Free Union, Intersection, Xor and Difference Functions for Oracle Locator – Part 3

Here as some test on data other than just polygons. Union of two points These are two representations of the same thing. Now if we replace SDO_GEOM.RELATE with SC4O.ST_RELATE we do not get equals. The reason for this is that the SDO_Geometry to JTS Geometry converter supplied by GeoTools does not handle the sdo_elem_info_array –Read More

Free Union, Intersection, Xor and Difference Functions for Oracle Locator – Part 2

In this blog we will execute the four overlay types on two simple rectangular polygons. In addition, I have not tested “real world” polygon data using multiple projections. I am just showing what is possible. Here is the SQL that I use to create two test polygon geometries. Here are what they look like. HereRead More


This package mainly contains utility programs that can do things like: Create SDO_GEOM_METADATA records from scratch; Discover SRID; Discover Dimensions in sdo_geometry column; Discover Geometry/Spatial Type (for use in spatial indexing); Discover minimum tolerance of an sdo_geometry column; Analyse vertices; Run a battery of sdo_geometry tests to check sdo_geometry data integrity (including fixing); This canRead More