New To_3D Function
I often have need to convert 2D geometry objects from 2D to 3D and have wrote a function that was part of my free PL/SQL packages that did this. That function depended on another package.
Just this week I had need of a standalone version, so I went back to my old function and removed all dependencies on any other package.
This function, called TO_3D, actually does a number of things:
- Up-scales a 2D geometry to 3D. If only the first Z parameter to the function is provided that is assigned to each and every Z ordinate; if both Z parameters are provided the function computes the appropriate value based on the ratio of the distance to the vertex / total length of the geometry; The function correctly handles ascending and descending ranges;
- If an SDO_POINT object exists independently of any SDO_ELEM_INFO structures that point object is converted and assigned the value of the first z parameter;
- Downscales a 4D object to 3D maintaining the existing 3D ordinate values;
- The function is compound (polygons and linestrings composed of circular arcs and vertex-connected linestrings) element aware.
Here is the function.
/* -- function To_3D -- precis Converts a 2D or 4D geometry to a 3D geometry -- version 1.0 -- usage v_3D_geom := geom.To_3D(MDSYS.SDO_Geometry(2001,....),50) -- history Simon Greener, May 2007 Original coding -- history Simon Greener, Aug 2009 Added support for interpolating Z values */ Function To_3D( p_geom IN MDSYS.SDO_Geometry, p_start_z IN NUMBER, p_end_z IN NUMBER := NULL, p_tolerance IN NUMBER := 0.05) Return MDSYS.SDO_Geometry Deterministic Is v_sign PLS_INTEGER := SIGN(p_end_z - p_start_z); v_isMeasured BOOLEAN; v_gtype INTEGER; -- geometry type (single digit) v_dim INTEGER; v_npoints INTEGER; v_i PLS_INTEGER; v_j PLS_INTEGER; v_offset PLS_INTEGER; v_length NUMBER := 0; v_cumulative_length NUMBER := 0; v_round_factor NUMBER := case when p_tolerance is null then null else round(log(10,(1/p_tolerance)/2)) end; v_3D_geom MDSYS.SDO_Geometry; Function isCompoundElement(p_elem_type in number) return boolean Is Begin Return ( p_elem_type in (4,5,1005,2005) ); End isCompoundElement; Function isMeasured( p_gtype in number ) return boolean is Begin Return CASE WHEN MOD(trunc(p_gtype/100),10) = 0 THEN False ELSE True END; End isMeasured; Function GetDimensions( p_gtype in number ) return integer Is Begin return TRUNC(p_gtype/1000,0); End GetDimensions; Begin -- If the input geometry is null, just return null IF ( p_geom IS NULL ) THEN RETURN (NULL); END IF; -- Get the number of dimensions and the gtype v_dim := GetDimensions(p_geom.sdo_gtype); v_gtype := MOD(p_geom.sdo_gtype,10); -- Short gtype v_isMeasured := isMeasured(p_geom.sdo_gtype); IF ( v_dim = 3 ) THEN -- Nothing to do, p_geom is already 3D Return (p_geom); END IF; IF ( p_start_z is not null And p_end_z is not null ) THEN v_length := mdsys.sdo_geom.SDO_Length( p_geom, p_tolerance ); END IF; -- Compute number of points v_npoints := mdsys.sdo_util.GetNumVertices(p_geom); -- Construct output object ... v_3D_geom := MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY (3000 + v_gtype, p_geom.sdo_srid, p_geom.sdo_point, p_geom.sdo_elem_info, MDSYS.sdo_ordinate_array () ); -- Does geometry have a valid sdo_point? IF ( v_3D_geom.sdo_point is not null ) Then -- It's a point, there's not much to it... v_3D_geom.sdo_point.Z := p_start_z; END IF; -- If Single Point, all done, else... IF ( v_gtype != 1 ) THEN -- It's not a single point ... -- Process the geometry's ordinate array -- Create space in ordinate array for 3D coordinates v_3D_geom.sdo_ordinates.EXTEND ( v_npoints * 3 ); -- Copy the ordinates array v_i := p_geom.sdo_ordinates.FIRST; -- index into input ordinate array v_j := 1; -- index into output ordinate array v_cumulative_length := 0; FOR i IN 1 .. v_npoints LOOP v_3D_geom.sdo_ordinates (v_j) := p_geom.sdo_ordinates (v_i); -- copy X v_3D_geom.sdo_ordinates (v_j + 1) := p_geom.sdo_ordinates (v_i + 1); -- copy Y -- compute and assign Z only if doesn't have existing value If ( ( v_dim = 4 ) Or ( v_dim = 3 And Not v_isMeasured ) ) Then v_3D_geom.sdo_ordinates (v_j + 2) := p_geom.sdo_ordinates (v_i + 2); -- copy Z Else -- Compute new Z If ( i = 1 ) Then v_3D_geom.sdo_ordinates (v_j + 2) := p_start_z; Else If ( v_length <> 0 ) Then v_cumulative_length := v_cumulative_length + round(sdo_geom.sdo_distance(mdsys.sdo_geometry(2001, p_geom.sdo_srid, sdo_point_type(p_geom.sdo_ordinates(v_i - v_dim), p_geom.sdo_ordinates(v_i - v_dim + 1), null), null,null), mdsys.sdo_geometry(2001, p_geom.sdo_srid, sdo_point_type(p_geom.sdo_ordinates (v_i), p_geom.sdo_ordinates (v_i + 1),null), null,null), p_tolerance), v_round_factor); End If; If ( i = v_npoints ) Then v_3D_geom.sdo_ordinates (v_j + 2) := case when v_length = 0 then p_start_z else p_end_z end; Else v_3D_geom.sdo_ordinates (v_j + 2) := case when p_end_z is null then p_start_z when v_length != 0 then p_start_z + v_sign * round( ( ( p_end_z - p_start_z ) / v_length ) * v_cumulative_length,v_round_factor) else p_start_z end; End If; End If; End If; v_i := v_i + v_dim; v_j := v_j + 3; END LOOP; -- Process the element info array -- by adjust the offsets v_i := v_3D_geom.sdo_elem_info.FIRST; WHILE v_i < v_3D_geom.sdo_elem_info.LAST LOOP If Not ( isCompoundElement(v_3D_geom.sdo_elem_info (v_i + 1) ) ) Then -- Adjust Elem Info offsets v_offset := v_3D_geom.sdo_elem_info (v_i); v_3D_geom.sdo_elem_info(v_i) := ( v_offset - 1 ) / v_dim * 3 + 1; End If; v_i := v_i + 2; END LOOP; END IF; RETURN v_3D_geom; END To_3D;
Now let’s test it by building a 3D geometry from a 2D one with full Z interpolation.
select geom.to_3d( a.original_geom, -1, -200, 0.05) as threed_geom from ( select mdsys.sdo_geometry(2002,null,null,sdo_elem_info_array(1,2,1),sdo_ordinate_array(0,0,5,5,10,10)) as original_geom from dual ) a; THREED_GEOM ----------- MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY(3002,null,null,MDSYS.SDO_ELEM_INFO_ARRAY(1,2,1),MDSYS.SDO_ORDINATE_ARRAY(0,0,-1,5,5,98.9,10,10,-200)) 1 rows selected
Now, take the above and push it into a function to add measure information to the new 3D geometry.
select MDSYS.SDO_LRS.CONVERT_TO_LRS_GEOM( threed_geom, 1, 10) as lrs_geom, threed_geom from (select geom.to_3d( a.original_geom, -1, -200, 0.05) as threed_geom from ( select mdsys.sdo_geometry(2002,null,null,sdo_elem_info_array(1,2,1),sdo_ordinate_array(0,0,5,5,10,10)) as original_geom from dual ) a ) b; LRS_GEOM threed_geom --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY(4402,null,null,MDSYS.SDO_ELEM_INFO_ARRAY(1,2,1),MDSYS.SDO_ORDINATE_ARRAY(0,0,-1,1,5,5,98.9,5.5,10,10,-200,10)) MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY(3002,null,null,MDSYS.SDO_ELEM_INFO_ARRAY(1,2,1),MDSYS.SDO_ORDINATE_ARRAY(0,0,-1,5,5,98.9,10,10,-200)) 1 rows selected
Now let’s strip the measure information off the geometry to return our 3D geometry of above.
select geom.to_3d(c.lrs_geom,null,null,0.05) as geom_3d, c.threed_geom from (select MDSYS.SDO_LRS.CONVERT_TO_LRS_GEOM( threed_geom, 1, 10) as lrs_geom, threed_geom from (select geom.to_3d( a.original_geom, -1, -200, 0.05) as threed_geom from ( select mdsys.sdo_geometry(2002,null,null,sdo_elem_info_array(1,2,1),sdo_ordinate_array(0,0,5,5,10,10)) as original_geom from dual ) a ) b ) c; GEOM_3D threed_geom ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY(3002,null,null,MDSYS.SDO_ELEM_INFO_ARRAY(1,2,1),MDSYS.SDO_ORDINATE_ARRAY(0,0,-1,5,5,98.9,10,10,-200)) MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY(3002,null,null,MDSYS.SDO_ELEM_INFO_ARRAY(1,2,1),MDSYS.SDO_ORDINATE_ARRAY(0,0,-1,5,5,98.9,10,10,-200)) 1 rows selected
Finally, let’s check the validity of the final geometry which should be the same as the original.
select sdo_geom.validate_geometry(d.geom_3d,0.05) from (select geom.to_3d(c.lrs_geom,null,null,0.05) as geom_3d, c.threed_geom from (select MDSYS.SDO_LRS.CONVERT_TO_LRS_GEOM( threed_geom, 1, 10) as lrs_geom, threed_geom from (select geom.to_3d( a.original_geom, -1, -200, 0.05) as threed_geom from ( select mdsys.sdo_geometry(2002,null,null,sdo_elem_info_array(1,2,1),sdo_ordinate_array(0,0,5,5,10,10)) as original_geom from dual ) a ) b ) c ) d; SDO_GEOM.VALIDATE_GEOMETRY(D.GEOM_3D,0.05) ------------------------------------------ TRUE 1 rows selected
Finally, let’s reduce the 3D geometry back to a 2D geometry using a TO_2D function to see if we get the same geometry.
select sdo_geom.relate(geom.to_2D(d.geom_3d),'DETERMINE',mdsys.sdo_geometry(2002,null,null,sdo_elem_info_array(1,2,1),sdo_ordinate_array(0,0,5,5,10,10)),0.05) as relate from (select geom.to_3d(c.lrs_geom,null,null,0.05) as geom_3d, c.threed_geom from (select MDSYS.SDO_LRS.CONVERT_TO_LRS_GEOM( threed_geom, 1, 10) as lrs_geom, threed_geom from (select geom.to_3d( a.original_geom, -1, -200, 0.05) as threed_geom from ( select mdsys.sdo_geometry(2002,null,null,sdo_elem_info_array(1,2,1),sdo_ordinate_array(0,0,5,5,10,10)) as original_geom from dual ) a ) b ) c ) d; RELATE --------- EQUAL 1 rows selected
I hope this function is of use to someone as it certainly is useful to me!