Convert Single Geometry to Multi-part Geometry in Oracle Spatial

Oracle allows single part and multipart geometry objects to existing in a single SDO_GEOMETRY column. For example, a polygon and a multipolygon. This is because the SDO_GEOMETRY object type is singly inherited. (This also means that a single column can also hold geometries from different geometry types eg points, lines and polygons: common in CADRead More

Optimized Rectangle to 5 Point Polygon

Here is a function that takes a any polygon whose elements are defined by an optimized rectangle and converts all elements to 5 vertex polygons. Polygon may be multi; may have non-optimized rectangle components. Does NOT process geometries with compound elements. Now let’s test the function: Results are as follows: DESCRIPTION VALIDORIGINALGEOM VGEOM POLY SingleRead More

STVectorize: Break Linestring/Polygon elements into 2 point vectors (or 3 point circular curves)

I demonstrated in this article the usefulness of having a vectorising function in one’s spatial database kitbag (there are Vectorize functions in my CENTROID and GEOM packages – in particular the Vectorize function is vital to the implementation of the algorithm in my CENTROID.ST_CENTROID function). So, I have also added one to my SQL ServerRead More