Funky Fix Ordinates By Formula
There was a posting over on the Oracle Spatial forum on Oracle Technet recently where a poster wanted to know how to fix the ordinates of an existing SDO_GEOMETRY object because the values that had been entered were incorrect (multiplied by 100000). This is the orginal post:
bq. I was given a spatial network table, I have a problem though, when they built the original spatial table the lat longs were in whole numbers with precision of 5 ie(4787580, -9409401 which really should have been 47.87580, -94.09401), so my question for you all is… is there a way to loop through the table and perhaps alter each rows SDO_ORDINATE_ARRAY and say divide all the values for each row by 100000?
Siva Ravada (one of the Oracle Spatial development team) answered his question with the following bespoke function.
create or replace function fix_ordinates(geometry sdo_geometry) return SDO_GEOMETRY deterministic as idx number; result sdo_geometry; begin result := geometry; FOR idx in 1 .. result.sdo_ordinates.count LOOP result.sdo_ordinates(idx) := result.sdo_ordinates(idx)/100000; END LOOP; return result; end;
This function got me wondering what a more generic function might look like that could provide a greater range of potential corrections that could be applied to the ordinates in an SDO_GEOMETRY. Immediately this got me thinking about allowing a user to provide a *_formula_* for each of the elements of a coordinate ie X, Y, Z and W (ie M).
Here is my coding of the function (which has been added to my GEOM package).
Function fix_ordinates(p_geometry in sdo_geometry, p_x_formula in varchar2, p_y_formula in varchar2, p_z_formula in varchar2 := null, p_w_formula in varchar2 := null) Return SDO_GEOMETRY Is v_measure_posn PLS_INTEGER; /* Ordinate position of the Measure value in an LRS geometry */ v_dims PLS_INTEGER; v_gtype PLS_INTEGER; v_sdo_point mdsys.sdo_point_type; v_ordinates MDSYS.SDO_Ordinate_Array := new MDSYS.SDO_Ordinate_Array(); v_vertex mdsys.vertex_type; v_sql varchar2(4000); NULL_GEOMETRY EXCEPTION; Begin If ( p_geometry is NULL ) Then raise NULL_GEOMETRY; End If; v_dims := TRUNC(p_geometry.sdo_gtype/1000,0); v_gtype := Mod(p_geometry.sdo_gtype,10); -- If sdo_geometry is a single point coded in sdo_point, then update it v_sdo_point := p_geometry.sdo_point; If ( v_gtype = 1 And p_geometry.sdo_point is not null ) Then v_sql := 'SELECT mdsys.sdo_point_type(' || p_x_formula || ',' || p_y_formula || ',' || case when p_z_formula is null then 'NULL' else p_z_formula end || ') FROM (SELECT :X as X,:Y as Y,:Z as Z FROM DUAL )'; EXECUTE IMMEDIATE v_sql INTO v_sdo_point USING v_sdo_point.x, v_sdo_point.y, v_sdo_point.z; End If; If ( p_geometry.sdo_ordinates is not null ) Then v_measure_posn := MOD(trunc(p_geometry.sdo_gtype/100),10); /* Need to UNPIVOT x,y,z,w records from "b" query into ordinate list to collect into v_ordinates */ v_sql := ' SELECT CASE A.rin WHEN 1 THEN b.x WHEN 2 THEN b.y WHEN 3 THEN CASE ' || v_measure_posn || ' WHEN 0 THEN b.z WHEN 3 THEN b.w END WHEN 4 THEN b.w END as ord FROM (SELECT LEVEL as rin FROM DUAL CONNECT BY LEVEL <= ' || v_dims || ') a, (SELECT rownum as cin, ' || case when p_x_formula is null then 'x' else p_x_formula end || ' as x,' || case when p_y_formula is null then 'y' else p_y_formula end || ' as y,' || case when p_z_formula is null then 'z' else p_z_formula end || ' as z,' || case when p_w_formula is null then 'w' else p_w_formula end || ' as w FROM (SELECT v.x, v.y, ' || CASE WHEN v_measure_posn <> 3 /* If measured geometry and measure position is not 3 then Z is coded in this position */ THEN 'v.z' ELSE 'NULL' END || ' as z, ' || CASE WHEN v_measure_posn = 3 /* If measured geometry and measure position is 3 then Z has been coded with W so move it */ THEN 'v.z' ELSE 'v.w' END || ' as w FROM TABLE(mdsys.sdo_util.GetVertices(:1)) v ) ) b ORDER BY B.cin,A.rin'; EXECUTE IMMEDIATE v_sql BULK COLLECT INTO v_ordinates USING p_geometry; End If; Return sdo_geometry(p_geometry.sdo_gtype, p_geometry.sdo_srid, v_sdo_point, p_geometry.sdo_elem_info, v_ordinates); EXCEPTION WHEN NULL_GEOMETRY Then raise_application_error(CODESYS.CONSTANTS.c_i_null_geometry, CODESYS.CONSTANTS.c_s_null_geometry,TRUE); RETURN p_geometry; WHEN OTHERS THEN dbms_output.put_line('Error ('|| SQLCODE ||') of ' || SQLERRM(SQLCODE) ); RETURN p_geometry; End fix_ordinates;
Note that the function expects 4 formulae that are applied to the X,Y,Z and W ordinates depending on the dimensionality of the SDO_Geometry. Note that if a 2D geometry has been coded with a measure in the Z position (eg 3302) then the function will move the measure to the W position and then move it back: measure formula should be provided in this more “naturalistic” interpretation of a geometry’s ordinates.
The formula may reference the ordinates of the geometry via the columns X, Y, Z and W (the Vertex_Type fields produced by SDO_Util.GetVertices function) keywords. These keywords can be referred to multiple times in a formula (see ‘ROUND ( z / ( z * dbms_random.value(1,10) ), 3 )’ in the example that processes a 3D linestring below). Since the formula are applied via SQL even Oracle intrinsic columns like ROWNUM can be used (see ‘(rownum * w)’ below). One can also use any Oracle function, eg RANDOM: this includes functions in packages such as DBMS_RANDOM eg ‘ROUND ( Y * dbms_random.value ( 1,1000) ,3 )’) as well.
Here are some tests on point and linestring geometries.
-- Test a single 2D point select geom.fix_ordinates(mdsys.SDO_Geometry('POINT(1.25 2.44)'), 'ROUND(:X * 3.141592653,3)', 'ROUND(:Y * dbms_random.value(1,1000),3)', NULL).Get_WKT() as point2d from dual; POINT2D --------------------- POINT (3.927 707.838) 1 rows selected -- Test single 3D point select geom.fix_ordinates(mdsys.SDO_Geometry(3001,null,sdo_point_type(1.25,2.44,3.09),null,null), 'ROUND(:X * 3.141592653,3)', 'ROUND(:Y * dbms_random.value(1,1000),3)', 'ROUND(:Z / 1000,3)') as point3d from dual; POINT3D ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY(3001,null,MDSYS.SDO_POINT_TYPE(3.927,814.987,0.003),null)) 1 rows selected -- Test a 2d linestring select geom.fix_ordinates(mdsys.SDO_Geometry('LINESTRING(1.12345 1.3445,2.43534 2.03998398)'), 'ROUND(:X * 3.141592653,3)', 'ROUND(:Y * dbms_random.value(1,1000),3)').Get_WKT() as LINE2D from dual; LINE2D ------------------------------------------ LINESTRING (3.529 805.689, 7.651 1418.316) 1 rows selected -- Modify the Z ordinate of the following 3D multilinestring object select geom.fix_ordinates(SDO_Geometry(3006,null,null,sdo_elem_info_array(1,2,1,10,2,1), sdo_ordinate_array(1.12345,1.3445,9,2.43534,2.03998398,9,3.43513,3.451245,9,10,10,9,10,20,9)), NULL, NULL, 'ROUND(z / (z * dbms_random.value(1,10)),3)', NULL) as fixed_mutlilinestring3D from dual; FIXED_MUTLILINESTRING3D ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY(3006,null,null,MDSYS.SDO_ELEM_INFO_ARRAY(1,2,1,10,2,1),MDSYS.SDO_ORDINATE_ARRAY(1.12345,1.3445,0.26,2.43534,2.03998398,0.323,3.43513,3.451245,0.116,10,10,0.312,10,20,0.132)) 1 rows selected
SELECT geom.fix_ordinates( SDO_Geometry( 3302, -- line string, 3 dimensions: X,Y,M NULL, NULL, SDO_ELEM_INFO_ARRAY(1,2,1), -- one line string, straight segments SDO_ORDINATE_ARRAY( 2,2,0, -- Start point - Exit1; 0 is measure from start. 2,4,2, -- Exit2; 2 is measure from start. 8,4,8, -- Exit3; 8 is measure from start. 12,4,12, -- Exit4; 12 is measure from start. 12,10,NULL, -- Not an exit; measure automatically calculated and filled. 8,10,22, -- Exit5; 22 is measure from start. 5,14,27) -- End point (Exit6); 27 is measure from start. ), NULL, NULL, NULL, '(rownum * w)') as measured_geom FROM dual; MEASURED_GEOM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY(3302,null,null,MDSYS.SDO_ELEM_INFO_ARRAY(1,2,1),MDSYS.SDO_ORDINATE_ARRAY(2,2,0,2,4,4,8,4,24,12,4,48,12,10,null,8,10,132,5,14,189)) 1 rows selected
I think this is a pretty flexible, nay “funky” function. I hope you find it useful. If you want it improved or find any problems, please let me know.