
STSplitProcedure — Procedure that splits a line into two parts. Function Specification. Description. Splits @p_linestring at position defined by @p_point. If @p_point is not on the line it is first snapped to the line. Supports CircularString and CompoundCurve geometry objects and subelements from 2012 onewards. Honours measures. Parameters. Result. Returns two parts of split linestring.Read More


STRemoveMeasure — Function that removes measure values from all points in linestring. Function Specification. Description. Removes all measure ordinate values. Linestring with XYM ordinates is returned with XY ordinates. Linestring with XYZM ordinates is returned with XYZ ordinates. If all Z values are NULL, the Z is removed. Supports CircularString and CompoundCurve geometry objects andRead More


STIsMeasureDecreasing — Checks if M values decrease in value over the whole linestring. Function Specification. Description. Checks all measures of all vertices in a linestring from start to end. Computes difference between each pair of measures. If all measure differences decrease then TRUE is returned, otherwise FALSE. For non-measured line-strings the value is always TRUE.Read More


STIsMeasureIncreasing — Checks if M values increase in value over the whole linestring. Function Specification. Description. Checks all measures of all vertices in a linestring from start to end. Computes difference between each pair of measures. If all measure differences increase then TRUE is returned, otherwise FALSE. For non-measured line-strings the value is always TRUE.Read More


STPercentageToMeasure — Converts supplied Percentage value to a Measure. Function Specification. Description. The supplied percentage value (between 0 and 100) is multipled by the measure range (see STMeasureRange) to return a measure value between the start and end measures. For non measured line-strings all values are computed using lengths. Parameters. Result. Returns measure value atRead More


STMeasureToPercentage — Converts supplied measure value to a percentage. Function Specification. Description. The end measure minus the start measure of a measured line-string defines the range of the measures (see ST_Measure_Range). The supplied measure is divided by this range and multiplied by 100 to return the measure as a percentage. For non measured line-strings allRead More


STMeasureRange — Returns (Last Point M Value) – (First Point M Value). Function Specification. Description. Returns end point measure value – start point measure value. If line-string not measured, returns length of line. Parameters. Result. Returns the measure range for measured line-string: NULL if not measured. Example.


STValidMeasure — Checks if supplied measure falls within the linestring’s measure range. Function Specification. Description. Function returns 1 (true) if measure falls within the underlying linestring’s measure range or the 0 (false) string if the supplied measure does not fall within the measure range. Supports All Linestring geometry types Parameters. Result. Returns 1 (true) ifRead More


STValidLrsPoint — Checks if supplied @p_point is a valid LRS point. Function Specification. Description. Function returns 1 (true) if point is measured, and 0 (false) if point is not measured. A valid LRS point has measure information. The function checks for the Point geometry type and has a measured ordinate. Parameters. Result. The function returnsRead More