Replacement for SDO_GEOM.RELATE – ST_Relate based on JTS

Even old dogs like me forget things and have to learn them again. You know, I am sure that I knew that SDO_GEOM.RELATE was a Spatial licensed feature and not available in Locator, but I clean forgot until a situation with a customer required me to look at an alternative. The reason is because thisRead More

Changing Oracle Spatial Index Parameters on existing index

I received a question from a respected colleague: Can the parameters of a spatial index be altered? I created several dozen spatial indexes with a layer_gtype of polygon, I now have a requirement to modify them to be multipolygon…. My colleague wishes to do this without dropping the existing index. The answer to this isRead More

Writing Excel Spreadsheets files from within the Oracle database using Java and PL/SQL

My EXPORTER package + Java code has functions called WriteExcelSpreadsheet that can be used to create and export any SQL SELECT statement to disk as an Excel Spreadsheet using Oracle database’s DBMS_JOB or DBMS_SCHEDULER. Because Excel Spreadsheets have limited number of rows (65535) and columns (255) per sheet (the maximum size of data in aRead More

Writing xSV (eg csv) files from within the Oracle database using Java and PL/SQL

My EXPORTER package + Java code has a function called WriteDelimitedTextfile that can be used to export any SQL SELECT statement to disk using Oracle database’s DBMS_JOB or DBMS_SCHEDULER. Yes, you can export to disk via pure PL/SQL but I have added this function to my EXPORTER to create an integrated solution for exports thatRead More

RandomSearchByExtent: Random Search Procedure (2008 Spatial)

I have had the need, over the years, to produce statistics that helped me decide how effective a change to a property of a spatial table or index might be. For example, with SQL Server 2008’s Spatial Index, for most sites, setting the right properties to get the best performance is a trial and errorRead More