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String Tokenizer for Oracle
We often have need of string tokenizers in applications. Here is one for Oracle based on work by Pawel Barut.
-- We need a type to hold the returned tokens -- CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE T_TokenSet AS TABLE OF VARCHAR2(4000); / SHOW errors GRANT EXECUTE ON T_TokenSet TO public WITH GRANT OPTION; /********************************************************************************* ** @function : Tokenizer ** @precis : Splits any string into its tokens. ** @description : Supplied a string and a list of separators this function ** returns resultant tokens as a pipelined collection. ** @example : SELECT t.column_value ** FROM TABLE(tokenizer('The rain in spain, stays mainly on the plain.!',' ,.!') ) t; ** @param : p_string. The string to be Tokenized. ** @param : p_separators. The characters that are used to split the string. ** @requires : t_TokenSet type to be declared. ** @history : Pawel Barut, ** @history : Simon Greener - July 2006 - Original coding (extended SQL sourced from a blog on the internet) **/ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION Tokenizer(p_string IN VarChar2, p_separators IN VarChar2 DEFAULT ' ') RETURN T_TokenSet Pipelined AS v_strs camod_common.T_TokenSet; BEGIN IF ( p_string IS NULL OR p_separators IS NULL ) THEN RETURN; END IF; WITH sel_string AS (SELECT p_string fullstring FROM dual) SELECT substr(fullstring, beg+1, end_p-beg-1) token Bulk Collect INTO v_strs FROM (SELECT beg, Lead(beg) OVER (ORDER BY beg) end_p, fullstring FROM (SELECT beg, fullstring FROM (SELECT Level beg, fullstring FROM sel_string CONNECT BY Level <= LENGTH(fullstring) ) WHERE instr(p_separators,substr(fullstring,beg,1)) >0 UNION ALL SELECT 0, fullstring FROM sel_string UNION ALL SELECT LENGTH(fullstring)+1, fullstring FROM sel_string) ) WHERE end_p IS NOT NULL AND end_p > beg + 1; FOR i IN v_strs.FIRST..v_strs.LAST Loop PIPE ROW(v_strs(i)); END Loop; RETURN; END Tokenizer;
Here are my, simple, tests.
SELECT DISTINCT t.column_value AS token FROM TABLE(Tokenizer('LineString:MultiLineString:MultiPoint:MultiPolygon:Point:Point:LineString:Polygon:Polygon',':')) t;
token |
LineString |
MultiLineString |
MultiPoint |
MultiPolygon |
Point |
Polygon |
SELECT t.column_value AS token FROM TABLE(tokenizer('The rain in spain, stays mainly on the plain.!',' ,.!')) t;
token |
The |
rain |
in |
spain |
stays |
mainly |
on |
the |
plain |
Updated Function
Sometimes it is more than handy to be able to access the separators in the position they are found in the output from a Tokenizer. Here is an updated version of the above that does this.
-- New types -- -- We need a type to hold the returned tokens -- DROP TYPE T_Token Force; DROP TYPE T_TokenSet Force; CREATE TYPE T_Token AS Object ( id INTEGER, token varchar2(30000), separator varchar2(30000) ); / SHOW errors GRANT EXECUTE ON T_Token TO public WITH GRANT OPTION; CREATE TYPE T_TokenSet AS TABLE OF codesys.t_token; / SHOW errors GRANT EXECUTE ON T_TokenSet TO public WITH GRANT OPTION; /********************************************************************************* ** @function : Tokenizer ** @precis : Splits any string into its tokens. ** @description : Supplied a string and a list of separators this function ** returns resultant tokens as a pipelined collection. ** @example : SELECT t.column_value ** FROM TABLE(tokenizer('The rain in spain, stays mainly on the plain.!',' ,.!') ) t; ** @param : p_string. The string to be Tokenized. ** @param : p_separators. The characters that are used to split the string. ** @requires : t_TokenSet type to be declared. ** @history : Pawel Barut, ** @history : Simon Greener - July 2006 - Original coding (extended SQL sourced from a blog on the internet) ** @history : Simon Greener - Apr 2012 - Extended TO include returning OF tokens **/ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION Tokenizer(p_string IN VarChar2, p_separators IN VarChar2 DEFAULT ' ') RETURN T_TokenSet Pipelined AS v_tokens codesys.T_TokenSet; BEGIN IF ( p_string IS NULL OR p_separators IS NULL ) THEN RETURN; END IF; WITH myCTE AS ( SELECT c.beg, c.sep, ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY c.beg ASC) rid FROM (SELECT b.beg, c.sep FROM (SELECT Level beg FROM dual CONNECT BY Level <= LENGTH(p_string) ) b, (SELECT SubStr(p_separators,level,1) AS sep FROM dual CONNECT BY Level <= LENGTH(p_separators) ) c WHERE instr(c.sep,substr(p_string,b.beg,1)) >0 UNION ALL SELECT 0, CAST(NULL AS varchar2(10)) FROM dual ) c ) SELECT T_Token(ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY a.rid ASC), CASE WHEN LENGTH(a.token) = 0 THEN NULL ELSE a.token END, a.sep) AS token Bulk Collect INTO v_tokens FROM (SELECT d.rid, SubStr(p_string, (d.beg + 1), NVL((Lead(d.beg,1) OVER (ORDER BY d.rid ASC) - d.beg - 1),LENGTH(p_string)) ) AS token, Lead(d.sep,1) OVER (ORDER BY d.rid ASC) AS sep FROM MyCTE d ) a WHERE LENGTH(a.token) <> 0 OR LENGTH(a.sep) <> 0; FOR v_i IN v_tokens.FIRST..v_tokens.LAST loop PIPE ROW(v_tokens(v_i)); END LOOP; RETURN; END Tokenizer;
SELECT DISTINCT t.token FROM TABLE(Tokenizer('LineString:MultiLineString:MultiPoint:MultiPolygon:Point:Point:LineString:Polygon:Polygon',':')) t;
LineString |
MultiLineString |
MultiPoint |
MultiPolygon |
Point |
Polygon |
The classic “Rain in Spain…”.
SELECT t.* FROM TABLE(tokenizer('The rain in spain, stays mainly on the plain.!',' ,.!')) t;
1 | The | {SPACE} |
2 | rain | {SPACE} |
3 | in | {SPACE} |
4 | spain | , |
5 | (null) | {SPACE} |
6 | stays | {SPACE} |
7 | mainly | {SPACE} |
8 | on | {SPACE} |
9 | the | {SPACE} |
10 | plain | . |
11 | (null) | ! |
Now, let’s process a POLYGON WKT.
SELECT, t.token, t.separator FROM TABLE(tokenizer('POLYGON((2300 400, 2300 700, 2800 1100, 2300 1100, 1800 1100, 2300 400), (2300 1000, 2400 900, 2200 900, 2300 1000))',' ,()')) t;
1 | POLYGON | ( |
2 | (null) | ( |
3 | 2300 | {SPACE} |
4 | 400 | , |
5 | (null) | {SPACE} |
6 | 2300 | {SPACE} |
7 | 700 | , |
8 | (null) | {SPACE} |
9 | 2800 | {SPACE} |
10 | 1100 | , |
11 | (null) | {SPACE} |
12 | 2300 | {SPACE} |
13 | 1100 | , |
14 | (null) | {SPACE} |
15 | 1800 | {SPACE} |
16 | 1100 | , |
17 | (null) | {SPACE} |
18 | 2300 | {SPACE} |
19 | 400 | ) |
20 | (null) | , |
21 | (null) | {SPACE} |
22 | (null) | ( |
23 | 2300 | {SPACE} |
24 | 1000 | , |
25 | (null) | {SPACE} |
26 | 2400 | {SPACE} |
27 | (null) | {SPACE} |
28 | 900 | , |
29 | (null) | {SPACE} |
30 | 2200 | {SPACE} |
31 | 900 | , |
32 | (null) | {SPACE} |
33 | 2300 | {SPACE} |
34 | 1000 | ) |
35 | (null) | ) |
This time don’t include the space as a separator.
SELECT, t.token, t.separator FROM TABLE(tokenizer('POLYGON((2300 400, 2300 700, 2800 1100, 2300 1100, 1800 1100, 2300 400), (2300 1000, 2400 900, 2200 900, 2300 1000))',',()')) t;
1 | POLYGON | ( |
2 | (null) | ( |
3 | 2300 400 | , |
4 | 2300 700 | , |
5 | 2800 1100 | , |
6 | 2300 1100 | , |
7 | 1800 1100 | , |
8 | 2300 400 | ) |
9 | (null) | , |
10 | {SPACE} | ( |
11 | 2300 1000 | , |
12 | 2400 900 | , |
13 | 2200 900 | , |
14 | 2300 1000 | ) |
15 | (null) | ) |
I hope that someone out there finds this useful.code id=
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