GeoRaptor: Exporting GML and visualising in qGIS

GML Export and qGIS Visualisation This article shows how to export GML from SQL Developer table and resultset (query) objects using GeoRaptor. It also shows how to use the “OGR” flavour for encoding attributes (columns). And, finally, it shows how to open the GML files in qGIS and to query features to show their attributes.

Geometry object size when exchanging of WKT/WKB encoded geometries.

Introduction The ordinates stored in an geometry objects, across all spatial data types do not have any rounding applied to their values. This is one aspect of data management that is seldom considered by most practitioners. Other articles in this website deal with how to round their values. This article is about a related topic”Read More

Scheduling the Export of Spatial Data in Oracle to a Shapefile each night

While there is always a need for software like Safe Software’s Awesome FME to automate import and export tasks from your database, the ability to do so just using Oracle can also be enormously useful. I have implemented the approach described below many times over the years, in different customer sites. At one customer site,Read More

PLSQL ST_AsEWKT and ST_FromWKT Functions For Oracle (any version)

Previously I created the following Java stored procedures to enable the import/export of ZM aware WKT. ST_GeomFromText ST_GeomFromEWKT ST_AsText ST_AsEWKT These functions are necessary if one wishes to exchange geometry data with users of other databases that support WKT functions for 2D, 3D or 4D (ZM). For example, PostGIS supports the EWKT format and providesRead More

STCogo2Line: Creating (Multi)LineStrings geometries from COGO XML instructions

Previously I wrote about a function that converted the segments of a (Multi)LineString into a COGO XML document that contains all the instructions (bearing, distances, move deltaZ etc) to create a (Multi)LineString. Today I present a function that does the reverse: takes the COGO XML and creates the (Multi)LineString. The instructions are provided to theRead More

STLine2Cogo: Converting LineStrings to COGO XML

I have just written a useful function for my new package of TSQL functions for SQL Server Spatial called STLine2Cogo which converts (exports) a (Multi)LineString into a set of instructions (bearing, distances etc) that can be shared with other COGO functions. The function’s documentation can be seen at this STLine2Cogo Here are some examples: TheRead More