplied geometry of any type. p_dX (double) - X ordinate delta shift. p_dy (double) - Y ordinate delta shift. p_round_xy (int) - Decimal degrees of precision to which calculated XY ordinates are rounded.
The function moves the supplied geometry by supplied X and Y ordinate deltas.
SELECT ST_AsText( ST_Move( ST_GeomFromText('LINESTRING(0.1 0.2,1.4 45.2)',0), -5.0, 30.1, 1 ) ) as movedGeom; # movedGeom 'LINESTRING(-4.9 30.2,-3.6 31.5)'