The CoOrdinate GeOmetry package contains a bunch of functions related to handling curves, circles, bearings and distances.

DEFINE defaultSchema = '&1'
create or replace
    /** Declare Public constants
    * @constant cPI The value of PI: Is in Constants package
    * @constant cMAX Maximum number storable in NUMBER
    c_SRID           CONSTANT VARCHAR2(100) := 'SRID';
    /** Inspector function to return constant values in SQL SElect statements
    /** Allows controlling program to set Degree Symbol for use in DD2DMS
    * @param p_Symbol A single character added as suffix to degrees value in DD2DMS
    Procedure SetDegreeSymbol( p_Symbol In NVarChar2 );
    /** Allows controlling program to set Minutes Symbol for use in DD2DMS
    * @param p_Symbol A single character added as suffix to minutes value in DD2DMS
    Procedure SetMinuteSymbol( p_Symbol In NVarChar2 );
    /** Allows controlling program to set Seconds Symbol for use in DD2DMS
    * @param p_Symbol A single character added as suffix to seconds value in DD2DMS
    Procedure SetSecondSymbol( p_Symbol In NVarChar2 );
    /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    * @function   : PointFromBearingAndDistance
    * @precis     : Returns point shape from starting E,N and bearing and distance.
    * @version    : 1.0
    * @usage      : FUNCTION PointFromBearindAndDistance (
    *                                        dStartE in number,
    *                                        dStartN in number,
    *                                        dBearing in number,
    *                                        dDistance in number )
    *               eg :new.shape := &&defaultSchema..cogo.PointFromBearingAndDistance(300000,5245000,225,45.56);
    * @param      : dStartE     : Reference point's easting
    * @paramtype  : dStartE     : NUMBER
    * @param      : dStartN     : Reference point's northing
    * @paramtype  : dStartN     : NUMBER
    * @param      : dBearing    : Whole circle bearing from start point to new point
    * @paramtype  : dBearing    : NUMBER
    * @param      : dDistance   : Distance from N,E to new point
    * @paramtype  : dDistance   : NUMBER
    * @return     : EndPoint    : The new point from the start.
    * @rtnType    : EndPoint    : MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY
    * @note       : Does not throw exceptions for dBearing not between 0 - 360
    * @note       : Assumes dBearing is a whole-cirle bearing.
    * @note       : Assumes planar projection eg UTM.
    * @history    : Simon Greener - Feb 2005 - Original coding.
    FUNCTION PointFromBearingAndDistance ( dStartE in number,
                                           dStartN in number,
                                           dBearing in number,
                                           dDistance in number )
    /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    * @function   : RelativeLine
    * @precis     : Returns simple 2 vertex line whose first vertex is defined as a bearing and
    *               distance from a known point and whose second vertex is via a bearing and
    *               distance from the first point.
    * @version    : 1.0
    * @usage      : FUNCTION RelativeLine (
    *                                        dStartE in number,
    *                                        dStartN in number,
    *                                        dBearingStart in number,
    *                                        dDistanceStart in number,
    *                                        dBearingEnd in number,
    *                                        dDistanceEnd in number )
    *               eg :new.shape := &&defaultSchema..cogo.RelativeLine(300000,5245000,225,45.56,45,100);
    * @param      : dStartE        : Reference point's easting
    * @paramtype  : dStartE        : NUMBER
    * @param      : dStartN        : Reference point's northing
    * @paramtype  : dStartN        : NUMBER
    * @param      : dBearingStart  : Whole circle bearing from start point to first vertex
    * @paramtype  : dBearingStart  : NUMBER
    * @param      : dDistanceStart : Distance from start point to first vertex
    * @paramtype  : dDistanceStart : NUMBER
    * @param      : dBearingEnd    : Whole circle bearing from first to the second vertex.
    * @paramtype  : dBearingEnd    : NUMBER
    * @param      : dDistanceEnd   : Distance from first vertex to the second vertex.
    * @paramtype  : dDistanceEnd   : NUMBER
    * @return     : Linestring     : The actual line as a linestring.
    * @rtnType    : Linestring     : MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY
    * @note       : Does not throw exceptions for bearings not between 0 - 360
    * @note       : Assumes Bearings are whole-cirle bearing.
    * @note       : Assumes planar projection eg UTM.
    * @history    : Simon Greener - Feb 2005 - Original coding.
    Function RelativeLine( dStartX        In Number,
                           dStartY        In Number,
                           dBearingStart  In Number,
                           dDistanceStart In Number,
                           dBearingEnd    In Number,
                           dDistanceEnd   In Number)
             Return MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY Deterministic;
    /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    * @function   : CreateCircle
    * @precis     : Returns 2003 Circle sdo_geometry from Centre XY and Radius
    * @version    : 1.0
    * @usage      : FUNCTION CreateCircle ( dCentreX in number,
    *                                         dCentreY in number,
    *                                         dRadius in number )
    *               eg :new.shape := &&defaultSchema..cogo.CreateCircle(300000,52450000,100);
    * @param      : dCentreX    : X Ordinate of centre of Circle
    * @paramtype  : dCentreX    : NUMBER
    * @param      : dCentreY    : Y Ordinate of centre of Circle
    * @paramtype  : dCentreY    : NUMBER
    * @param      : dRadius     : Radius of Circle
    * @paramtype  : dRadius     : NUMBER
    * @return     : CircleShape : Circle as 2003 object with interpretation 4
    * @rtnType    : CircleShape : MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY
    * @note       : Does not throw exceptions
    * @note       : Assumes planar projection eg UTM.
    * @history    : Simon Greener - Mar 2005 - Original coding.
    Function CreateCircle(dCentreX in Number,
                          dCentreY in Number,
                          dRadius in Number)
             Return MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY Deterministic;
    /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    * @function   : FindCircle
    * @precis     : Finds Circle's centre X and Y and Radius from three points
    * @version    : 1.1
    * @usage      : procedure FindCircle
    *                         (
    *                             p_X1     in number, p_Y1 in number,
    *                             p_X2     in number, p_Y2 in number,
    *                             p_X3     in number, p_Y3 in number,
    *                             p_CX     out number,
    *                             p_CY     out number,
    *                             p_Radius out number
    *                         );
    *               eg &&defaultSchema..cogo.FindCircle(299900,5245000,
    *                                          300000,5245100,
    *                                          300100,5245000,
    *                                          centreX,centreY,Radius);
    * @param      : p_X1     : X ordinate of first point on circle
    * @paramtype  : p_X1     : NUMBER
    * @param      : p_Y1     : Y ordinate of first point on circle
    * @paramtype  : p_Y1     : NUMBER
    * @param      : p_X2     : X ordinate of second point on circle
    * @paramtype  : p_X2     : NUMBER
    * @param      : p_Y2     : Y ordinate of second point on circle
    * @paramtype  : p_Y2     : NUMBER
    * @param      : p_X3     : X ordinate of third point on circle
    * @paramtype  : p_X3     : NUMBER
    * @param      : p_Y3     : Y ordinate of third point on circle
    * @paramtype  : p_Y3     : NUMBER
    * @return     : p_CX     : X ordinate of centre of circle
    * @rtnType    : p_CX     : NUMBER
    * @return     : p_CY     : Y ordinate of centre of circle
    * @rtnType    : p_CY     : NUMBER
    * @return     : p_Radius : Radius of circle
    * @rtnType    : p_Radius : NUMBER
    * @note       : Throw exception if three points don't define circle.
    * @note       : Assumes planar projection eg UTM.
    * @history    : Simon Greener - Feb 2005 - Original coding.
    procedure FindCircle ( p_X1     in number, p_Y1 in number,
                           p_X2     in number, p_Y2 in number,
                           p_X3     in number, p_Y3 in number,
                           p_CX     out number,
                           p_CY     out number,
                           p_Radius out number);
    /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    * @function   : FindCircle
    * @precis     : Finds Circle's centre X and Y and Radius from three points returning True
    *               if circle could be computed, False otherwise.
    * @note       : See procedure FindCircle documentation for data types etc of parameters.
    * @note       : Does not throw an exception.
    * @history    : Simon Greener - Jul 2006 - Original coding.
    function FindCircle(   p_X1     in number, p_Y1 in number,
                           p_X2     in number, p_Y2 in number,
                           p_X3     in number, p_Y3 in number,
                           p_CX     in out nocopy number,
                           p_CY     in out nocopy number,
                           p_Radius in out nocopy number)
             Return Boolean Deterministic;
    procedure FindCircle ( pot_Pt1    in &&defaultSchema..VERTEX_TYPE,
                           pot_Pt2    in &&defaultSchema..VERTEX_TYPE,
                           pot_Pt3    in &&defaultSchema..VERTEX_TYPE,
                           pot_Centre out nocopy &&defaultSchema..VERTEX_TYPE,
                           p_Radius   out nocopy number);
    Function FindCircle ( pot_Pt1    in  &&defaultSchema..VERTEX_TYPE,
                          pot_Pt2    in  &&defaultSchema..VERTEX_TYPE,
                          pot_Pt3    in  &&defaultSchema..VERTEX_TYPE,
                          pot_Centre out nocopy &&defaultSchema..VERTEX_TYPE,
                          p_Radius   out nocopy number)
             Return Boolean Deterministic;
    * @function   : Circle2Polygon
    * @precis     : Returns 2003 Polygon shape from Circle Centre XY and Radius
    * @version    : 1.0
    * @usage      : FUNCTION Circle2Polygon ( dCentreX in number,
    *                                         dCentreY in number,
    *                                         dRadius in number,
    *                                         iSegments in INTEGER )
    *               eg :new.shape := &&defaultSchema..cogo.Circle2Polygon(300000,52450000,100,360);
    * @param      : dCentreX    : X Ordinate of centre of Circle
    * @paramtype  : dCentreX    : NUMBER
    * @param      : dCentreY    : Y Ordinate of centre of Circle
    * @paramtype  : dCentreY    : NUMBER
    * @param      : dRadius     : Radius of Circle
    * @paramtype  : dRadius     : NUMBER
    * @param      : iSegments   : Number of arc (chord) segments in circle (+ve clockwise, -ve anti-clockwise)
    * @paramtype  : iSegments   : INTEGER
    * @return     : PolyShape   : Circle as 2003 polyon
    * @rtnType    : PolyShape   : MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY
    * @note       : Does not throw exceptions
    * @note       : Assumes planar projection eg UTM.
    * @history    : Simon Greener  - Feb 2005 - Original coding.
    Function Circle2Polygon( dCentreX in number,
                             dCentreY in number,
                             dRadius in number,
                             iSegments in integer)
    /** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    * @function   : CircularArc2Line
    * @precis     : Returns Polyline shape from Circular Arc with Start XY, End XY and Centre XY and Radius
    * @version    : 1.0
    * @usage      : FUNCTION CircularArc2Line( dStart   in &&defaultSchema..ST_Point,
    *                                          dMid     in &&defaultSchema..ST_Point,
    *                                          dEnd     in &&defaultSchema..ST_Point,
    *                                          p_Arc2Chord in number := 0.1 )
    *               eg :new.shape := &&defaultSchema..cogo.CircularArc2Line(ST_Point(10,14), ST_Point(6,10), ST_Point(14,10), 0.5);
    * @param      : dStart     : Start point for the Circular Arc
    * @paramtype  : dStart     : &&defaultSchema..ST_Point
    * @param      : dMid       : Middle point for the Circular Arc
    * @paramtype  : dMid       : &&defaultSchema..ST_Point
    * @param      : dEnd       : Coordinate of the end point for the Circular Arc
    * @paramtype  : dEnd       : &&defaultSchema..ST_Point
    * @param      : p_Arc2Chord : Arc to chord separation distance for calculating vertices
    * @paramtype  : p_Arc2Chord : NUMBER
    * @return     : PolyShape   : Circular Arc as polyline
    * @rtnType    : PolyShape   : MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY
    * @note       : Does not throw exceptions
    * @note       : Assumes planar projection eg UTM.
    * @history    : Simon Greener - Feb 2005 - Original coding.
    * @history    : Simon Greener - Jan 2008 - Made function more standalone by incorporating code from GF package.
    *                                           Made attempt to fix rotation issues (still work in progress).
    * @history    : Simon Greener - Feb 2008 - Support for Z and measures added.
    Function CircularArc2Line(dStart   in &&defaultSchema..ST_Point,
                              dMid     in &&defaultSchema..ST_Point,
                              dEnd     in &&defaultSchema..ST_Point,
                              p_Arc2Chord in number  := 0.1 )
    /** Alternate Bindings
    Function CircularArc2Line(dStart   in &&defaultSchema..Vertex_Type,
                              dMid     in &&defaultSchema..Vertex_Type,
                              dEnd     in &&defaultSchema..Vertex_Type,
                              p_Arc2Chord in number  := 0.1 )
    * @usage      : FUNCTION CircularArc2Line( dStartX   in number,
    *                                          dStartY   in number,
    *                                          dMidX     in number,
    *                                          dMidY     in number,
    *                                          dEndX     in number,
    *                                          dEndY     in number,
    *                                          p_Arc2Chord in number := 0.1 )
    *               eg :new.shape := &&defaultSchema..cogo.CircularArc2Line(10,14, 6,10, 14,10, 0.5);
    * @param      : dStartX     : X Ordinate of the start point for the Circular Arc
    * @paramtype  : dStartX     : NUMBER
    * @param      : dStartY     : Y Ordinate of the start point for the Circular Arc
    * @paramtype  : dStartY     : NUMBER
    * @param      : dMidX       : X Ordinate of the middle point for the Circular Arc
    * @paramtype  : dMidX       : NUMBER
    * @param      : dMidY       : Y Ordinate of the middle point for the Circular Arc
    * @paramtype  : dMidY       : NUMBER
    * @param      : dEndX       : X Ordinate of the end point for the Circular Arc
    * @paramtype  : dEndX       : NUMBER
    * @param      : dEndY       : Y Ordinate of the end point for the Circular Arc
    * @paramtype  : dEndY       : NUMBER
    Function CircularArc2Line(dStartX     in number,
                              dStartY     in number,
                              dMidX       in number,
                              dMidY       in number,
                              dEndX       in number,
                              dEndY       in number,
                              p_Arc2Chord in number  := 0.1 )
    /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    * @function   : ComputeChordLength
    * @precis     : Returns the length of the chord for an angle given the radius
    * @version    : 1.0
    * @usage      : FUNCTION ComputeChordLength( dRadius in number,
    *                                            dAngle in number)
    *                        RETURN NUMBER DETERMINISTIC;
    *               eg :new.chordlength := &&defaultSchema..cogo.ComputeChordLength(100, 110);
    * @param      : dRadius     : Radius of Circle
    * @paramtype  : dRadius     : NUMBER
    * @param      : dAngle      : Angle inside
    * @paramtype  : dAngle      : NUMBER
    * @return     : ChordLength : the length of the chord in metres
    * @rtnType    : ChordLength : NUMBER
    * @note       : Does not throw exceptions
    * @note       : Assumes planar projection eg UTM.
    * @history    : Simon Greener - Feb 2005 - Original coding.
    Function ComputeChordLength( dRadius in number,
                                 dAngle in number)
             Return Number Deterministic;
    /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    * @function   : ComputeArcLength
    * @precis     : Returns the length of the Arc for an angle given the radius
    * @version    : 1.0
    * @usage      : FUNCTION ComputeArcLength( dRadius in number,
    *                                          dAngle in number)
    *                        RETURN NUMBER DETERMINISTIC;
    *               eg :new.arclength := &&defaultSchema..cogo.ComputeArcLength(100, 110);
    * @param      : dRadius     : Radius of Circle
    * @paramtype  : dRadius     : NUMBER
    * @param      : dAngle      : Angle inside
    * @paramtype  : dAngle      : NUMBER
    * @return     : ArcLength   : the length of the chord in metres
    * @rtnType    : ArcLength   : NUMBER
    * @note       : Does not throw exceptions
    * @note       : Assumes planar projection eg UTM.
    * @history    : Simon Greener  - Feb 2005 - Original coding.
    Function ComputeArcLength( dRadius in number,
                               dAngle in number)
             Return Number Deterministic;
    /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    * @function   : ArcToChordSeparation
    * @precis     : Returns the distance between the midpoint of the Arc and the Chord for an angle given the radius
    * @version    : 1.0
    * @usage      : FUNCTION ArcToChordSeparation( dRadius in number,
    *                                              dAngle in number)
    *                        RETURN NUMBER DETERMINISTIC;
    *               eg :new.sepearation := &&defaultSchema..cogo.ArcToChordSeparation(100, 110);
    * @param      : dRadius                : NUMBER : Radius of Circle
    * @param      : dAngle                 : NUMBER : Angle inside
    * @return     : ArcToChordSeparation   : NUMBER : the distance between the midpoint of the Arc and the Chord in metres
    * @note       : Does not throw exceptions
    * @note       : Assumes planar projection eg UTM.
    * @history    : Simon Greener  - Feb 2005 - Original coding.
    Function ArcToChordSeparation( dRadius in number,
                                   dAngle in number )
             Return Number Deterministic;
    /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    * @function   : OptimalCircleSegments
    * @precis     : Returns the optimal integer number of circle segments for an arc-to-chord
    *               separation given the radius
    * @version    : 1.0
    * @usage      : FUNCTION OptimalCircleSegments( dRadius in number,
    *                                               dArcToChordSeparation in number)
    *                        RETURN INTEGER DETERMINISTIC;
    *               eg :new.shape := &&defaultSchema..cogo.OptimalCircleSegments(100, 0.003);
    * @param      : dRadius               : NUMBER : Radius of Circle
    * @param      : dArcToChordSeparation : NUMBER : Distance between the midpoint of the Arc and the Chord in metres
    * @return     : OptimalCircleSegments : INTEGER : the optimal number of segments
    * @note       : Does not throw exceptions
    * @note       : Assumes planar projection eg UTM.
    * @history    : Simon Greener - Feb 2005 - Original coding.
    Function OptimalCircleSegments( dRadius in number,
                                    dArcToChordSeparation in number)
    Return Integer Deterministic;
    /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    * @function   : ArcTan2
    * @precis     : Returns the angle in Radians with tangent opp/hyp. The returned value is between PI and -PI
    * @version    : 1.0
    * @usage      : FUNCTION ArcTan2( dOpp in number,
    *                               dAdj in number)
    *                        RETURN NUMBER DETERMINISTIC;
    *               eg :new.shape := &&defaultSchema..cogo.ArcTan2(14 ,15);
    * @param      : dOpp    : NUMBER : Length of the vector perpendicular to two vectors (cross product)
    * @param      : dAdj    : NUMBER : Length of the calculated from the dot product of two vectors
    * @return     : ArcTan2 : NUMBER : the angle in Radians with tangent opp/hyp
    * @note       : Does not throw exceptions
    * @note       : Assumes planar projection eg UTM.
    * @history    : Steve Harwin - Feb 2005 - Original coding.
    Function ArcTan2( dOpp in number,
                    dAdj in number)
             Return Number Deterministic;
    /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    * @function   : CrossProductLength
    * @precis     : Return the cross product AB x BC, where a is Start, B is Centre and C is End.
    *               The cross product is a vector perpendicular to AB and BC having length |AB| * |BC| * Sin(theta)
    *               and with direction given by the right-hand rule.
    *               For two vectors in the X-Y plane, the result is a vector with X and Y components 0 so the Z
    *               component gives the vector's length and direction.
    * @version    : 1.0
    * @usage      : FUNCTION CrossProductLength( dStartX in number,
    *                                            dStartY in number,
    *                                            dCentreX in number,
    *                                            dCentreY in number,
    *                                            dEndX in number,
    *                                            dEndY in number)
    *                        RETURN NUMBER DETERMINISTIC;
    *               eg :new.shape := &&defaultSchema..cogo.CrossProductLength(299900, 5200000, 300000, 5200000, 300000, 5200100);
    * @param      : dStartX     : NUMBER : X Ordinate of the start point for the first vector
    * @param      : dStartY     : NUMBER : Y Ordinate of the start point for the first vector
    * @param      : dCentreX    : NUMBER : X Ordinate of the end point for the first vector and the start point for the second vector
    * @param      : dCentreY    : NUMBER : Y Ordinate of the end point for the first vector and the start point for the second vector
    * @param      : dEndX       : NUMBER : X Ordinate of the end point for the second vector
    * @param      : dEndY       : NUMBER : Y Ordinate of the end point for the second vector
    * @return     : CrossProductLength : NUMBER : the length of the vector perpendicular to the first and second vector
    * @note       : Does not throw exceptions
    * @note       : Assumes planar projection eg UTM.
    * @history    : Steve Harwin - Feb 2005 - Original coding.
    Function CrossProductLength(dStartX in number,
                                dStartY in number,
                                dCentreX in number,
                                dCentreY in number,
                                dEndX in number,
                                dEndY in number)
             Return Number Deterministic;
    /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    * @function   : DotProduct
    * @precis     : Return the dot product AB . BC, where a is Start, B is Centre and C is End..
    *               Note that AB . BC = |AB| * |BC| * Cos(theta).
    * @version    : 1.0
    * @usage      : FUNCTION DotProduct( dStartX in number,
    *                                    dStartY in number,
    *                                    dCentreX in number,
    *                                    dCentreY in number,
    *                                    dEndX in number,
    *                                    dEndY in number)
    *                        RETURN NUMBER DETERMINISTIC;
    *               eg :new.shape := &&defaultSchema..cogo.DotProduct(299900, 5200000, 300000, 5200000, 300000, 5200100);
    * @param      : dStartX    : NUMBER : X Ordinate of the start point for the first vector
    * @param      : dStartY    : NUMBER : Y Ordinate of the start point for the first vector
    * @param      : dCentreX   : NUMBER : X Ordinate of the end point for the first vector and the start point for the second vector
    * @param      : dCentreY   : NUMBER : Y Ordinate of the end point for the first vector and the start point for the second vector
    * @param      : dEndX      : NUMBER : X Ordinate of the end point for the second vector
    * @param      : dEndY      : NUMBER : Y Ordinate of the end point for the second vector
    * @return     : DotProduct : NUMBER : the dot product AB . BC
    * @note       : Does not throw exceptions
    * @note       : Assumes planar projection eg UTM.
    * @history    : Steve Harwin - Feb 2005 - Original coding.
    Function DotProduct(dStartX in number,
                        dStartY in number,
                        dCentreX in number,
                        dCentreY in number,
                        dEndX in number,
                        dEndY in number)
             Return Number Deterministic;
    Function isGeographic( p_SRID in number )
             Return Boolean Deterministic;
    /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    * @function   : AngleBetween3Points
    * @precis     : Return the angle in Radians. Returns a value between PI and -PI.
    * @version    : 1.0
    * @usage      : FUNCTION AngleBetween3Points( dStartX in number,
    *                                             dStartY in number,
    *                                             dCentreX in number,
    *                                             dCentreY in number,
    *                                             dEndX in number,
    *                                             dEndY in number)
    *                        RETURN NUMBER DETERMINISTIC;
    *               eg :new.shape := &&defaultSchema..cogo.AngleBetween3Points(299900, 5200000, 300000, 5200000, 300000, 5200100);
    * @param      : dStartX  : NUMBER : X Ordinate of the start point for the first vector
    * @param      : dStartY  : NUMBER : Y Ordinate of the start point for the first vector
    * @param      : dCentreX : NUMBER : X Ordinate of the end point for the first vector and the start point for the second vector
    * @param      : dCentreY : NUMBER : Y Ordinate of the end point for the first vector and the start point for the second vector
    * @param      : dEndX    : NUMBER : X Ordinate of the end point for the second vector
    * @param      : dEndY    : NUMBER : Y Ordinate of the end point for the second vector
    * @return     : AngleBetween3Points : NUMBER : the angle in Radians between PI and -PI
    * @note       : Does not throw exceptions
    * @note       : Assumes planar projection eg UTM.
    * @history    : Steve Harwin - Feb 2005 - Original coding.
    Function AngleBetween3Points( dStartX in number,
                                  dStartY in number,
                                  dCentreX in number,
                                  dCentreY in number,
                                  dEndX in number,
                                  dEndY in number)
             Return Number Deterministic;
    /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    * @function   : Bearing
    * @precis     : Returns a value between 0 and 2*PI representing the bearing
    *               North = 0, East = PI/2, South = PI, West = 3*PI/4
    *               To convert to degrees multiply by (180/PI).
    * @version    : 1.0
    * @usage      : FUNCTION Bearing( dE1 in number,
    *                                 dN1 in number,
    *                                 dE2 in number,
    *                                 dN2 in number)
    *                        RETURN NUMBER DETERMINISTIC;
    *               eg :new.shape := &&defaultSchema..cogo.Bearing(299900, 5200000, 300000, 5200100);
    * @param      : dE1     : NUMBER : X Ordinate of the start point for the vector
    * @param      : dN1     : NUMBER : Y Ordinate of the start point for the vector
    * @param      : dE2     : NUMBER : X Ordinate of the end point for the vector
    * @param      : dN2     : NUMBER : Y Ordinate of the end point for the vector
    * @return     : Bearing : NUMBER : the angle in radians between 0 and 2*PI representing the bearing
    * @note       : Does not throw exceptions
    * @note       : Assumes planar projection eg UTM.
    * @history    : Simon Greener - Feb 2005 - Original coding.
    Function Bearing( dE1 in number,
                      dN1 in number,
                      dE2 in number,
                      dN2 in number)
             Return Number Deterministic;
    /** Alternate binding: 1
    Function Bearing( startCoord in mdsys.sdo_point_type,
                        endCoord in mdsys.sdo_point_type)
             Return Number Deterministic;
    /** Alternate binding: 2
    Function Bearing( p_startCoord in mdsys.sdo_point_type,
                        p_endCoord in mdsys.sdo_point_type,
                     p_planar_srid in number,
                 p_geographic_srid in number := 8311
     Return Number Deterministic;
    /* Alternate binding for SQL/MM
    Function ST_Azimuth( p_startCoord in &&defaultSchema..ST_Point,
                         p_endCoord   in &&defaultSchema..ST_Point)
      Return Number Deterministic;
    Function GreatCircleBearing ( p_lon1 in number,
                                  p_lat1 in number,
                                  p_lon2 in number,
                                  p_lat2  in number)
             Return number deterministic;
    /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    * @function   : Distance
    * @precis     : Returns the distance between (dE1,dN1) and (dE2,dN2).
    * @version    : 1.0
    * @usage      : FUNCTION Distance( dE1 in number,
    *                                  dN1 in number,
    *                                  dE2 in number,
    *                                  dN2 in number)
    *                        RETURN NUMBER DETERMINISTIC;
    *               eg :new.shape := &&defaultSchema..cogo.Distance(299900, 5200000, 300000, 5200100);
    * @param      : dE1      : NUMBER : X Ordinate of the start point for the vector
    * @param      : dN1      : NUMBER : Y Ordinate of the start point for the vector
    * @param      : dE2      : NUMBER : X Ordinate of the end point for the vector
    * @param      : dN2      : NUMBER : Y Ordinate of the end point for the vector
    * @return     : Distance : NUMBER : the length in metres of the vector between (dE1,dN1) and (dE2,dN2)
    * @note       : Does not throw exceptions
    * @note       : Assumes planar projection eg UTM.
    * @history    : Simon Greener - Feb 2005 - Original coding.
    Function Distance( dE1 in number,
                       dN1 in number,
                       dE2 in number,
                       dN2 in number)
             Return Number Deterministic;
    /** @note       : Overload of Distance()
    Function Distance( p_startCoord in mdsys.sdo_point_type,
                         p_endCoord in mdsys.sdo_point_type)
             Return Number Deterministic;
    Function Distance( p_frst_vertex IN &&defaultSchema..ST_Point,
                       p_last_vertex IN &&defaultSchema..ST_Point,
                       p_srid        IN number,
                       p_tolerance   IN number)
             Return Number Deterministic;
    /** @note  : Projects any geographic data to planar projection before calling Distance.
    Function Distance(    p_startCoord in mdsys.sdo_point_type,
                            p_endCoord in mdsys.sdo_point_type,
	             p_geographic_srid in number := 8311,
	                   p_tolerance in number := 0.05 )
             Return Number Deterministic;
    /** @note : A version that does not require use of sdo_geom.sdo_distance()
  function GreatCircleDistance( p_lon1              in number,
                                p_lat1              in number,
                                p_lon2              in number,
                                p_lat2              in number,
                                p_equatorial_radius in number default null,
                                p_flattening        in number default null)
      	     Return number deterministic;
    /** @note : Overload of GreatCircleDistance.
  function GreatCircleDistance( p_lon1           in number,
                                p_lat1           in number,
                                p_lon2           in number,
                                p_lat2           in number,
                                p_ref_type       in varchar2,
                                p_ref_id         in number,
                                p_ellipsoid_name in varchar2 default null)
             Return number deterministic;
    Function DD2DMS( dDecDeg in number)
             Return varchar2 Deterministic;
    Function DMS2DD( dDeg in number,
                     dMin in number,
                     dSec in number)
             Return Number Deterministic;
    Function DD2DMS( dDecDeg in Number,
                     pDegree in NVarChar2,
                     pMinute in NVarChar2,
                     pSecond in NVarChar2 )
             Return varchar2 Deterministic;
    Function DMS2DD(strDegMinSec in varchar2)
             Return Number deterministic;
  Function Latitude( p_deg in pls_integer,
                     p_min in pls_integer,
                     p_sec in pls_integer,
                     p_sgn in pls_integer)
           Return number Deterministic;
  Function Longitude( p_deg in pls_integer,
                      p_min in pls_integer,
                      p_sec in pls_integer,
                      p_sgn in pls_integer)
    Return Number Deterministic;
    /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    * @function   : FindLineIntersection
    * @precis     : Find the point where two vectors intersect.
    * @version    : 1.0
    * @usage      : PROCEDURE FindLineIntersection(x11 in number, y11 in number,
    *                                              x12 in Single, y12 in Single,
    *                                              x21 in Single, y21 in Single,
    *                                              x22 in Single, y22 in Single,
    *                                              inter_x  OUT Single, inter_y  OUT Single,
    *                                              inter_x1 OUT Single, inter_y1 OUT Single,
    *                                              inter_x2 OUT Single, inter_y2 OUT Single );
    * @param      : x11     : NUMBER : X Ordinate of the start point for the first vector
    * @param      : y11     : NUMBER : Y Ordinate of the start point for the first vector
    * @param      : x12     : NUMBER : X Ordinate of the end point for the first vector
    * @param      : y12     : NUMBER : Y Ordinate of the end point for the first vector
    * @param      : x21     : NUMBER : X Ordinate of the start point for the second vector
    * @param      : y21     : NUMBER : Y Ordinate of the start point for the second vector
    * @param      : x22     : NUMBER : X Ordinate of the end point for the second vector
    * @param      : y22     : NUMBER : Y Ordinate of the end point for the second vector
    * @description: (inter_x, inter_y) is the point where the lines
    *               defined by the segments intersect.
    *               (inter_x1, inter_y1) is the point on segment 1 that
    *               is closest to segment 2.
    *               (inter_x2, inter_y2) is the point on segment 2 that
    *               is closest to segment 1.
    * If the lines are parallel, all returned coordinates are 1E+38.
    * -------
    * Method:
    * Treat the lines as parametric where line 1 is:
    *   X = x11 + dx1 * t1
    *   Y = y11 + dy1 * t1
    * and line 2 is:
    *   X = x21 + dx2 * t2
    *   Y = y21 + dy2 * t2
    * Setting these equal gives:
    *   x11 + dx1 * t1 = x21 + dx2 * t2
    *   y11 + dy1 * t1 = y21 + dy2 * t2
    * Rearranging:
    *   x11 - x21 + dx1 * t1 = dx2 * t2
    *   y11 - y21 + dy1 * t1 = dy2 * t2
    *   (x11 - x21 + dx1 * t1) *   dy2  = dx2 * t2 *   dy2
    *   (y11 - y21 + dy1 * t1) * (-dx2) = dy2 * t2 * (-dx2)
    * Adding the equations gives:
    *   (x11 - x21) * dy2 + ( dx1 * dy2) * t1 +
    *   (y21 - y11) * dx2 + (-dy1 * dx2) * t1 = 0
    * Solving for t1 gives:
    *   t1 * (dy1 * dx2 - dx1 * dy2) =
    *   (x11 - x21) * dy2 + (y21 - y11) * dx2
    *   t1 = ((x11 - x21) * dy2 + (y21 - y11) * dx2) /
    *        (dy1 * dx2 - dx1 * dy2)
    * Now solve for t2.
    * ----------
    * @Note       : If 0 <= t1 <= 1, then the point lies on segment 1.
    *             : If 0 <= t2 <= 1, then the point lies on segment 1.
    *             : If dy1 * dx2 - dx1 * dy2 = 0 then the lines are parallel.
    *             : If the point of intersection is not on both
    *             : segments, then this is almost certainly not the
    *             : point where the two segments are closest.
    * @note       : Does not throw exceptions
    * @note       : Assumes planar projection eg UTM.
    * @history    : Simon Greener - Mar 2006 - Original coding.
    Procedure FindLineIntersection(
      x11       in number,        y11       in number,
      x12       in number,        y12       in number,
      x21       in number,        y21       in number,
      x22       in number,        y22       in number,
      inter_x  out nocopy number, inter_y  out nocopy number,
      inter_x1 out nocopy number, inter_y1 out nocopy number,
      inter_x2 out nocopy number, inter_y2 out nocopy number );
  *      degrees   - returns radians converted to degrees
  Function degrees(p_radians in number)
    return number deterministic;
  *      radians     - returns radians converted from degrees
  Function radians(p_degrees in number)
    Return number deterministic;

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