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layer_gtype keyword issue when indexing linear data on 11g
I always recommend the setting of the layer_gtype property in the parameters of an mdsys.spatial_index. I have entered some details on this in a previous blog article.
There has been a change to the supported layer_gtype keywords in 11g with the keywords…
… no longer being supported. Now, for linestrings and multi-linestrings (xx02, xx06), only the following are supported:
Here is an sample script you can run yourself.
Drop Table Lines; Create Table Lines (Id Number, Geom Mdsys.Sdo_Geometry); Delete From User_Sdo_Geom_Metadata Where Table_Name = 'LINES' And Column_Name = 'GEOM'; commit; Insert Into User_Sdo_Geom_Metadata Values('LINES','GEOM', Mdsys.Sdo_Dim_Array(Mdsys.Sdo_Dim_Element('X',141,142,0.005),Mdsys.Sdo_Dim_Element('Y',-37,-38,0.005)), 4283); commit; Insert Into Lines Values (1, Mdsys.Sdo_Geometry(2002, 4283, Null, Mdsys.Sdo_Elem_Info_Array(1,2,1), Mdsys.Sdo_Ordinate_Array(141.572473933333, -38.3540015, 141.572765733333, -38.3520586416667))); -- Try LINESTRING keyword -- Create Index Lines_Geom_Spidx On Lines(Geom) Indextype Is Mdsys.Spatial_Index Parameters('sdo_indx_dims=2, layer_gtype=linestring'); -- 10g Success ie Linestring works on 10gR2 index LINES_GEOM_SPIDX created. -- 11g Error ie Linestring fails on 11gR1 or 11gR2 Error starting at line 10 in command: Create Index lines_geom_spidx On lines(geom) Indextype Is Mdsys.Spatial_Index Parameters('sdo_indx_dims=2, layer_gtype=linestring') Error at Command Line:10 Column:13 Error report: SQL Error: ORA-29855: error occurred in the execution of ODCIINDEXCREATE routine ORA-13376: invalid type name specified for layer_gtype parameter ORA-06512: at "MDSYS.SDO_INDEX_METHOD_10I", line 10 29855. 00000 - "error occurred in the execution of ODCIINDEXCREATE routine" *Cause: Failed To Successfully Execute The Odciindexcreate Routine. *Action: Check to see if the routine has been coded correctly. -- Try LINE keyword Drop Index Lines_Geom_Spidx; index LINES_GEOM_SPIDX dropped. Create Index Lines_Geom_Spidx On Lines(Geom) Indextype Is Mdsys.Spatial_Index Parameters('sdo_indx_dims=2, layer_gtype=line'); -- 10g Success ie Line works on 10gR2 index LINES_GEOM_SPIDX created. -- 11g Success ie Line works on 10gR2 index LINES_GEOM_SPIDX created.
Summary, for all spatial indexing on 10gR2 and beyond, use the LINE/MULTILINE keywords and not LINESTRING/MULTILINESTRING.
I hope this helps someone.
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