Constraining geometry type for sdo_geometry column in a table.

Other blog postings of mine have shown how the layer_gtype keyword in the PARAMETERS clause of an RTree spatial index can be used to constrain the sdo_geometry type being stored in a column. Remember, SDO_GEOMETRY is singly inherited: there is no POINT, CURVE, POLYGON etc sub-type. For this one must use the SQL/MM Type shippedRead More

The Power of Constraints and Indexes for Spatial Constraints: stopping duplicate points

Over on Technet , the following question was asked: My question is, can you think of a way to recognize situations like this and merge and store them in a table before, we attempt mapping and spatial queries are performed? The following database level approach is one approach for ensuring any loader doesn’t load duplicateRead More

How to apply spatial constraints to PostGIS tables

This article was written before TypeMod was introduced eg Geometry(Polygon,28355) As I have pointed out in other blog articles, spatial data quality should not engender either/or solutions when building business applications. That is, if I can only create points for parcel centroids that fall within land parcels, then I don’t just build the rule inRead More