The Frontage Problem: Creating references from land parcel street frontage boundary to point in street

This article demonstrates the power of database-based spatial processing. The business requirement is to determine, dynamically, the side of a land parcel that faces the street (could be single 2 point straight line to something more complex), and then determine the clockface direction from either ends of the frontage or the middle, to a object in the roads reserve (eg telecommunications pit).

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Identifying Quadrilateral Polygon Geometries in SQL Server Spatial

In some situations Quadrilateral polygon geometries in SQL Server Spatial can affect processing results. The best example of this is the identification of CircularStrings in polygon geometries. If quadrilateral objects are not identified, they end up being incorrectly converted. This function helps identify such polygon objects.

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STLineToCurve. A Function that Converts a LineString to a CircularString, CompoundCurve or CurvePolygon.

The STLineToCurve function analyses a LineString looking for CircularString elements among its vertices (often LineStrings are created from curve elements by “stroking” especially where the processing software does not support CircularStrings). Any constructed CircularStrings are combined with other LineStrings to create CompoundCurves or CurvePolygons.

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