Oracle Java Topology Suite + Exporter Java Stored Procedures

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The Spatial Companion For Oracle (SC4O) 12.1 Complete Edition, is a set of Java Stored Procedures based on the well known Java Topology Suite with extensions from the JASPA project (mainly 3D WKT/WKB functions). Some functions (ST_Union etc) provide Locator users of Oracle before 12c access to otherwise Spatial functionality. Some of these functions provide an implementation that is more in line with the results provided on other database platforms (such as PostgreSQL/PostGIS). SC4O also provides for some advanced functionality such as ST_PolygonBuilder. This version includes all EXPORTER functions.


The Spatial Companion For Oracle (SC4O) Java Topology Suite + Exporter, is a set of Java Stored Procedures which expose Java Topology Suite functions (and a few functions from the JASPA project, mainly 3D WKT/WKB functions).

This package includes all the Exporter functions.

Exporter (Java Stored Procedures):

Documentation of the Exporter functions can be seen at this link EXPORTER Function Documentation

A simple summary is as follows:

* LoadShapefile – Procedure that load an ESRI shapefile from an existing directory
* WriteShapefile – Procedure that writes an ESRI shapefile from an existing refcursor or SQL SELECT statement (string)
* WriteTabfile – Procedure that writes a MapInfo TAB from an existing refCursor or SQL SELECT statement (string)
* ExportTables – Procedure that writes a collection of tables with geometry columns to disk
* WriteDelimitedTextfile – Procedure that writes a result set (including one or more sdo_geometry objects), or SQL SELECT statement (string) – as a delimited text file eg csv.
* WriteExcelSpreadsheet – Creates and writes an Excel (XLS) spreadsheet from the passed in resultSet or SQL SELECT statement (string)
* WriteKMLFile – Writes a KML file from resultset or SQL SELECT statement (string)
* WriteGeoJson – Writes a GeoJSON file from resultset or SQL SELECT statement (string)
* WriteGMLFile – Writes a GML file from resultset or SQL SELECT statement (string)

SC4O (Java Stored Procedures):

The documentation for the SC4O JTS functions can be seen by clicking SC4O Function Documentation

A simple summary of the functions is as follows:

* ST_Area – Computes area of supplied geometry.
* ST_AreaSimilarityMeasure – Measures the degree of similarity between two geometries using the area of intersection between the geometries.
* ST_AsBinary – Creates Well Known Binary (WKB) from SDO_GEOMETRY Object
* ST_AsEWKB – Creates Extended Well Known Binary (WKB) from SDO_GEOMETRY Object
* ST_AsEWKT – Creates Extended Well Known Text (EWKT) from SDO_GEOMETRY Object
* ST_AsGML – Creates GML from SDO_GEOMETRY Object
* ST_AsText – Creates Well Known Text (WKT) from SDO_GEOMETRY Object
* ST_Buffer – Buffer a geodetic geometry using variety of parameters including single siding.
* ST_Centroid – Calculates centroid of polygon
* ST_Collect – Takes input geometries and returns a single geometry collection
* ST_ConvexHull – Creates a convex hull for collection of input points.
* ST_CoordDim – Number of ordinates (XYZM) that describe a vertex of a geometry
* ST_CoordinateRounder – Method for rounding the coordinates of a geometry to a particular precision
* ST_DelaunayTriangles – Method for creating a Delaunay triangulation from a geometry input (eg multipoints)
* ST_DeleteVertex – Removes point/vertex from input geometry.
* ST_Densify – Densifies a geometry using a given distance tolerance, and respecting the input geometry’s precision model
* ST_Difference – Computes difference between two geometries using supplied p_precision to compare coordinates.
* ST_Dimension – Returns geometry dimensionality ie 0 for point, 1 for line, 2 for polygon
* ST_DouglasPeuckerSimplify – Douglas Peucker based simplification
* ST_Envelope – Method for getting MBR or envelope of a geometry object
* ST_GeomFromEWKB – Create SDO_GEOMETRY object from Extended Well Known Binary formatted string.
* ST_GeomFromEWKT – Create SDO_GEOMETRY object from Extended Well Known Text formatted string.
* ST_GeomFromEWKT – Create SDO_GEOMETRY object from Extended Well Known Text formatted string.
* ST_GeomFromGML – Create SDO_GEOMETRY object from Geography Markup Language formatted string.
* ST_GeomFromText – Create SDO_GEOMETRY object from Well Known Text (WKT) formatted string.
* ST_HausdorffSimilarityMeasure – Measures the degree of similarity between two sdo_geometrys using JTS’s Hausdorff distance metric.
* ST_InsertVertex – Adds supplied point geometry at the end of the input geometry
* ST_InterpolateZ – Computes Z ordinate value of a point against a 3 point TNI facet
* ST_Intersection – Computes intersection between two geometries using supplied p_precision to compare coordinates.
* ST_IsSimple – Tests if a linestring self-crosses or not.
* ST_IsValid – Tests if geometry object passes OGC validation rules
* ST_Length – Computes Length of supplied geometry.
* ST_LineMerger – Takes set of linestring geometries and constructs a collection of linear components that form maximal-length linestrings. The linear components are returned as a MultiLineString.
* ST_MakeEnvelope – Method for turning an MBR or envelope into a geometry object (polygon mainly)
* ST_MinimumBoundingCircle – Computes the Minimum Bounding Circle (MBC) for the points in a Geometry.
* ST_NodeLinestrings – Takes a GeometryCollection of linestring geometries and ensures nodes are created at all topological intersections common vertex is inserted into each linestring).
* ST_OffsetLine – Offsets a linestring by the required value with optional styling.
* ST_OneSidedBuffer – Creates a buffer polygon on one side of the supplied line with optional styling.
* ST_PolygonBuilder – Method for building a polygon from a set of linestrings
* ST_Relate – Implements a license free version of sdo_geom.RELATE.
* ST_Snap – Snaps both geometries to each other with both being able to move.
* ST_SnapTo – Snaps the vertices in the component LineStrings of the source geometry to the vertices of the given snap geometry.
* ST_SnapToSelf – Snaps the vertices in the component LineStrings of the source geometry to itself.
* ST_SymDifference (wrapper over Xor) – Computes symbolic difference between two geometries using suppied p_precision to compare coordinates.
* ST_TopologyPreservingSimplify – Simplification uses a maximum distance difference algorithm similar to the one used in the Douglas-Peucker algorithm.
* ST_Union – Unions two geodetic geometries together using suppied p_precision to compare coordinates.
* ST_Union – Unions two geometries together using supplied p_precision to compare coordinates.
* ST_UpdateVertex – Changes point/vertex values in input geometry to those of the supplied point geometry
* ST_VisvalingamWhyattSimplify – The Visvalingam-Whyatt algorithm simplifies geometry by removing vertices while trying to minimize the area changed.
* ST_Voronoi – Method for creating a Voronoi diagram from a geometry input (eg multipoints)
* ST_Xor – Computes xor between two geometries using supplied p_precision to compare coordinates.
* ST_isValidReason – Tests if geometry object passes OGC validation rules and returns a textual description of the reason if it fails.


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