Silence is Golden?

UPDATE The book has been published

If any of my readers are wondering why I have been so quiet of late, here are the reasons.


Firstly I have been working on a new GeoRaptor release. That release was made a few weeks ago (12th February 2013). A lot of time and effort went into this release. I hope those that use GeoRaptor have found out about the new release and are using it. Don’t forget to register your interest in update notifications on the GeoRaptor website

Application Programming with Oracle Spatial

Last year I was approached by PACKT publishing to write a book on the uses of Oracle Spatial. Initially the book was called Applying and Extending Oracle Spatial, but the latest revision of the titles is something like Application Programming with Oracle Spatial.

While I was scheduled to write the whole book myself, I decided that I could not sustain the lack of income over the writing period. PACKT found a co-author: Siva Ravada who is Development Manager on the Oracle Spatial team.

The following chapters were been written:

Chapter Author Status
Storage and Representational Issues Siva Ravada Delivered
Data Import/Export Siva Ravada Delivered
Database Feature Integration Siva Ravada Delivered
Replicating Geometries Siva Ravada Delivered
Partitioning Siva Ravada Delivered
Processing GeoRasters Siva Ravada Delivered
Implementing Algorithms and new Functions Simon Greener Delivered
Geometry editing in the database Simon Greener Delivered
Using and Imitating Linear Referencing Functions Simon Greener Delivered
Integrating Java Technologies with Oracle Spatial Simon Greener Delivered
Application Integration and Inter-operability Simon Greener Delivered
Appendices Simon Greener Delivered

Wish us luck: writing a book is not easy.

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