I have written a PL/SQL package called SDO_ERROR that could be used to visualise geometry errors (specifically validate_geometry_with_context) and elements Additionally it focuses mainly on projected (not long/lat) data, so if you use with geodetic data do so at your own risk.

Required Data Types

 DEFINE defaultSchema = '&1'
 create or replace TYPE T_ElemInfo AS OBJECT (offset NUMBER, etype NUMBER, interpretation NUMBER);
 grant execute on T_ElemInfo to public;
 create or replace TYPE T_Geometry   AS OBJECT (geometry mdsys.sdo_geometry );
 grant execute on T_Geometry to public;
 create or replace TYPE T_Vertex     AS OBJECT (x number,y number,z number,w number,id number);
 grant execute on T_Vertex to public;
 create or replace TYPE T_Vector     AS OBJECT (id integer,startCoord codesys.T_Vertex,  endCoord codesys.T_Vertex );
 grant execute on T_Vector to public;
 create or replace TYPE T_Error    AS OBJECT (error   varchar2(5),
                                               element number,
                                               ring    number,
                                               id      number,
                                               geom    mdsys.sdo_geometry );
 grant execute on T_Error to public;
 create or replace TYPE t_VertexMark AS OBJECT (element number,
                                                 ring    number,
                                                 id      number,
                                                 geom    mdsys.sdo_geometry,
                                                 angle   number,
                                                 text    varchar2(4000) );
 grant execute on T_VertexMark to public;

Packaged Header

    TYPE T_GeometrySet   IS TABLE OF &&defaultSchema..T_Geometry;
    Type T_ElemInfoSet   Is Table Of &&defaultSchema..T_ElemInfo;
    TYPE T_VectorSet     IS TABLE OF &&defaultSchema..T_Vector;
    TYPE T_ErrorSet      IS TABLE OF &&defaultSchema..T_Error;
    TYPE T_VertexMarkSet IS TABLE OF &&defaultSchema..T_VertexMark;
    TYPE T_Strings       IS TABLE OF varchar2(4000);
     /* Options for marking geometries
     c_ID                   CONSTANT PLS_INTEGER := 0;
     c_ID_COORD             CONSTANT PLS_INTEGER := 1;
     c_COORD                CONSTANT PLS_INTEGER := 2;
     c_ELEM                 CONSTANT PLS_INTEGER := 3;
     c_DEGREES              CONSTANT PLS_INTEGER := 0;
     c_RADIANS              CONSTANT PLS_INTEGER := 1;
    /** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     * @function   : getValidateErrors
     * @precis     : Core, or base, function which returns each individual error in a geometry.
     *               Edge errors returns as separate edges and calculated intersection point unless 
     *               p_all only set to 1.
     * @version    : 1.0
     * @usage      : SELECT b.* FROM test a, TABLE(getValidateErrors(a.geom,0.005,null,0) b;
     * @param      : p_geometry    : MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY  : An sdo_geometry object.
     * @param      : p_tolerance   : NUMBER      : Oracle sdo_tolerance value eg 0.005 meters for geodetic.
     * @param      : p_geog_digits : pls_integer : Number of significant digits when p_geometry contains long/lat data.
     * @param      : p_context     : varchar2    : Value returned by validate_geometry_with_context. If null, 
     *                                             the sdo_geom function will be run but this function.
     * @return     : p_all         : pls_integer : If 0 then only the error location is returned, otherwise the 
     *                                            element/ring of host geometry containing error is also returned.
     * @history    : Simon Greener - Jun 2011 - Original coding.
     * @copyright  : Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.5 Australia License. 
     Function getValidateErrors(p_geometry    in mdsys.sdo_geometry,
                                 p_tolerance   in number      default 0.005,
                                 p_geog_digits in pls_integer default NULL, 
                                 p_all         in pls_integer default 0,
                                 p_context     in varchar2    default null) 
       return &&defaultSchema..SDO_ERROR.T_ErrorSet pipelined;
    /** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     * @function   : getErrors
     * @precis     : Function which returns each individual error in a geometry as a single geometry.
     *               Edge errors returns as separate edges and calculated intersection point unless 
     *               p_all only set to 1.
     * @version    : 1.0
     * @usage      : SELECT b.* FROM test a, TABLE(getErrors(a.geom,0.005,null,0) b;
     * @param      : p_geometry    : MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY  : An sdo_geometry object.
     * @param      : p_tolerance   : NUMBER      : Oracle sdo_tolerance value eg 0.005 meters for geodetic.
     * @param      : p_geog_digits : pls_integer : Number of significant digits when p_geometry contains long/lat data.
     * @return     : p_all         : pls_integer : If 0 then only the error location is returned, otherwise the 
     *                                            element/ring of host geometry containing error is also returned.
     * @history    : Simon Greener - Jun 2011 - Original coding.
     * @copyright  : Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.5 Australia License. 
    Function getErrors(p_geometry    in mdsys.sdo_geometry,
                        p_tolerance   in number      default 0.005,
                        p_geog_digits in pls_integer default NULL, 
                        p_all         in pls_integer default 0)
      return &&defaultSchema..SDO_ERROR.T_ErrorSet pipelined; 
    /** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     * @function   : getErrorsAsMulti
     * @precis     : Function which returns all errors in a geometry as a single multipoint or compound geometry.
     *               Edge errors returns as separate edges and calculated intersection points unless 
     *               p_all only set to 1. If p_all set to 1 a multipoint is returned, otherwise 
     *               possibly a compound geometry composed of points and lines.
     * @version    : 1.0
     * @usage      : SELECT getErrorsAsMulti(a.geom,0.005,null,0) FROM test a;
     * @param      : p_geometry    : MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY  : An sdo_geometry object.
     * @param      : p_tolerance   : NUMBER      : Oracle sdo_tolerance value eg 0.005 meters for geodetic.
     * @param      : p_geog_digits : pls_integer : Number of significant digits when p_geometry contains long/lat data.
     * @return     : p_all         : pls_integer : If 0 then only the error location is returned, otherwise the 
     *                                            element/ring of host geometry containing error is also returned.
     * @history    : Simon Greener - Jun 2011 - Original coding.
     * @copyright  : Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.5 Australia License. 
    Function getErrorsAsMulti(p_geometry    in mdsys.sdo_geometry,
                               p_tolerance   in number      default 0.005,
                               p_geog_digits in pls_integer default NULL, 
                               p_all         in pls_integer default 0)
      return mdsys.sdo_geometry deterministic;
    /** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     * @function   : getError
     * @precis     : Function which returns a the nominated error number as a single geometry.
     *               Edge errors returns as single edge, points as single point.
     * @version    : 1.0
     * @usage      : SELECT getError(a.geom,0.005,null) FROM test a;
     * @param      : p_geometry    : MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY  : An sdo_geometry object.
     * @param      : p_tolerance   : NUMBER      : Oracle sdo_tolerance value eg 0.005 meters for geodetic.
     * @param      : p_geog_digits : pls_integer : Number of significant digits when p_geometry contains long/lat data.
     * @history    : Simon Greener - Jun 2011 - Original coding.
     * @copyright  : Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.5 Australia License. 
    Function getError(p_geometry     in mdsys.sdo_geometry, 
                       p_error_number in pls_integer,
                       p_tolerance    in number      default 0.005,
                       p_geog_digits  in pls_integer default NULL )
     return mdsys.sdo_geometry deterministic;
    /** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     * @function   : getErrorText
     * @precis     : Function which returns the text that describes each error in a geometry.
     *               All errors are returned.
     * @version    : 1.0
     * @usage      : SELECT b.* FROM test a, TABLE(getErrorText(a.geom,0.005,null,0) b;
     * @param      : p_geometry    : MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY  : An sdo_geometry object.
     * @param      : p_tolerance   : NUMBER      : Oracle sdo_tolerance value eg 0.005 meters for geodetic.
     * @history    : Simon Greener - Jun 2011 - Original coding.
     * @copyright  : Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.5 Australia License. 
    Function getErrorText(p_geometry  in mdsys.sdo_geometry,
                           p_tolerance in number DEFAULT 0.005) 
      return &&defaultSchema..SDO_ERROR.T_Strings pipelined;
    /** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     * @function   : getErrorText
     * @precis     : Function which returns the text that describes a specific error in a geometry.
     *               Validate_Geometry_With_Context only returns the first error it finds so this
     *               function is useless unless the error is 13356 or 13349 as this package implements
     *               custom processing to discover all errors of this type.
     * @version    : 1.0
     * @usage      : SELECT b.* FROM test a, TABLE(getErrorText(a.geom,0.005,null,0) b;
     * @param      : p_geometry     : MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY  : An sdo_geometry object.
     * @param      : p_error_number : pls_integer : The position of the error returned by validate_geometry_with_context.
     * @param      : p_tolerance    : NUMBER      : Oracle sdo_tolerance value eg 0.005 meters for geodetic.
     * @history    : Simon Greener - Jun 2011 - Original coding.
     * @copyright  : Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.5 Australia License. 
    Function getErrorText(p_geometry     in mdsys.sdo_geometry,
                           p_error_number in pls_integer,
                           p_tolerance    in number default 0.05)
     return varchar2 deterministic;
    /** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     * @function   : getMarks
     * @precis     : Returns a table that describes each vertex in the provided geometry.
     *               The desciption can be in one of a number of patterns:
     *                 - &&defaultSchema..SDO_ERROR.c_ID       <id>
     *                 - &&defaultSchema..SDO_ERROR.c_ID_COORD <id>{x,y}
     *                 - &&defaultSchema..SDO_ERROR.c_COORD    {x,y}
     *                 - &&defaultSchema..SDO_ERROR.c_ELEM     {element,ring,id}
     *               The textual marks will be rotated algorithmically depending on the vectors 
     *               in/out of a vertex. The returned angle can be either in radians or degrees
     *               depending on the value of the p_degrees parameter.
     *                 - &&defaultSchema..SDO_ERROR.c_DEGREES 
     *                 - &&defaultSchema..SDO_ERROR.c_RADIANS
     * @version    : 1.0
     * @usage      : SELECT b.* FROM test a, TABLE(getMarks(a.geom,1,0,0.005,null) b;
     * @param      : p_geometry     : MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY  : An sdo_geometry object.
     * @param      : p_error_number : pls_integer : The position of the error returned by validate_geometry_with_context.
     * @param      : p_geog_digits  : NUMBER      : Oracle sdo_tolerance value eg 0.005 meters for geodetic.
     * @history    : Simon Greener - Jun 2011 - Original coding.
     * @copyright  : Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.5 Australia License. 
    Function getMarks(p_geometry    in mdsys.sdo_geometry,
                       p_markType    in pls_integer default 0,
                       p_degrees     in pls_integer default 0,
                       p_tolerance   in number      default 0.005,
                       p_geog_digits in pls_integer default null)
      return &&defaultSchema..SDO_ERROR.T_VertexMarkSet pipelined;
    /** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     * @function   : fix13348
     * @precis     : Function that corrects an ORA-13348 - polygon boundary is not closed
     * @version    : 1.0
     * @usage      : SELECT b.* FROM test a, TABLE(getMarks(a.geom,1,0,0.005,null) b;
     * @param      : p_geometry    : MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY  : An sdo_geometry object.
     * @param      : p_make_equal  : boolean : Boolean flag saying whether to make the last
     *                                         vertex equal to the first or whether to insert
     *                                         a nother vertex at the end that is the same as the first.
     * @param      : p_tolerance    : NUMBER : Oracle sdo_tolerance value eg 0.005 meters for geodetic.
     * @param      : p_geog_digits  : pls_integer : if p_geometry contains long/lat data then this
     *                                              parameter should be set to the number of precise 
     *                                              decimal digits of degrees for comparing two ordinates.
     * @history    : Simon Greener - Jun 2011 - Original coding.
     * @copyright  : Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.5 Australia License. 
    Function fix13348(p_geometry    in mdsys.sdo_geometry,
                       p_make_equal  in boolean     default true,
                       p_tolerance   in number      default 0.005,
                       p_geog_digits in pls_integer default null)
     return mdsys.sdo_geometry deterministic;
   * @function    : Tokenizer
   * @precis      : Splits any string into its tokens.
   * @description : Supplied a string and a list of separators this function
   *                returns resultant tokens as a pipelined collection.
   * @example     : SELECT t.column_value
   *                  FROM TABLE(tokenizer('The rain in spain, stays mainly on the plain.!',' ,.!') ) t;
   * @param       : p_string. The string to be Tokenized.
   * @param       : p_separators. The characters that are used to split the string.
   * @requires    : t_TokenSet type to be declared.
   * @history     : Pawel Barut,
   * @history     : Simon Greener - July 2006 - Original coding (extended SQL sourced from a blog on the internet)
   Function Tokenizer(p_string     In VarChar2,
                       p_separators In VarChar2)
     Return &&defaultSchema..SDO_ERROR.T_Strings Pipelined;
     /** ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     * @function   : GetVector
     * @precis     : Places a geometry''s coordinates into a pipelined vector data structure.
     * @version    : 3.0
     * @description: Loads the coordinates of a linestring, polygon geometry into a
     *               pipelined vector data structure for easy manipulation by other functions
     *               such as geom.SDO_Centroid.
     * @usage      : Function GetVector( p_geometry IN MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY,
     *                                   p_dimarray IN MDSYS.SDO_DIM_ARRAY )
     *                        RETURN VectorSetType PIPELINED
     *               eg select *
     *                    from myshapetable a,
     *                         table(&&defaultSchema..linear.GetVector(a.shape));
     * @param      : p_geometry : MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY : A geographic shape.
     * @return     : geomVector : VectorSetType      : The vector pipelined.
     * @requires   : Global data types coordRec, vectorRec and VectorSetType
     * @requires   : GF package.
     * @history    : Simon Greener - July 2006 - Original coding from GetVector
     * @history    : Simon Greener - July 2008 - Re-write to be standalone of other packages eg GF
     * @history    : Simon Greener - October 2008 - Removed 2D limits
     * @copyright  : Free for public use
   Function GetVector(P_Geometry  In Mdsys.Sdo_Geometry,
                       P_Exception In Pls_Integer Default 0)
     Return &&defaultSchema..SDO_ERROR.T_VectorSet Pipelined ;
 show errors

The source code, which is still under active development, is available by contacting me directly. It is not available for direct download.