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Tip: Drop that Spatial Index!
We all make mistakes. I made a good one this month. I had to modify (DDL) a very, very large table to change the size
Convert Single Geometry to Multi-part Geometry in Oracle Spatial
Oracle allows single part and multipart geometry objects to existing in a single SDO_GEOMETRY column. For example, a polygon and a multipolygon. This is because
Optimized Rectangle to 5 Point Polygon
Here is a function that takes a any polygon whose elements are defined by an optimized rectangle and converts all elements to 5 vertex polygons.
Centroid Package now supports Y ordinate seeding
The populate CENTROID package has been modified. It now allows the caller of the CENTROID_A function to invoke Y ordinate seeding. This is what it
Convert GeoJSON document to Sdo_Geometry objects
Andy Versal is a reader of this website. He recently modified my SDO2GEOJSON function. Andy supplied me with the fixes which now appear in the
Simple Implementation Of Travelling Salesman Problem
UPDATE: This function is now a part of the Oracle Object implementation. The Travelling Salesman is a well known problem in graph theory: The Travelling
Create Polygons and Linestrings From Bearings And Distances (COGO)
UPDATE The original functions have been modified and deployed via my Oracle Object code. They original code is no longer available. My COordinate GeOmetry (COGO)
Function That Returns a Compass Point From a Whole Circle Bearing
This article describes a function that can be used to returns a compass point From a whole circle bearing (0-360)
Playing around with Centroids by using different seed values
The CENTROID package that I make available for free exposes a function for generating centroids of polygon (or area) objects. Here is the function: If
Simple Oracle C Sprintf or Java String.format
It is amazing what one finds inside an Oracle database! When writing pl/sql code I often have need to print out formatted strings. I have
- MySQL Spatial General Functions
- Oracle LRS Objects
- Oracle Spatial Exporter (Java + pl/SQL)
- Oracle Spatial Object Functions
- Oracle Spatial Object Functions (Multi Page)
- PostGIS pl/pgSQL Functions
- SC4O Oracle Java Topology Suite (Java + pl/SQL)
- SQL Server Spatial General TSQL Functions
- SQL Server Spatial LRS TSQL Functions