STRemoveMeasure is a TSQL function that removes measure values from all vertices in a (multi)linestring.
TSQL Function Call Signature
Function [lrs].[STRemoveMeasure] ( @p_linestring geometry, @p_round_xy int = 3, @p_round_zm int = 2 ) Returns geometry
Removes all measure ordinate values.
Linestring with XYM ordinates is returned with XY ordinates.
Linestring with XYZM ordinates is returned with XYZ ordinates.
Supports CircularString and CompoundCurve geometry objects and subelements from 2012 onewards.
@p_linestring (geometry) - Supplied Linestring geometry. @p_round_xy (int) - Decimal degrees of precision for when formatting XY ordinates in WKT. @p_round_zm (int) - Decimal degrees of precision for when formatting Z ordinate in WKT.
Returns a geometry linestring object with all M ordinates (measure) removed.
SELECT [lrs].[STRemoveMeasure] ( geometry::STGeomFromText('MULTILINESTRING((1 1 NULL 1,2 2 NULL 2),(3 3 NULL 3,4 4 NULL 4))',0), 3, 2).AsTextZM() as RemoveMeasureLine GO RemoveMeasureLine MULTILINESTRING ((1 1, 2 2), (3 3, 4 4))