STInsertN: Insert single vertex into a geometry

SQL Server Spatial, unlike spatial database type systems such as PostGIS, does not provide coordinate editing functions: STAddPoint STUpdatePoint STDeletePoint These functions are not a part of either the SQL or OGC standards. In fact neither provide an API for the SQL editing of geometry objects. If one wishes to do so, one must programRead More

STUpdateN: Update (replace) a single vertex within a geometry object.

SQL Server Spatial, unlike spatial database type systems such as PostGIS, does not provide coordinate editing functions: STAddPoint STUpdatePoint STDeletePoint These functions are not a part of either the SQL or OGC standards. In fact neither provide an API for the SQL editing of geometry objects. If one wishes to do so, one must programRead More

STUpdate: Replace all points equal to the supplied point with replacement point.

SQL Server Spatial, unlike spatial database type systems such as PostGIS, does not provide coordinate editing functions: STAddPoint STUpdatePoint STDeletePoint These functions are not a part of either the SQL or OGC standards. In fact neither provide an API for the SQL editing of geometry objects. If one wishes to do so, one must programRead More

STDeleteN: Delete single vertex from geometry

SQL Server Spatial, unlike spatial database type systems such as PostGIS, does not provide coordinate editing functions: STAddPoint STUpdatePoint STDeletePoint These functions are not a part of either the SQL or OGC standards. In fact neither provide an API for the SQL editing of geometry objects. If one wishes to do so, one must programRead More

STDelete: Deleting vertices in geometry objects

SQL Server Spatial, unlike spatial database type systems such as PostGIS, does not provide coordinate editing functions: STAddPoint STUpdatePoint STDeletePoint These functions are not a part of either the SQL or OGC standards. In fact neither provide an API for the SQL editing of geometry objects. If one wishes to do so, one must programRead More

Create Polygons and Linestrings From Bearings And Distances (COGO)

UPDATE The original functions have been modified and deployed via my Oracle Object code. They original code is no longer available. My COordinate GeOmetry (COGO) package has been around for a long time. What I had not done was use the power of this package to construct polygons (2003) or linestrings (2002) from a startingRead More

Noding and building a polygon from single, overlapping linestrings

The Spatial Companion 4 Oracle (SC4O) package (built using Java Topology Suite components) contains a method called ST_PolygonBuilder that can then form polygons from linestrings. However, ST_PolygonBuilder will not form polygons where it detects an unformed intersection: in this situation ST_PolygonBuilder has to be used with another SC4O method called ST_NodeLinestrings. ST_NodeLinestrings forms all intersectionsRead More

Line Merging or Collecting lines together: ST_LineMerger

One activity that is very common when working with linear data is to be able to take a bunch of linestrings and collect them together into a minimal set of maximum length linestrings. The Java Topology Suite (JTS) has a LineMerger class that does this very nicely. I have integrated this into my Spatial CompanionRead More