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Free version of sdo_length
For users of 10gR2 Locator not licensed for Spatial, the use of sdo_geom.sdo_length is forbidden. So is use of sdo_geom.sdo_length. However, use of sdo_geom.sdo_distance is allowed for Locator users.
The sdo_geom.sdo_distance function can be used to construct an sdo_length alternative function that is fully licensed.
Here is one such attempt:
create or replace Function sdo_length(p_geometry in mdsys.sdo_geometry, p_tolerance in number default 0.005 ) Return Number Is v_length number; v_i pls_integer; v_num_rings pls_integer; v_num_elements pls_integer; v_element_no pls_integer; v_element mdsys.sdo_geometry; v_ring mdsys.sdo_geometry; v_geometry mdsys.sdo_geometry := p_geometry; Function ComputeLength (p_geometry in mdsys.sdo_geometry, p_tolerance in number default 0.005 ) Return Number Is v_length number := 0.0; v_vertex mdsys.vertex_type; v_vertices mdsys.vertex_set_type; Begin v_vertices := mdsys.sdo_util.getVertices(p_geometry); if ( v_vertices is null ) Then v_length := 0.0; Else v_vertex := v_vertices(1); for v_i in 2..v_vertices.COUNT loop v_length := v_length + mdsys.sdo_geom.sdo_distance( mdsys.sdo_geometry(2001,p_geometry.sdo_srid,mdsys.sdo_point_type( v_vertex.x, v_vertex.y,null),null,null), mdsys.sdo_geometry(2001,p_geometry.sdo_srid,mdsys.sdo_point_type(v_vertices(v_i).x,v_vertices(v_i).y,null),null,null), p_tolerance); v_vertex := v_vertices(v_i); end loop; End If; return v_length; End ComputeLength; Function hasRectangles( p_elem_info in mdsys.sdo_elem_info_array ) Return Pls_Integer Is v_rectangle_count number := 0; v_etype pls_integer; v_interpretation pls_integer; v_elements pls_integer; Begin If ( p_elem_info is null ) Then return 0; End If; v_elements := ( ( p_elem_info.COUNT / 3 ) - 1 ); <<element_extraction>> for v_i IN 0 .. v_elements LOOP v_etype := p_elem_info(v_i * 3 + 2); v_interpretation := p_elem_info(v_i * 3 + 3); If ( v_etype in (1003,2003) AND v_interpretation = 3 ) Then v_rectangle_count := v_rectangle_count + 1; end If; end loop element_extraction; Return v_rectangle_Count; End hasRectangles; Function hasCircularArcs(p_elem_info in mdsys.sdo_elem_info_array) return boolean Is v_elements number; Begin v_elements := ( ( p_elem_info.COUNT / 3 ) - 1 ); <<element_extraction>> for v_i IN 0 .. v_elements LOOP if ( ( /* etype */ p_elem_info(v_i * 3 + 2) = 2 AND /* interpretation*/ p_elem_info(v_i * 3 + 3) = 2 ) OR ( /* etype */ p_elem_info(v_i * 3 + 2) in (1003,2003) AND /* interpretation*/ p_elem_info(v_i * 3 + 3) IN (2,4) ) ) then return true; end If; end loop element_extraction; return false; End hasCircularArcs; Function GetNumRings( p_geometry in mdsys.sdo_geometry, p_ring_type in integer default 0 /* 0 = ALL; 1 = OUTER; 2 = INNER */ ) Return Number Is v_ring_count number := 0; v_ring_type number := p_ring_type; v_elements number; v_etype pls_integer; Begin If ( p_geometry is null ) Then return 0; End If; If ( p_geometry.sdo_elem_info is null ) Then return 0; End If; If ( v_ring_type not in (0,1,2) ) Then v_ring_type := 0; End If; v_elements := ( ( p_geometry.sdo_elem_info.COUNT / 3 ) - 1 ); <<element_extraction>> for v_i IN 0 .. v_elements LOOP v_etype := p_geometry.sdo_elem_info(v_i * 3 + 2); If ( v_etype in (1003,1005,2003,2005) and 0 = v_ring_type ) OR ( v_etype in (1003,1005) and 1 = v_ring_type ) OR ( v_etype in (2003,2005) and 2 = v_ring_type ) Then v_ring_count := v_ring_count + 1; end If; end loop element_extraction; Return v_ring_count; End GetNumRings; PROCEDURE ADD_Coordinate( p_ordinates in out nocopy mdsys.sdo_ordinate_array, p_dim in number, p_x_coord in number, p_y_coord in number, p_z_coord in number, p_m_coord in number, p_measured in boolean := false, p_duplicates in boolean := false) IS Function Duplicate Return Boolean Is Begin Return case when p_ordinates is null or p_ordinates.count = 0 then False Else case p_dim when 2 then ( p_ordinates(p_ordinates.COUNT) = p_y_coord AND p_ordinates(p_ordinates.COUNT-1) = p_x_coord ) when 3 then ( p_ordinates(p_ordinates.COUNT) = case when p_measured then p_m_coord else p_z_coord end AND p_ordinates(p_ordinates.COUNT-1) = p_y_coord AND p_ordinates(p_ordinates.COUNT-2) = p_x_coord ) when 4 then ( p_ordinates(p_ordinates.COUNT) = p_m_coord AND p_ordinates(p_ordinates.COUNT-1) = p_z_coord AND p_ordinates(p_ordinates.COUNT-2) = p_y_coord AND p_ordinates(p_ordinates.COUNT-3) = p_x_coord ) end End; End Duplicate; Begin If ( p_ordinates is null ) Then p_ordinates := new mdsys.sdo_ordinate_array(null); p_ordinates.DELETE; End If; If ( p_duplicates or Not Duplicate() ) Then IF ( p_dim >= 2 ) Then p_ordinates.extend(2); p_ordinates(p_ordinates.count-1) := p_x_coord; p_ordinates(p_ordinates.count ) := p_y_coord; END IF; IF ( p_dim >= 3 ) Then p_ordinates.extend(1); p_ordinates(p_ordinates.count) := case when p_dim = 3 And p_measured then p_m_coord else p_z_coord end; END IF; IF ( p_dim = 4 ) Then p_ordinates.extend(1); p_ordinates(p_ordinates.count) := p_m_coord; END IF; End If; END ADD_Coordinate; Function Rectangle2Polygon(p_geometry in mdsys.sdo_geometry) return mdsys.sdo_geometry As v_dims pls_integer; v_ordinates mdsys.sdo_ordinate_array := new mdsys.sdo_ordinate_array(null); v_vertices mdsys.vertex_set_type; v_etype pls_integer; v_start_coord mdsys.vertex_type; v_end_coord mdsys.vertex_type; Begin v_ordinates.DELETE; v_dims := p_geometry.get_dims(); v_etype := p_geometry.sdo_elem_info(2); v_vertices := sdo_util.getVertices(p_geometry); v_start_coord := v_vertices(1); v_end_coord := v_vertices(2); -- First coordinate ADD_Coordinate( v_ordinates, v_dims, v_start_coord.x, v_start_coord.y, v_start_coord.z, v_start_coord.w ); -- Second coordinate If ( v_etype = 1003 ) Then ADD_Coordinate(v_ordinates,v_dims,v_end_coord.x,v_start_coord.y,(v_start_coord.z + v_end_coord.z) /2, v_start_coord.w); Else ADD_Coordinate(v_ordinates,v_dims,v_start_coord.x,v_end_coord.y,(v_start_coord.z + v_end_coord.z) /2, (v_end_coord.w - v_start_coord.w) * ((v_end_coord.x - v_start_coord.x) / ((v_end_coord.x - v_start_coord.x) + (v_end_coord.y - v_start_coord.y)) )); End If; -- 3rd or middle coordinate ADD_Coordinate(v_ordinates,v_dims,v_end_coord.x,v_end_coord.y,v_end_coord.z,v_end_coord.w); -- 4th coordinate If ( v_etype = 1003 ) Then ADD_Coordinate(v_ordinates,v_dims,v_start_coord.x,v_end_coord.y,(v_start_coord.z + v_end_coord.z) /2,v_start_coord.w); Else Add_Coordinate(v_ordinates,v_dims,v_end_coord.x,v_start_coord.y,(v_start_coord.z + v_end_coord.z) /2, (v_end_coord.w - v_start_coord.w) * ((v_end_coord.x - v_start_coord.x) / ((v_end_coord.x - v_start_coord.x) + (v_end_coord.y - v_start_coord.y)) )); End If; -- Last coordinate ADD_Coordinate(v_ordinates,v_dims,v_start_coord.x,v_start_coord.y,v_start_coord.z,v_start_coord.w); return mdsys.sdo_geometry(p_geometry.sdo_gtype,p_geometry.sdo_srid,null,mdsys.sdo_elem_info_array(1,v_etype,1),v_ordinates); End Rectangle2Polygon; Begin -- If the input geometry is null, just return null IF ( p_geometry IS NULL ) THEN RETURN NULL; END IF; -- Only process linestrings and polygons -- If ( p_geometry.get_gtype() not in (2,6,3,7) ) Then RETURN NULL; End If; If ( hasCircularArcs(p_geometry.sdo_elem_info) ) then return null; End If; v_num_elements := mdsys.sdo_util.GetNumElem(p_geometry); v_length := 0.0; <<for_all_elements>> FOR v_element_no IN 1..v_num_elements LOOP v_element := mdsys.sdo_util.Extract(p_geometry,v_element_no); -- Extract element with all sub-elements If ( v_element.get_gtype() = 2 ) Then v_length := v_length + ComputeLength(v_element,p_tolerance); Else v_num_rings := GetNumRings(v_element); <<for_all_rings>> FOR v_i in 1..v_num_rings Loop v_ring := MDSYS.SDO_UTIL.EXTRACT(p_geometry,v_element_no,v_i); -- Extract ring from element .. must do it this way, can't correctly extract from v_element. If (hasRectangles(v_ring.sdo_elem_info)>0 ) Then v_length := v_length + ComputeLength(Rectangle2Polygon(v_ring),p_tolerance); else v_length := v_length + ComputeLength(v_ring,p_tolerance); End If; End Loop for_all_rings; End If; END LOOP for_all_elements; return v_length; exception when others then return null; End sdo_length;
A quick and simple test.
select a.stype, sdo_length(a.geometry,0.005) as my_length, mdsys.sdo_geom.sdo_length(a.geometry,0.005) as ora_length from (select 'line' as stype, MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY(2006, NULL, NULL, MDSYS.SDO_ELEM_INFO_ARRAY(1,2,1,9,2,1), MDSYS.SDO_ORDINATE_ARRAY(50.0, 55.0, 50.0, 60.0, 55.0, 58.0, 50.0, 55.0, 56.0, 58.0, 60.0, 55.0, 60.0, 60.0, 56.0, 58.0)) as geometry from dual union all select 'poly 2 rectangles' as stype, MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY(2003, NULL, NULL, MDSYS.SDO_ELEM_INFO_ARRAY(1,1003,3,5,2003,3), MDSYS.SDO_ORDINATE_ARRAY(10.0, 135.0, 20.0, 140.0, 30.0, 100.0, 70.0, 100.0)) as geometry from dual union all select 'poly 1 rectangle' as stype, MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY(2003, NULL, NULL, MDSYS.SDO_ELEM_INFO_ARRAY(1,1003,3), MDSYS.SDO_ORDINATE_ARRAY(10.0, 135.0, 20.0, 140.0)) as geometry from dual) a where a.geometry is not null and a.geometry.sdo_gtype is not null order by 1; STYPE MY_LENGTH ORA_LENGTH ----------------- ----------------- ---------------- line 30.68825265697938 30.6882526569794 poly 1 rectangle 30 30 poly 2 rectangles 110 110
For those not wanting to create or use such a thing, the best thing to do is upgrade to 11g where sdo_length and sdo_area are now licensed (Oracle does not “do” back licensing).
Hope this helps those still on 10g.
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