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STCogo2Line: Creating (Multi)LineStrings geometries from COGO XML instructions
Previously I wrote about a function that converted the segments of a (Multi)LineString into a COGO XML document that contains all the instructions (bearing, distances,
STLine2Cogo: Converting LineStrings to COGO XML
I have just written a useful function for my new package of TSQL functions for SQL Server Spatial called STLine2Cogo which converts (exports) a (Multi)LineString
STVectorize: Break Linestring/Polygon elements into 2 point vectors (or 3 point circular curves)
I demonstrated in this article the usefulness of having a vectorising function in one’s spatial database kitbag (there are Vectorize functions in my CENTROID and
Function That Returns a Compass Point From a Whole Circle Bearing
This article describes a function that can be used to returns a compass point From a whole circle bearing (0-360)
Noding and building a polygon from single, overlapping linestrings
The Spatial Companion 4 Oracle (SC4O) package (built using Java Topology Suite components) contains a method called ST_PolygonBuilder that can then form polygons from linestrings.
Sorting SDO_GEOMETRY data using the ORDER BY clause of a SELECT statement
It is often observed that you cannot use an sdo_geometry object in an ORDER BY clause of a SELECT statement. This is demonstrated below. Test
R based Delaunay Triangulation Function for PostGIS using the deldir package
This article shows how to create and use an r-based Delaunay triangulation function for postgis using a XYZ supporting version of the deldir package.
STScale: Function to Scale a geometry object
Here is a simple scaling function for use with SQL Server Spatial’s geometry data type. Now some tests. Results sType geomWKT Scaled2D LINESTRING (0.5 1.5
STGeometry2MBR/STGeography2MBR: Compute and return MBR ordinates
SQL Server Spatial’s STEnvelope() function returns the minimum bounding rectangle of a geometry object but as a 5 vertex polygon. To access the lower left
Application of Delaunay Triangulation and Inverse Distance Weighting (IDW) in Oracle for Soils Interpolation
This article shows how to apply Delaunay triangulation and inverse distance weighting (IDW) techniques for soils interpolation in Oracle.
- MySQL Spatial General Functions
- Oracle LRS Objects
- Oracle Spatial Exporter (Java + pl/SQL)
- Oracle Spatial Object Functions
- Oracle Spatial Object Functions (Multi Page)
- PostGIS pl/pgSQL Functions
- SC4O Oracle Java Topology Suite (Java + pl/SQL)
- SQL Server Spatial General TSQL Functions
- SQL Server Spatial LRS TSQL Functions