Useful Package of Wrapper Functions for Sdo_Util.AffineTransforms

—————————————————————————————- UPDATE (21 Mar 2018): Wrapper functions have been added to the AFFINE package to provide easier access to the SDO_UTIL.AFFINETRANSFORMS function. The AFFINE package now supports three different implementations of most of its functions: Original PL/SQL functions ST_AFFINE based on SYS.UTL_NLA_ARRAY_DBL SDO_UTIL.AFFINETRANSFORMS Improved testing of the AFFINE functions has also been implemented. The AFFINERead More

Compute Location from known Lat/Long point using delta easting and northing in miles

Over on the Oracle Spatial Forum at the Technology Network, Wojciech asked the following question: My problem looks that way: lets say we have a point: I want to get a location of a point 50 miles east and 30 miles north from the point presented here. Do you know how to achieve this? ThereRead More

Sorting SDO_GEOMETRY data using the ORDER BY clause of a SELECT statement

It is often observed that you cannot use an sdo_geometry object in an ORDER BY clause of a SELECT statement. This is demonstrated below. Test Data Now, if we try and sort this data we get: If you look at the SDO_GEOMETRY type you will see that it does not have a MAP or ORDERRead More

Rounding Coordinates or Ordinates in SDO_GEOMETRY

Often Oracle Locator/Spatial users want to know how to round the individual ordinates of the coordinates of an sdo_geometry. This article shows how this can be done. Background Oracle imposes no precision limit on the NUMBER that records an ordinate of a coordinate except that imposed by the NUMBER datatype itself. Also, while one associatesRead More

Creating linestrings from points

UPDATED: Fix in Order By and addition of second example. Here are some examples of how to construct linestrings from points stored in tables in two different formats. XYZ Values in SDO_POINT of SDO_GEOMETRY object The following example creates SDO_GEOMETRY point objects (2D) and stores them in a table linepoints. These points described individual featuresRead More

Effects of Sdo_Geometry Ordinate Precision on Performance

In a previous article I showed how too many digits of precision for the ordinates of an sdo_geometry object – stored in its sdo_ordinate_array – has an effect on storage volume. In this article I will revisit the question of storage size while examining the effect that storage size has on performance (search and retrieval).Read More

The Spatial filtering of geometries: The effect of tolerances on relationships

The knowledgeable Bryan Hall made a post over on the Oracle Technology Network’s Oracle Spatial Forum reminding users of the “hidden” issues that inform the way Oracle compare’s two geometries when using a secondary filter Here is the relevant section of the post. With relationship operators such as sdo_anyinteract that take two parameters for theRead More