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Tip #1 – Extracting the Spatial Extent of an Image and Saving in a Drawing
This tip comes from a question Atelier Cassini asked on the Directions Magazine discussion list. He writes:
“I would like to create a box drawing around an image. Do I need to know the exact dimension of that image or can I draw it automatically?”
While one cannot do this automatically, one can use a single SQL SELECT statement to extract the boundary of an image and write it into a drawing component.
Let us assume that the target drawing is called “MyDrawing” and that the source image is called “SpatialDBAdvisor”.
The method I recommended was to create a new Query component and then add the following SQL SELECT statement into that component.
INSERT INTO MyDrawing ([Geom (I)]) SELECT Project( AssignCoordSys( CGeom(CGeomWKB( "POLYGON(("&min([Easting (I)])&" "& min([Northing (I)])&", "& min([Easting (I)])&" "& max([Northing (I)])&", "& max([Easting (I)])&" "& max([Northing (I)])&", "& max([Easting (I)])&" "& min([Northing (I)])&", "& min([Easting (I)])&" "& min([Northing (I)])&"))")), CoordSys("SpatialDBAdvisor" AS Component)), CoordSys("MyDrawing" As Component)) FROM [SpatialDBAdvisor]
If your image data is in geographics (ie Latitude/Longitude) then you should replace the Easting and Northing intrinsics with their Longitude/Latitude equivalents.
I hope this is useful.
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