Circular Arcs in Geodetic Polygons

A customer presented me with an interesting problem. For some reason, a geodetic polygon object (4283) had been created within their database. (Probably an external application that supports circular arcs in geodetic polygons – SQL Server 2012 does.) The problem then was that the polygon needed to be transformed (projected) to a planar SRID. ValidatingRead More

Detecting sdo_geometries with compound (3-point Arcs) segments

Often I have need to know if the linestrings describing an sdo_geometry line or polygon object contain 3-point arc segments or elements. If a linestring or polygon is described by, or contains, 3-point circular arc elements when: Its sdo_interpretation field in the sdo_elem_info array will contain the values 2 or 4 Or its sdo_etype isRead More